Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

The fan Graytail mentioned will work fine. You want 5-6 air changes per hour. You have 24 cubic ft x 6 air changes = 144 cubic ft of air per hour....so 144 divided by 60 minutes equals 2.4 cubic feet per minute. So you could use one of those little computer fans for your box too.

Thanks Neiko :ciao:
I knew there was a formula I was just guessing times by 10 cause it was easy math. I have just under 27 feet/sq.
Which, my maths, I always get wrong CFM and cubic feet per hour. Minutes and hours, I get so easily confused. I figured per hour and they are marketed in CFM.
Ah ah moment, Thanks Neiko.

Have a smooth harvest Duggan. :ciao:
Can't wait to see that Star Pupil all trimmed and sexy @Duggan

Quick dry a bud so we can hear how it smokes, just flipped my SP 5 days ago

Fun fun fun
Wow!!! Plant of the month/year there. Nice job Duggs.
Neiko,...should see the BCP's...look stupid...:yummy: The green pheno smells like sweet red cherries...pretty cool. I'l take a few pics in a few min's. Gotta think about making my sup. Cheers bud...:passitleft:
Havin a hell of a time gettin my fourth plant above ground. The two new Purple Envies split today..so they went in a #1 with first run soil. But they are way behind the two BCP's and the lone Star Pupil..which is still breathin...twisted lil mess she is.
Not gonna cull her ,...cuz i know she will rock the 'kit'.
Anyhow , have a great night Neiko and Gang.....:circle-of-love:
Be back with a few more last time pics ...before dark,...then chop,..then trim jail.:cough:
How's this workin out for everyone,..i tried to post the whole bunch at once...thumbnails...as they say ,...pretty cool ...or not. Let me know so next time i can do them one atta time again OK!..cheers gang!:passitleft::passitleft::passitleft:

Oh damn... man Duggan... those are beautiful man. Love those pics, and I kinda like how you can see em all small and click on any of em to see in a gallery view. Pretty sweet! Thank you for posting these awesome pics!
Awesome Duggan! I can see my guess was way low, hoping you can make 32+! Beautiful girls! The thumbnails are good and bad, nice to be able to scroll through the pics but then I had to hit the back button a bunch of times but probably could have gotten back to my watched threads page a lot easier, ha! :rofl: I like seeing them in line so I can scroll through them.

Have a Rockin night doooog!

Wow Duggan - beautful, man just beautiful.

I actually got caught in a perpetual loop in that album, or group of pics. I clicked on the first one, and then just cycled through them (clicking the right arrow, like browsing the gallery). AFter a blissful while, I realised I was seeing them for the third or fourth time... it was a lovely few minutes. :yummy:

The only down side was that they don’t load that fast, and when you want to get back to the thread, you have to pageback one at a time, so if you’ve looked at a few, you know, it can tak a while. I ended up going back to my watch list and clinks to here again - it was quicker!

I’m undecided whether I like it or not. I know I like to scroll back up to pics sometimes, especially when the conversation refers to them, like it often does. I often do it before I leave a page too, especially here, to have another look before moving on :ganjamon:... so maybe on the page is easier access...

I’m not going to tell you o go looking for them Duggan! Trying to help the admins fix it at their end :thumb:

Ok so the admins a currently seeking members who are having this email problem who have not tried to fix it by unwatching and rewatching threads. The need to look at a ‘clean’ account of someone who had emails on before the site move and isn;t getting them afterwards, but has not ‘tweaked’ any settings.

I thought your account might be good one for that Duggs, but maybe you did try that ‘unatwch’- ‘watch’ thing to try and fix it. Did you? I can’t remember. If you didn’t that would be perfect!

If anyone else fits that category please let me or the mods/admin know!
So if;
Email notifications were active before the migration.
Have not been working since the migration, and
You have not changed any settings to try to fix the problem.

If that’s you, that’s great. Pease say so!
You'll probably get more work done without the distraction!...:eek:...:rofl:....you must have free WiFi at werk...just leave the site open on watched threads, and refresh every so often...Rob and team are trying to resolve the issue now...weird tho'...I get tons as well as a lot of other peeps...patience grasshopper...cheerz... h00k...:rollit:
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