Duggan Does Black Cherry Punch & Star Pupil With Doc's Gear!

Good morning Amy, Hook, and 'D' (Arctic!). No time for pics today bud...son is in a hockey tourny this weekend , with two games today ,..one at 10 and one more at 6. In between those two games is when my buddy and i will trim!! Then Mare is coming over for a sleepover.....:slide:....:yahoo:I will , however get some harvest pics as usual with some extra attention to be given to taking some POTM pics. I feel if i can 'capture' a couple good pics of the one,...it should show well in our contests and be a great rep for our group and doc's gear, so that's what i'm aiming for.
Amy, when i get more time (not now) i will unwatch and re watch my subbed threads. What i just did though was to click all the 'email' boxes in my 'watched threads...but they don't stay 'clicked'. Once i leave and come back to the page,..they're all un clicked!! Did it a few times ...anyhow , have a great day everyone. First game is at 10...then it's trim time, and man ...do they ever look yummy!!:yummy:
That’s not actually an “email box” you are checking. That’s actually two separate rows of items that blend together making it look like it’s an email box.

The “email” is a label indicating you “should” be receiving emails the “check box” is actually to select the thread then when it’s checked you can scroll way down to the bottom and use the “with selected” drop down menu to change all the checked threads at one.
Good morning Amy, Hook, and 'D' (Arctic!). No time for pics today bud...son is in a hockey tourny this weekend , with two games today ,..one at 10 and one more at 6. In between those two games is when my buddy and i will trim!! Then Mare is coming over for a sleepover.....:slide:....:yahoo:I will , however get some harvest pics as usual with some extra attention to be given to taking some POTM pics. I feel if i can 'capture' a couple good pics of the one,...it should show well in our contests and be a great rep for our group and doc's gear, so that's what i'm aiming for.
Amy, when i get more time (not now) i will unwatch and re watch my subbed threads. What i just did though was to click all the 'email' boxes in my 'watched threads...but they don't stay 'clicked'. Once i leave and come back to the page,..they're all un clicked!! Did it a few times ...anyhow , have a great day everyone. First game is at 10...then it's trim time, and man ...do they ever look yummy!!:yummy:

Morning Duggan,

Have a great hockey game! I miss those years of youth sports. We not only had fun watching our kids and their friends, but we made some good friends, some of whom we are still close to years later. (The ones that smoke weed, mainly.)

Tell Mare Suzie and Doc said High and have a great day. POTM is a lock if it was up to me.
Hey duggan just passing through. Traveling around today to try and refind my journals. Have I missed the guessing window at this point. Hope all the well and everyone is enjoying there weekend. Playoff game 2 tonight for our local junior team and can’t wait. Unfortunately still hurting from last nights game. Way to much liquor,my ole ass can’t handle the next day anymore. Tonight’s game hb blueberry only lol
Chop! chop! sniff :yummy: snip! snip! sniff :yummy: toke toke! :yummy: (Repeat!)

Duggs - don’t worry about changing any other settings. I wasn’t asking you to. The admins are working on it. :thumb:

for what its worth, I have not done anything since the site went to sht...seems i only get email notices for the sites I have recently looked at
Hey mouser - may I have your permission to add you to the private conversation with the admins who are working on the problem? I’ve already got Gazoo in there (thanks Gaz!) and the more ‘clean’ accounts they can look at the better.

Hey duggan just passing through. Traveling around today to try and refind my journals. Have I missed the guessing window at this point. Hope all the well and everyone is enjoying there weekend. Playoff game 2 tonight for our local junior team and can’t wait. Unfortunately still hurting from last nights game. Way to much liquor,my ole ass can’t handle the next day anymore. Tonight’s game hb blueberry only lol
Hey you!....great morning to ya Scotia!! Not too late for a guess.....give it a go.....i took some harvest pics yesterday and will post them later.Im gonna want the gangs opinion on which plant to enter in the potm...for April. Doc.....check your pm's bud!
Gang.....got lots of very big, juicy colas hanging. Im thinking between 26....and 30 zips.
Will be posting the entire guess list later too!
Only 3 hrs to trim...hang...and clean up.....was rushed as always but turned out very well.....cheers gang!:circle-of-love:
That’s not actually an “email box” you are checking. That’s actually two separate rows of items that blend together making it look like it’s an email box.

The “email” is a label indicating you “should” be receiving emails the “check box” is actually to select the thread then when it’s checked you can scroll way down to the bottom and use the “with selected” drop down menu to change all the checked threads at one.
Wow....i need to back to school to learn this site.....a lot of members are getting fed up with things.....but continue to stay and try to be patient!
What an awesome group!
Wow....i need to back to school to learn this site.....a lot of members are getting fed up with things.....but continue to stay and try to be patient!
What an awesome group!
Lol, you can’t imagine how much research I’ve put into figuring this site out. There are some great features, and a lot of interesting decisions. If they could just combine the forum and the gallery I think there’d be a lot less complaints.

Congrats on the harvest btw. Those star pupils look amazing.
Hi Doob and Neiko..ya eh Doob,...that 's time i don't have right now....i need the site to operate fast , smooth and easy. That being said...i can't leave cuz of all my 'people' here. Anyhow lets push on ...things will get better ,..we hope!
Hey Neiko, ya mon,..this crop is a big success already,..i can tell ya these two strains are worth doing again...therefore i shall!!...:passitleft: The two new BCP's are looking fantastic , both looking like they are identical.
Can you and a bunch of the gang be kind enough to offer your opinions on my choices for my entry next month for POTM . I'm gonna go with the SP whole plant pic with my buds face in it there (someone please remove him if you can from my gallery), and the pic of the one long , pretty , purple cola? Sound like a good couple to enter.?
Anyhow gang , just wanna say thank you all , so very much for your devotion to my journal, and contributing with your fun, ideas , help, and humor throughout this grow. It's not too late to throw a guess in if ya haven't already. Terms of my harvest contest are closest guess in ounces to one decimal place of the dry (going into the jars) weight! Winner will have to claim the ounce in person. I will hold his or her choice of strain , for 30 days. After that ,...well, you know....:ganjamon:
Last set of pics gang...please enjoy....two Black Cherry Punches and two Star Pupils! All four , different phenos.

Hi Doob and Neiko..ya eh Doob,...that 's time i don't have right now....i need the site to operate fast , smooth and easy. That being said...i can't leave cuz of all my 'people' here. Anyhow lets push on ...things will get better ,..we hope!
Hey Neiko, ya mon,..this crop is a big success already,..i can tell ya these two strains are worth doing again...therefore i shall!!...:passitleft: The two new BCP's are looking fantastic , both looking like they are identical.
Can you and a bunch of the gang be kind enough to offer your opinions on my choices for my entry next month for POTM . I'm gonna go with the SP whole plant pic with my buds face in it there (someone please remove him if you can from my gallery), and the pic of the one long , pretty , purple cola? Sound like a good couple to enter.?
Anyhow gang , just wanna say thank you all , so very much for your devotion to my journal, and contributing with your fun, ideas , help, and humor throughout this grow. It's not too late to throw a guess in if ya haven't already. Terms of my harvest contest are closest guess in ounces to one decimal place of the dry (going into the jars) weight! Winner will have to claim the ounce in person. I will hold his or her choice of strain , for 30 days. After that ,...well, you know....:ganjamon:
Last set of pics gang...please enjoy....two Black Cherry Punches and two Star Pupils! All four , different phenos.

Damn, you have my vote for any contest these are entered in...inspiring..really
well done man!

Friggen amazing colas duggs. Next level shit! Wow. Wow. Wow!!!!

. What I need is advice about the size of extraction fan and advice about driving one at lower than 100% like you mention there. My grow space is a tiny 2’x2’x6’ box which I will insulate from the outside. I plan on passive intake and fan driven extraction. Any recommendations?
Is smell an issue? If not you could get away with computer fans bout would need an intake and exhaust due to their low powered nature.

for what its worth, I have not done anything since the site went to sht...seems i only get email notices for the sites I have recently looked at

I've noticed I haven't gotten mine either. Only for a few recently viewed threads....

Lol, you can’t imagine how much research I’ve put into figuring this site out. There are some great features, and a lot of interesting decisions. If they could just combine the forum and the gallery I think there’d be a lot less complaints.

Congrats on the harvest btw. Those star pupils look amazing.
I totally agree. Pictures are a pain compares to how easy it was with the app. I'm sure the should be able to create a shortcut that allows you to open your gallery and can pull the photos through their data stripper and put them into a pop up box, all while never having to leave the text box on in the thread. I mean I know nothing about code writing but it's a lot of steps compared to what I was used to with the app.

Friggen amazing colas duggs. Next level shit! Wow. Wow. Wow!!!!

Is smell an issue? If not you could get away with computer fans bout would need an intake and exhaust due to their low powered nature.

I've noticed I haven't gotten mine either. Only for a few recently viewed threads....

I totally agree. Pictures are a pain compares to how easy it was with the app. I'm sure the should be able to create a shortcut that allows you to open your gallery and can pull the photos through their data stripper and put them into a pop up box, all while never having to leave the text box on in the thread. I mean I know nothing about code writing but it's a lot of steps compared to what I was used to with the app.

Thanks Dabbs...you likin all that fresh produce ya got up there??:passitleft:Nice eh!
Not sure how to do multi quotes ..."i'm so confused"...LMAO!:rofl:
Have a great day bud!:theband:
Hey Duggan - awesome harvest !!


And impressive on the timing too. Nice swift work to get it done in such a short time window.

Definitely enter those shots - :popcorn::cheer: Thanks for sharing the pics!

Is smell an issue? If not you could get away with computer fans bout would need an intake and exhaust due to their low powered nature.
exactly smell is not an issue! Thanks Dabber - I get it, you’re saying active in and out. I have 2 fans kicking about I’m sure... pretty sure they’re 4-5” ones.

...all while never having to leave the text box on in the thread.
I think they’re working on something like just what you describe. meanwhile, I suggested a direct ‘add media’ link in the drop down menus, hope that’s eliminating a few steps! I do love seeing everyone’s photos

Thanks again Duggs for bothering to post them :Namaste: :yummy:
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