Fluxing It Up One Last Time! The Flux To End All Fluxes! LA Style!

hi Light Addict,
thx for welcoming

i've got a question since you work withe the budmaster. what kind of growtent is optimal for budmaster god 8?
i was thinking a 2x4 tent or should i go bigger like 4x4 cuz the one i have now cant hold the weight of the god 8. so ill be using that as my vegroom for my cob-x.

btw will be trying some fluxxing tomorrow for the first time.

OK simple :). You sound like ya might have the growing bug lol, so go for the bigger tent and your giving yourself room to expand at a later date, plus the extra space if you have it just opens up your options some!

Hope that helps, I'll also sub up on ya thread to aid your fluxing if required :)
Welcome grow therapy! :)

OK folks, I'm bord stupid with my grow at the moment, so im gonna have to mix some stuff up asap! :)

I'll start a cpl more plants off for experimentation, I've plans to graft the same plant to itself to create a closed loop plant! (Thanks Dirt for the idea)
Then I've plans to see if I can change up SOG growing, through a new training style. I'm also thinking of a cpl more multi strain bud sculptures!
Yet I could do with some more ideas for messing with, so please folks any daft ideas?

:hmmmm:How about you join two plants. Once they're 'fused' bow them both back out away from each other. Let them grow some and arch them back in and join again. Do this as many times as wanted. Of course you would probably have to strip most branches from the mating side of each plant. This would give you a nice spindle for something!!!! :hmmmm::grinjoint::goodluck:

G'day Light Addict and subscribers.
I have just finished reading this Grow Journal so far and its great! looking forward to continuation, I am 5 weeks into my first grow I am just so amazed with all these different styles this one is the best I have seen.
Great work mate. :goodjob::Namaste:
Qaza, many thanks and welcome to my little fluxing corner! :)

In more political news!

So folks I just watched a really good short documentary on the BBC, its in the series; drugs map of Britain and was all about cannabis and oil etc and showed patients the lot in a decent light and for the first time actually seemed to lean in our direction!!!! Check it out if you can folks! :)

There was another good British one shown here Aust a few week by Michael Mosley, so yeah it all helps.
Also thanks for the welcome mate :Namaste:
Qaza, many thanks and welcome to my little fluxing corner! :)

In more political news!

So folks I just watched a really good short documentary on the BBC, its in the series; drugs map of Britain and was all about cannabis and oil etc and showed patients the lot in a decent light and for the first time actually seemed to lean in our direction!!!! Check it out if you can folks! :)

Agreed LA, good docu for sure. I hope to see things turn around for you guys! We all know you need it.

P.S.-- Tickets are booked for Spannabis, after all of your write ups I just couldn't pass up the chance to go.
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