Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 221 / Day 30 Outdoors

She has started flowering & as you can see the over & under the pot technique I used has the bud sites far beyond the rim of the pot.
How long before I start the heavy defol Professor?





Thanxx Professor, will do! I just wish I wouldn't have had all those snaps & breaks at the beginning. I probably would've been close to the finish line by now if it weren't for all those set backs. But like you said; Recover & adapt.
Hey L.A, its been awile since i logged in, i have a question im hoping someone can answer, I have a outdoor plant nearing its finish, but the temps are getting quite low outside, how bad or good would it be to move the plant in with my indoor grow??? Hoping to get two or three more weeks of grow time before I have to chop it, thanx yall

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 228 / Day 37 Outdoors




Now that's what I'm talking about Pysco...
Quick reminder, what node should I be topping for a nice flux. My last one was from clone which already had y shapes. So yeah, which node do I chop after?
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