Another Brix In The Wall Part 2: Hawk Clones Under Max Yield!

My plan for the 2 older ones was to jam them in one 15 but now I need to figure out how to fit it in tent. Looks like there is plenty of space but the heater needs some space. Maybe I nix that big ass fan and put my fancy pedestal/oscillating one in.

Knife was saying more light the better so does that mean 12/12 ain't great for autos....? I'll have to figure some stuff out!

Hey! Did somebody call a cab?

:rofl: hey Magoo! :passitleft:

I see them get run on all sorts of schedules. I have typically seen people talk about 20/4 being the best. How true that is IDK though.

I guess I was thinking since you can run autos at any schedule that I'd do 12/12 but now I'm reconsidering. Theyre at 16/8 now. Should I just keep them on that schedule?

Up canned 2 autos in a 15. Rearranged the tent a bit.

I'd keep the time at 16/8 unless you have photos that need to go on flower time. You can run them at different times, but I'm pretty certain you'll get a better yield if you have the lights on longer.

Well the other 4 plants in the 4x4 need to be flipped soon but I can figure something out to keep them on 16/8. Thanks Morgile!


Yup, agree with Morgs. Keep them at 16/8 Ween. After all, they're 'autos' right! :passitleft:

Thanks Duggan! 16/8 it is. More room for the 4 I'll be flipping soon.


Something I’ve never grown before was autos. Was thinking of putting a bunch out next summer. To see if they would bloom before our mould season hits

These are the first I'm growing. I want to move to a perpetual grow and thought a few autos may help. Why not start them inside to give them a head start...?

I've been wanting to plant some cannabis in random spots around town to see how far they make it. Bag seeds of course. :rofl:
i love growing outside by our end season sucks for humidity and always ruins plants with mold. The morning dews never dry quick enough with big thick buds. I could build structures to put over top but not enough time to be there every day to install and remove.Making it almost a waste of time. Now auto’s should bud in time to miss that season.
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