Bud's Flowers With The Viparspectra KS5000

So pretty! Looking forward to the Trichs's updated pics.~~ :yahoo:
So pretty! Looking forward to the Trichs's updated pics.~~ :yahoo:
Yes, the light has done a wonderful job on this girl. I run a 6" Intake with air from inside the house & a 6" Exhaust running out the window. I keep my Driver outside the tent (on the roof of the tent). I run both Intake & Exhaust on Medium speed & my 4x4 tent stays in the perfect temperature range for this light. I consider anything between 80F - 86F perfect for good growth with LED lighting.
I don't know anything at all about DLI. I just hang my light as high as possible & start at 50% & work my way up to 100% as the plant grows. Have no idea what my LUX is as I sold all that equipment as I never used it & found it kind of useless in a small tent grow. I can just make sure my leaves are praying & I know I'm in a good range.
Yes, the light has done a wonderful job on this girl. I run a 6" Intake with air from inside the house & a 6" Exhaust running out the window. I keep my Driver outside the tent (on the roof of the tent). I run both Intake & Exhaust on Medium speed & my 4x4 tent stays in the perfect temperature range for this light. I consider anything between 80F - 86F perfect for good growth with LED lighting.
I don't know anything at all about DLI. I just hang my light as high as possible & start at 50% & work my way up to 100% as the plant grows. Have no idea what my LUX is as I sold all that equipment as I never used it & found it kind of useless in a small tent grow. I can just make sure my leaves are praying & I know I'm in a good range.
Isn't there a manual you can refer to? If we don't use any equipment or instruments to help us get the data we need, we can tell if the plant needs more light by looking at it closely.
Isn't there a manual you can refer to? If we don't use any equipment or instruments to help us get the data we need, we can tell if the plant needs more light by looking at it closely.
Well..... From a business standpoint I can understand you wanting data. You want that to improve or make new products. If I had a large grow op I'd want that data too.
But in a small grow tent set up.... I find it kind of unnecessary. I did everything according to the book / manual for a while. Had all the controllers & light meter. Plants did OK. I averaged 4-6 oz. per plant.
When I stopped following the rules & experimented with higher temps & not caring about what the RH was during VEG my plants grew faster & bigger. My yields increased to 8-10 oz. per plant.
Then when I switched to SIP Planters with the higher temps my yields went up again. Now I'm averaging a pound per plant.
With that being said.... I see no use for all the fancy controllers that will get me less yield & take longer to grow.
That could all change once I move & I'm in a more humid part of the country. But where I live now... The way I'm doing things seems to work well.
As far as the manuals that are out there. I think someone needs to write new ones based on LED lighting & not MH / HPS. I feel the manuals are outdated & need revisions. The best info I've found are Dr. Bruce Bugbee videos.
Bugbee is a pioneer in epar & par map testing, best LED in the market today is GML or Grand Master Level. I am going to see if maybe they might let me be a tester since Vipar is waiting on their latest development. Vipar may go the "Evo" route next but they won't equal GML effect or quality. SSgrower
As you can see in the pics below, the plant is doing great as long as that humidity doesn't ruin it for me. Now that would totally suck. Lost 3 plants already to different issues. Sure don't want to lose this one too. Especially not this late in the game. Secondly, I can't do another grow until I move & get situated again; so I need this weed to get me through most of my down time. Never-the-less, I can say that the Viparspectra KS5000 did a helluva nice job !

Tent is back down to 85F & 39% RH so far. Going to keep everything running on high all day. Hope for the best. All I can do.

What is your humidity level running at?
Bugbee is a pioneer in epar & par map testing, best LED in the market today is GML or Grand Master Level. I am going to see if maybe they might let me be a tester since Vipar is waiting on their latest development. Vipar may go the "Evo" route next but they won't equal GML effect or quality. SSgrower
I wouldn't count on that the way these companies keep developing things. You just never know.
I'm in flower so I try to control it with just the exhaust fan. 25_45 percent. During veg it was anywhere between 40-70 percent. Rainy days had higher humidity.
Ah I wanted to ask, since you said it improved since you didn't care anymore :)
mine have now vegged in over 70% for a good amount of the time, got mushrooms and all but plants are not complaining.
Planning to start chopping her this weekend. I'll post Plant & Trich pics before the chop. Sold off a butt load of grow stuff this week. Only keeping my 4x4 set up to take with me when I move. Got to have something to get started with once I move... Right? But didn't want to haul all that extra stuff with me & I could use the extra money for remodeling my place to make it more sellable / worth more. If I put $5-6K into it I'll get about $20-30K more for it.
Going to suck not growing for about 6 months. Hate buying from a dispensary, but there's no way one plant of weed will get me through 6 months. A pound only lasts me about 3-4 months as I smoke about an oz. per week. Maybe if I cut back some....lol. Not sure I can do that.
I bought a cheap oz. the other day (silver tier) Royal Wedding. Pretty good stuff. $65 + tax = $81
Fucking hell that’s cheap!

Here you pay $350 - $400 for good bud, from both Pharma and ole mate.
It's chop day. It's a little bit on the early side, but really have no choice. Only have a week left till the 1st & I have to be shut down by then.... or take a chance on getting evicted. Boy oh boy, I can't wait to move & get out of this place.
Anyway, for the past 2 days I've been removing most of the fan leaves. Figured I'd post a few pics of the defoliated
plant. Easier to remove leaves while it's still a plant then it is to cut off branches & then trim. I do a final trim after I cut the branches off & then hang to dry. Right now the plant is in it's 24 hours of dark time prior to the chop. 24 hours is my minimum. Sometimes I go 48 hours & once in a while 72. Just depends on how much time I have. But this one has to come down quick so it has dry time. I want this all jarred & out of sight by the 30th. Have no idea whether or not management will want to take a look around. But if they do, I want to look like it's all good.
So here are the pics of the defoliated plant. Looks like a decent harvest.

Smoked the test bud I used for Trich shots. This weed has a very fruity smell & taste to it. I could taste the fruitiness all the way down to the roach. The high is more of a medium level high. Not super stony, but I nice relaxed chill type of weed. Probably would be really good when you get pissed & need to chill out type of stuff.... lol. I can use this for sure (Ha-Ha). That bud was taken about a week ago, so it may be a little more potent now.
I'll post some Trich shots when she finishes her 24 hours of darkness.
See you then !
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