Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Awesome, I have grown a couple Blue Dreams in high brix and both produced fantastic smoke. Mine were both pretty heavy eaters but I let them get pretty big for the pots I was using. You will probably do better by bumping that .5ml up once they start blooming to .75 or even 1ml per gal of soil when they are really rocking.

Here is a link to the blue dream journal if you wanna check it out. I was still trying to learn the kit so I did a bunch of experimenting, the first BD got feed a minimum amount and the second one got fed on what I considered the heavy side at the time.

SmokeyMcFly's - Hurkle - Blue Dream & Plushberry - Highbrix - LED - Grow

GL with your plants blue dream is great smoke especially in HB :passitleft:
I think first time through, most of us borderline-underfed. I know I did too. My applications of drenches are on the heavier side for my current lineup (averaging .75ml/gal soil), but they also look better than the two previous runs. Mine is only 2nd round soil too. I split a bale between 2 bins and basically use a bin per round (I've done 4x 7gal plants with a few 1 gal clone pots each time). I've done 1 round on each bin so, this is 2nd round on this batch.

Hope this helps ya ! These tops are at the perfect stage to give the CD!
shiggity, there is a window of optimal time to CD..if youre early, or late, you will still get great might be airy or less frosty compared to not done at the optimal window, and as you use it with different strains, etc you will tweak it to your instincts. :)

Im just starting to hit the optimal window on a regular basis. :)
Hey Doc, I was just rereading your post on bud washing as I commonly do right before harvest. I like to see if anything has changed since my last one. I have always skipped one thing and now I am considering it. The issue is I have always dried and cured in the dark. You recommend a few days of light in early drying right after the wash. So I am wondering what is good light for that since I don't want degrade any thing built up from the long night cycle. Is just a big ol CFL at 3-4 feet away enough? I was considering running my little MARS 300 (150 true) at the top of my tent which probably give ~4 feet to the scrog where I will hang them after the wash.

Anyway Thanks!

Is it possible to genetically change a strains' grow period, both growth and/or bloom by continually raising seeds and the plants under different conditions? Will the seeds adapt to the long term change? :hmmmm:

yep, :bong:

Some adaptations take awhile, but yep! :slide:
That borders on lamarkian thought Ziggs, which is to say, it is like saying a giraffe exposed to higher branches will breed taller giraffes.

But really natural selection works differently. If we grow plants we can pre clone them and select the ones that end up having the characteristics we want. Be they longer or shorter grow period. A plant strains genetics contain variations and these variations are the result of random mutations that end up having positive effects. Most mutations are lethal. The ones that are not are usually problems. The ones that aren't problems neither help not hinder. The rare mutations that result in an advantage are kept in the gene pool because the plant survives better somehow.
In an artificial environment we provide the artificial selective pressure by deciding who gets to procreate. It is completely artificial. But we can select for the variations we want. They will be in the genetic variation already. We hunt for what we want or breed it in. To actually induce these things in nature would take longer than you or I have on the earth. We may only play with what is already there.
So to bring it back to the giraffe the natural variation includes longer necked giraffes. If we cut off all branches below 15 feet all of this giraffes who can't reach 16 feet die. 17 feet becomes the new norm. Eventually there is variation in height based on the new norm. We repeat. But this type of selective pressure takes a long time to make big shifts.
Of course there is a varying theory that genetic shifts can happen in super short time periods. But certainly beyond a single lifetime for you or I.
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