Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I have only done a distress spray once as far as foliars. :hmmmm: Germination in solos, used water only. Solos to one gallon they got trans + tea. They got two GEs + tea in the one gallons. Did distress when I nuked them with the new cobs while in one gallons. A week ago I up potted to the ten gallons and they got trans + tea. The advice I got based on my situation was to do at least one plain water, maybe two(don't remember without looking through my journal to confirm) before giving GE again after up potting. I really want to follow instructions but I guess I'm not doing that very well. I will re-read them again. My plants are around 55 to 60 days old in veg.
I have only done a distress spray once as far as foliars. :hmmmm: Germination in solos, used water only. Solos to one gallon they got trans + tea. They got two GEs + tea in the one gallons. Did distress when I nuked them with the new cobs while in one gallons. A week ago I up potted to the ten gallons and they got trans + tea. The advice I got based on my situation was to do at least one plain water, maybe two(don't remember without looking through my journal to confirm) before giving GE again after up potting. I really want to follow instructions but I guess I'm not doing that very well. I will re-read them again. My plants are around 55 to 60 days old in veg.

Hey Beamer here's how I do it theses days. Maybe this'll give ya some clarity on what you already know, maybe another perspective sir.

Ok so Day one veg goes like this : Water really well!!! Now days go by......maybe one more day......... now the pots are dry; plants take on a wilted look, some may even say they look dead. Because the soil is so good the plants are still green and healthy so we water again. No nutrients needed for some time, maybe 3 good waterings, maybe, maybe not.... lol.... depending on pot size. Days go by again........... same thing but we catch the plants just before wilt thenfeed. We then look for signs of stress. Lower leaves are starting to lose color and dye off, growth is slowing down and such, hey plants need some goodies. I'm figuring that most of us are starting with TP but I have seen others first Drench as GE+Tea. Either way, from there you alternate. With a water in between.

I feel like the phrase alternate with a water in between may be confusing. So let me explain: feed with nutrients then next time feed water then next time feed nutrients. Do this throughout the entire cycle. If you can finish with GE at the last Drench then I hear you did good!!! I'll know soon.

Goliath are done from veg through flower every 7-10 once the plant has enough vegetation or leaves to support the foliar being fed as I understand it.

Destress can be used for up to 10 days once mixed. Use if your plants look stressed. I use it after a heavy pruning before they show stress and after I transplant. When you use it get familiar with the smell when it's fresh. If you don't date the bottle and use it when it's out of date the smell is... well, it's not fresh that's for sure.

You see Beamer and everyone else; once you get down the feeding cycle you're pretty much golden. The Geniuses that have helped Doc work the kinks of of the kit all these years have done a great job. If you ran hydro or coco or anything before where one two leaves could be the beginning of a disaster, with the kit you have some time before the grow room floor shatters and all hell breaks loose lol

We must remember that these plants we grow are quite resilient at times and can surely take a lickin and keep on tickin. Also, this may just be my opinion but I don't count my days in veg. I feel like it puts an expectation on me that I'm bound to fail. I veg them until they are ready or they have room in the flower tent. Can't let em get to big though lol.

Ok, I think I was able to lay it out the way I have it down. It's so easy we complicate it. Don't over think the simplicity. If I missed something or misquoted or got something wrong please correct me. I'd hate to give out bad info. Yikes, that was a mouthful lol. Thumbs are cramping . laterzz
I have only done a distress spray once as far as foliars. :hmmmm: Germination in solos, used water only. Solos to one gallon they got trans + tea. They got two GEs + tea in the one gallons. Did distress when I nuked them with the new cobs while in one gallons. A week ago I up potted to the ten gallons and they got trans + tea. The advice I got based on my situation was to do at least one plain water, maybe two(don't remember without looking through my journal to confirm) before giving GE again after up potting. I really want to follow instructions but I guess I'm not doing that very well. I will re-read them again. My plants are around 55 to 60 days old in veg.

I just visited your place. It look likes you made a nice recovery on those plants and they're all hooked up and truckin' along now. I'd advise one watering between drenches at this point. Also, trim off the damaged leaves. The plant isn't so much trying to digest it as it is trying to repair it. The energy will be better spent on new growth, IMO.
I just visited your place. It look likes you made a nice recovery on those plants and they're all hooked up and truckin' along now. I'd advise one watering between drenches at this point. Also, trim off the damaged leaves. The plant isn't so much trying to digest it as it is trying to repair it. The energy will be better spent on new growth, IMO.
I will trim the damaged leaves now before I give their first brix spray. Thank you for stopping by my journal. I will be uploading some new pictures afterwards. They are really taking off.
Lol! :laugh:

The stoma we want are on the undersides, but it's not a great big deal. It just isn't very helpful on the top surfaces, so work on the undersides.

When spraying destress should It be applied to underside of leafs like the brix or sprayed on top side of leafs

The foliars are more effective if sprayed on the underside. You'll use less and get more if you concentrate underneath, but no worries if there's some overspray that gets on the top. No problem.

The exception is Leaf Wash. When using that spray, you want to blast the crap out of every inch, top, bottom, stem, trunk, etc.

Also, if weaponizing Brix or DeStress to combat mites, mix at half strength and blast the bottom of the leaves and stems. This practice will buy several weeks of mite control minus any sort of miticide/oil treatment.

But for normal spraying, a nice mist on the bottom of the leaves is the goal.
Are you guys using the whole quart of Brix when you apply? Roughly 5-6oz of mixed spray per plant?

I've been doing about 1/2 -1 oz per plant because I was trying to avoid spraying to much to where it drips off. Ive been mixing in smaller batches too to lessen waste. Usually I just mix 4ml Brix to 5 oz RO. I use a "flairosol" sprayer I found on the zon, sprays a really fine mist like an aresol can... I guess I'm just wondering if I am I giving them enough? Plants look great, so I guess if it aint broke.... Just wondering how much everyone else is using?
I end up using a quart for both veg and flower. And that's a lot of plants!

WOW, Comparing that to my use "a lot of plants!" must be an understatement.

I was Thinking the Quart is going to last me years, at 2 to 3 plants. But now seeing
how easy the kit runs I don't see any reason to not step things up :thumb:

EDIT: Just visted your thread and seen your post about 50 new girls,
So a lot of plants for you would be a scary nightmare for me cant imagine trying to keep up
with that scale, Wish I had the experience to try but know for now NO WAY i could,
I envision myself looking like the Mad professor on a BAD day
Yea shiggs, you might have 1 or 2 more plants than me lol! I could see you using up the whole quart of finished spray in one application.

Heres my thinking and why I ask.
Brix is labeled 1oz Brix per quart of RO, and is to be applied every 7-10 days. This is based off 6 plants in 7 gallon containers (I believe). So you have 32oz of finished Brix spray, divided by the 6 plants comes out to 5.3ish oz of finished Brix spray applied per plant. That's seems like an awful lot to me. I guess it will depend on the size of the plant, but if the goal is a fine mist on the underside of the leaves, it seems (at least from my very limited experience) an oz of finished brix spray per plant sufficiently covers that.

Ive read a few time about people applying too much, and I start to see accumulation and drippage if I spray much more than that.

I did take a few dabs a bit ago, and got into thinking about this, so maybe I'm just over thinking it, plus its my Brix day lol. But I dont want to deprive my ladies of anything they might need, or give them too much of something they dont...

Anyway, here's my IHG Grand Double Purple flipped on 8/4 and getting close to her first cat drench. I'm happy, she looks great, just not as Brixy as some of y'alls, so thought maybe I wasnt giving her enough. But my first HB plant so it'll get better!


Redloh, just to make sure ... I have a 4x4 and I typically use 8oz or so of mixed spray for the entire room, each time I spray.

That's for 7-8 plants in 6 gallon pots in the 4x4, each of them 25-35 inches tall.
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