Grape Ape & Golden Tiger Hit the Shower - DBHBB & 600W HPS - Winter 2016

Very nice update. Things looking good. Nice way to open up my morning lurk session.
Looks really good Major. Glad everything has bounced back for ya.
Thanks guys - much appreciated as always! :love:

major, looking excellent!! :thumb: what do the GTs smell like?
thank you for the update!! :high-five:
I'm bad at figuring out what a smell reminds me of. The Tiger smell is bright, clean and has citrus in it. If I had to pick one smell, it would be lime. I really like it! The Apes have the usual skunk funk.

Looks great, those have to be the most brilliant orange pistols ever :thumb:
Man, that orange is crazy!
OMG! she's a ginger! :cool:
I think orange is the next step past a hash tip. My LEDs are just above the Apes and I'm roasting them to a delicious crispy golden-brown. j/k :rofl:

Awesome work Major! I cant wait to see those 2' long colas! They all look like they're gonna make some wonderful smoke! :)
I try not to count my chickens before the cows come home. The Tigers are going to take a while and anything could happen. But if GT #2 keeps on like it has, it will produce some nice lil' Louisville Sluggers.

Major, can't wait to see pics of your O/D space! All the massive 75 Gal. pots ....ready to go! Yeepa, Yeepa. Have ya bought another ladder yet....:slide:
That GT looks better all the time eh! She'l be ready next yr. some time...lmao...oh brotha ...:rofl: The colas will be like baseball bats...giant Sativas, big sticks...:bravo:
Have a great Sun. Major and Gang.:thumb:
I'm ready to roll the scaffolding out to the garden come July.
GT #2 is behaving pretty well. I think she will finish on schedule. GT #1 likes sitting in the back of the class hoping I'll ignore her. She could become a problem child. At the rate she has developed, next year sounds about right. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thanks again for keeping me motivated and on-track. Have an awesome evening, all!
Now where's my hammer bubbler? :bongrip:

This GT of yours is a beautiful plant!

Sent from my SM-T335 using 420
This GT of yours is a beautiful plant!

Thanks Conrad!
I have a nice looking sister of GT in my little veg area right now. I hope she cooperates and goes out in the summer garden. I'm looking forward to seeing what a Tiger can do outdoors. Our weather may not let her completly finish, but it could be a fun one.
You may try to finish her and even take some clones around June/July, and if she looks like a must-have pheno you can do SOG or SCROG indoor :thumb:
Evenin Major...just cruisin thru brotha, how ya doin with the big pots (75 gal.), they filled yet? cheers eh!

:ciao: Yep.
It just about killed me, but I got them all dug in half way, leveled up, filled with soil, and back-filled around them. Fence posts are in too. I need to do a little "landscraping" around the pots to make it easier to get around. Right now the dirt is a bunch of moguls. I'll try to include pictures in my next update.
Have a good one!
:thumb: Did you line the wire pots with anything before you burried and filled them ?

No. The mesh is small enough that very little soil escaped. The little that did might even act as a transition to the surrounding dirt. I bermed around them slightly so only about 8-10" remains at the top.

I will never complain about mixing up a batch of HB soil again. Try doing 10 times that much at once, then distributing it to pots spread out over a 16' x 16' area one shovel full at a time. :surrender:
No. The mesh is small enough that very little soil escaped. The little that did might even act as a transition to the surrounding dirt. I bermed around them slightly so only about 8-10" remains at the top.

I will never complain about mixing up a batch of HB soil again. Try doing 10 times that much at once, then distributing it to pots spread out over a 16' x 16' area one shovel full at a time. :surrender:

You are going to need a bigger cement mixer or truck! :rofl:
Weekend Update (beginning week #14)
53 days since flip to 12/12, 44 days from first pistils

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I think this is the final week for Ape#1. She is small but has been a joy to grow. I look forward to seeing what this cross can do when allowed to veg for a bit. While Ape#1 has been trouble free, her evil twin has been a non-stop problem child. Ape #1 loved the Cat drenches. She has had Trans-water and will get her final GE drench tonight. Ape#2 didn't like the Cat drenches at all. The first one put her back into "yellow leaf mode" and the second drench compounded it. She had two rescue drenches earlier, but no mater what I can't keep her green. At this point, it doesn't matter. She will get chopped soon too.

The Tigers continue to fill out. GT(+)#2 received her first Cat drench 3 days ago. So far, so good. GT(+)#1 will get her first Cat in a day or two. Other than that, all have been getting Destress once per week and half-strength Brix twice a week. It is a pain to pull them out every other day, but only because I have to get them over the curb in the shower and out a door that is only 22" wide. It would be a piece of cake in a better designed room.

The babies, (Panama(+) and Zamaldelica(+) are doing OK. No sex showing yet. I think I can keep them in their cups for another week or two. By then the Apes will be gone and I'll have space to up-pot them while I wait to see which are "keepers".

Photos are thumbnails. Click on any of interest. Lots of poor quality photos so feel free to stop here. :sorry:

GASS#1 Both Apes are small but dense, sweet, and sticky. Grape candy!

GASS#2 (the evil one)

GT(+)#1 ( the wonky, slower one)

GT(+)#2 (the well-behaved-for-a-Sativa, faster one)

Panama(+) on the right and Zamaladelica(+) on the left. 24 days since germinating three of them but 15 days for the smaller Panama.

That's it for the shower this week. I'll continue with another post showing the progress outside. :thanks:
Weekend Update - Continued

I'm adding a bit of a detour from my usual updates. Last week I prep'd the outdoor area for summer. This appears to be my starting lineup, along with one each of the Panama(+) and Zamaldelica(+) starts. Click on any photos of interest for full size:

LH = Liberty Haze; She was aggressively topped and several cuttings taken not long ago. She seems to be recuperating nicely.

This is a GT+ that was sexed but wouldn't fit in the shower. She has been kept small and topped while I wait.

This is GASS I also sexed and am re-veging. She was farther along into flower than the GT+ and has taken her sweet time in reverting to veg. Lots of single-bladed leaves, but she is finally taking off.

For scale, here they are getting hardened off outside in 1 gal pots. The bigger plants next to the house are bonzai'd Pitbull and Ace of Spades moms. I've had them about a year.

The left is my completed, amended pile of soil; 2 yards, or just over 400 gallons

This is the spot I picked out. It will get an extra hour or two of sun compared to last years garden. First I located the corners of my deer fence and leveled the pots.

Here they are dug in. I decided to bury them half way. Unfortunately the tractor was no help with any of it. You can see last year's garden in the background. Being closer to the creek, it was blocked from morning sun by trees.

The tough part is done: pots filled and back-filled, other posts added, surrounding dirt smoothed out.

Deer netting added. 8' posts are not tall enough to keep deer out, so I added height by wiring wood lath to the tops of the posts. This should keep the buggers out. If you look at the little shrubs at the opposite corners outside the fence, you can see the damage they do. Deer love the bark on these poor Cyprus trees. They chew off a branch, or strip the bark where they stand. All the eat is the bark and spit out the rest.

I got lucky with calculations. This is the remaining soil. I will be scratching in 4 gallons of EWC into the top of each pot. The leftover soil will also help top off the pots as the soil settles/compacts with watering.
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