InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Would you call this Shatter or oil? You have to heat it to get it out of the container. My house is 71-72f


IMG_4308 (2).JPG
49º, drizzling, and windy out, but the plants needed nutes and some serious aphid destruction! Up went the 10x10 patio umbrella so I could mixe nutes in warm water and feed the winter grow, and while they were draining I soaked them with Dr Bronners unscented castille soap spray. They're tucked back in the tent, which is the warmest place in the house at the moment!

Back to home cooking and living like you used to only 2023 style! Just tops left now? Reno is hard until it's awesome!
2023, 1988 style! Reno is hard but we're beginning to see awesome on the distant horizon. :)

Tops of what? I can't remember what we were talking about. :rolleyes:

[edit: Oh countertops! Then comes tile, paint touchups, final electrical, and floors.]
Would you call this Shatter or oil? You have to heat it to get it out of the container. My house is 71-72f
To me that would be oil or resin. This is shatter:


...and my house is 58º at the moment while the cabinet guy works with the back door open!
[edit: Oh countertops! Then comes tile, paint touchups, final electrical, and floors.]
It sounds like a complete make over. That's really nice. It must have been fun designing it and picking out tile, paint etc. Is it onto the finishing stretch now?
It sounds like a complete make over. That's really nice. It must have been fun designing it and picking out tile, paint etc. Is it onto the finishing stretch now?
It was a complete gut to the drywall and floor, and we've been talking about it for a couple of years. We didn't actually start the process until the end of November when we bought a new stove and dishwasher. We bought the cabinets in early December and started looking for a counter and tile after that. And we looked a lot of places before finding what we liked.

I'd say we're about two weeks away still because the counter needs to be measured and cut, and that's just downtime. Once it's installed we should be back to full steam ahead. 🚢

Funny thing about it is it will be exactly the same as the old kitchen, just with everything new!
Good thing you didn't tour (and get impressed by) a scrapple factory.
Looooove Scrapple... that on toasted potato bread with an over-easy egg and American cheese and a side of fried potatoes and onions, maybe some grits swimming in butter.. that's Sunday morning at Grandma's baby boy! Nothing like it.
Looooove Scrapple... that on toasted potato bread with an over-easy egg and American cheese and a side of fried potatoes and onions, maybe some grits swimming in butter.. that's Sunday morning at Grandma's baby boy! Nothing like it.
That's what makes horse races!
58F in the house Damn And are you saying you got everything the same color /patterns and all, but new ? I guess if you like it one time why not go back , damn that sounds like a X wife or my last one anyway
Really cold for LA these days so with the kitchen door open it was hard to keep the house warm! Outside temps last night were high 30s which is tough in an uninsulated house. 🧊

The kitchen layout is exactly the same and the cabinets are the same size and design (only real wood rather than particle board!). But the countertops and backsplash will be completely different, as is the wall color and lighting.

Completely updated but with everything in exactly the same place. :)
Really cold for LA these days so with the kitchen door open it was hard to keep the house warm! Outside temps last night were high 30s which is tough in an uninsulated house. 🧊
They said we in the north were going to send you some cold even snow
That's what happens when you keep laughing at us & our cold weather.
Better get out your winter coats (oh right you got none) Guess 2 pair of everything then
Dayum! :(


Oh sorry, I thought you were asking how to find out what amber might represent on the flowers.

It's 100% polite to ask. It's actually a requirement of hanging out in my thread. :)

If I'm going to drop the money on a test it would be the photoperiod one. The breeder sent me two test results they had run and the numbers were consistent, but I might have this tested if I'm going to keep this line going with a mother plant.

CBD won't get him (or you) high so it's usually added in for its medicinal effects. Here's a reasonably unbiased article on the benefits of CBD:

If you decide to add CBD by growing it you might have to grow out a photoperiod variety as I'm not sure if you can find an auto that is as close to 100% CBD as possible (I haven't checked lately because autos ;) ). There are a definitely a number of photo varieties out now (as opposed to just Candida like the old days) so you have more choices! I don't know if CBD extract is legal in SA but if it is make sure it's from a legit company and not something you pickup at the gas station like folks do here. :eek:
@Dutch Passion Seeds shows these CBD-rich, low-THC autoflowers:

CBD Auto Blackberry Kush

CBD Auto Charlotte's Angel

Yes, I don't want it to degrade to either CBD or THC. I'm looking for as close to just CBG as possible to differentiate the effects.


Certainly not. THC definitely has a place in the medicine cabinet for any number of ailments (as evidenced by the multiple threads Sue created), but so does CBD and now CBG it seems. It's possible that THC might not work on something where another cannabinoid does, but the euphoria that THC provides might just help you be able to handle the problem even if it doesn't solve it.

Sue always said THC is for pain and CBD is for inflammation.

Indeed. A number of folks have created their own "off-topic" threads in the Miscellaneous section so they can post any number of non-cannabis things. You may have seen that I use the one that @AngryBird created to link my off-topic posts.

@Stunger - You just click the "Landscape" icon above and choose Upload or Link:

Landscape Icon for Posting Non-420 Pics.jpg

Upload or Insert Link for Non-420 Pics.jpg


Sorry I've been scarce. I'm only 20 pages behind but I'm getting there. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I am just looking into this CBG you speak of!!!! My Eye Guru says I have glaucoma and I asked him about weed to help it - he said "you would have to stay stoned everyday all day" - I said "OK - I can do that!!" :rofl: But maybe CBG is a better solution!!:hmmmm:
But I'm also in favour of increasing effects!!!!:thumb:

Way of Leaf has a good article on glaucoma and how cannabis may help.

Le Creme CBG auto is now off the line and in a jar, to see where the RH settles overnight. Moron that tomorrow.

There are a few sellers of CBG varieties out there now, and they seem to be hemp sellers rather than our regular sponsors.

@Dutch Passion Seeds also has CBG-Force seeds for sale and they're a sponsor. :battingeyelashes:
Monday update for all y'all! We did have sun yesterday but otherwise it's been raining, so here's a shot of the winter grow in the tent this morning on flip day 43:

Here's a SaugaView® of the Amnesia Lemon Kush on the left:

And one of the tops:

Here's my problem child which I'm looking for some help on. The Le Creme CBG is yellowing on top now:

I'm thinking K deficiency, but I'm soliciting your input!

At least it's frosty:

And while the sun was out yesterday there was time for a real breakfast (toast came from the toaster obv)!

That's it for me today. I hope you're all staying warm and dry. ☔

Fun for you I'm glad to know folks like you so I don't have to experience the gut wrenching process of decorating. Art is too painful sometimes for me.
We're pretty particular about things so we looked at a lot of counter choices before we picked one. At that point we hit about 5 different tile stores carrying a sample of the counter and the cabinets and nailed that down eventually. Handles took some online searching and a few stores as well.

Luckily we had time to look around!
They said we in the north were going to send you some cold even snow
That's what happens when you keep laughing at us & our cold weather.
Better get out your winter coats (oh right you got none) Guess 2 pair of everything then
I lived in NY for 30 years so I remember cold weather! And why wouldn't we have winter coats? I can go from hitting the ski slopes to sunning on the beach in the same afternoon. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Yesterday of course. No sun on the beach today!
@Dutch Passion Seeds shows these CBD-rich, low-THC autoflowers:
CBD Auto Blackberry Kush
CBD Auto Charlotte's Angel
Good info, thanks HG!
Sue always said THC is for pain and CBD is for inflammation.
She did, but Amy (who was actually in pain) used a blend of both.
@Stunger - You just click the "Landscape" icon above and choose Upload or Link:
That's how to do it, but still no off-topic pics in a grow journal, hence my link above!
Sorry I've been scarce.
Scarce? You've been on a freaking tropical vacation! And when I get a moment I hope to read all about it in your off topic thread. :)
@Dutch Passion Seeds also has CBG-Force seeds for sale and they're a sponsor.
Good find, and a sponsor they are. :Namaste:
Looooove Scrapple... that on toasted potato bread with an over-easy egg and American cheese and a side of fried potatoes and onions, maybe some grits swimming in butter.. that's Sunday morning at Grandma's baby boy! Nothing like it
Love it!
:ciao: :love:
Hi Shed! And to all visitors and followers InTheShed as well!

a literal Fly-by-night-drive-by to drop offf some love and well wishes to you and to all.

There’s this Australian quiz-comedy TV show we watch every night, Shed, and I very regularly think of you and the other banterers here - feeling like you all would enjoy the humour and also the gander into the varied folks of this country. It’s called Hard Quiz and is hosted by a comedian who walks fine lines very well - and operates on the premise of being a bit of a meanie asshole to the contestants. It’s a really fun format and has a regular stuctyre pattern that never changes episod to episode and I really like that too. I dunno why it makes me think of some of our laughs here, but it very-often does.

Sending big love!

:woohoo: congratulations Mr,:thumb: :love::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::theband:

Nicely done!

Geez, I take off for a year and look what happens!

Good news: I'm building a house (well , someone else is) and gonna be in by April! Time to grow again!

CBG also is a THC protagonist increasing the effects of THC.
I've heard of world famous & internet famous, now there's InTheShed Famous...

I don't think I could handle the fame of the game... Just like bbq buddy, low and slow.

Just like a seed there's only one way to grow!

I'd go with A, but I got no experience with that sort of thing...

Looking great Shed! Love the looks of

This is one of the things I like best about your thread, Shed.:love: It's a good place to see old friends. :ciao: Amy, dynamo, Penny, Age and Dutch (so far - up to page 1579 :cheesygrinsmiley:).
Too late but I’d have gone A - love the orange accents.


Definitely A as a quality pic and nug shot, but the site's voting trend seems to go with the more dramatic looking frosty looking pics, I can see all the elements of A clearly and in focus, and that's what makes it the better pic imo. I also just love that nug. It's a really nice pic. I think the triches in the second nug have white out, I think is the term. Did you raise highlights and sharpness in the edit? Anyway, it is not a photography contest, it's a nug contest :cheesygrinsmiley: Pick the one that is most popular!

I agree with Carmen and Nick. But, as Nick said, I guess it's too late. :battingeyelashes:
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