Journeying Into The Unknown With High Brix

Hello all. Wanted to give a lights on update on my brood. Here is a group photo. Nice colors, the smell is back, and the damaged leaves are being used up.

Next up is individual pics of each.
You can see how far the plant has grown above the damaged leaves.

This is the plant that grew like it was topped early. The Y plant.

This is the one I cut the damaged tops off. You can't even tell now.

Another nice growing plant.

Another group photo after all the lsting done. I decided not to do anything to the Y plant since its in good shape.

That's it for now. Questions or comments are welcome.
Back again for another update. Hope everyone is having a good hump day. :blushsmile: Tomorrow will be my last work day of the week. I love being on a 4/10s work week. Three day weekends most of the time.
Today they got their first Brix foliar spray at 3ml in 3 oz of water. I learned that they should have been getting Brix every seven to ten days after a certain point in their life. Lesson learned. It has been seven days since I transplanted and they still don't need water. However they are florishing well. I'm very happy about that.:blushsmile: First pic is a group photo as I opened the tent tonight.

Doc Bud advised I remove all the damaged leaves and doing so I got a good view under their skirts. Here is a shot of a thick stem of one. Lighter was used for scale.

I also noticed roots peeking out of the drain holes. We have roots all the way down to the bottom.

The trash pile when all said and done. Basically they got lollipopped.

To finish out, I adjusted their wire bondage to keep the tops low and open up the middle some to keep the the lower tops in the light and maintain a level top. I got some pieces of wood to lift the pots off of the floor of the tent to ensure the roots don't cold feet. I do know that the floor is only two degrees cooler than air temps. No matter now that they are elevated. Well peeps, that's it for now I leave you with the "after" picture. Enjoy!
Back again for another update. Hope everyone is having a good hump day. :blushsmile: Tomorrow will be my last work day of the week. I love being on a 4/10s work week. Three day weekends most of the time.
Today they got their first Brix foliar spray at 3ml in 3 oz of water. I learned that they should have been getting Brix every seven to ten days after a certain point in their life. Lesson learned. It has been seven days since I transplanted and they still don't need water. However they are florishing well. I'm very happy about that.:blushsmile: First pic is a group photo as I opened the tent tonight.

Doc Bud advised I remove all the damaged leaves and doing so I got a good view under their skirts. Here is a shot of a thick stem of one. Lighter was used for scale.

I also noticed roots peeking out of the drain holes. We have roots all the way down to the bottom.

The trash pile when all said and done. Basically they got lollipopped.

To finish out, I adjusted their wire bondage to keep the tops low and open up the middle some to keep the the lower tops in the light and maintain a level top. I got some pieces of wood to lift the pots off of the floor of the tent to ensure the roots don't cold feet. I do know that the floor is only two degrees cooler than air temps. No matter now that they are elevated. Well peeps, that's it for now I leave you with the "after" picture. Enjoy!


Judging by their color and history, I'd say give 'em a moderate Transplant drench next time they need water, then straight water....then GE, then bloom.

They're in the groove now! Study them and get so where you recognize the characteristics. This is how you want to keep them.
Hey triple beam found your journal, I may be a bit late but I've caught up and ready to roll. As you said in my journal we've both fought some problems but have come back around very nicely. Keep up the nice work

Thanks for stopping by.
48 hours after first Brix update.
First picture is directly after spraying 48 hours ago.

24 hours later from a different angle.

48 hours later, today.

I'm sorry but, this is a sexy shot. Even thought the pots vary some they are are at the same height over all. Nice and level. That's the training.

Just a shot of the new growth.

This happens to be the plant that I cut the tops off. Can't even tell.

I'm still waiting to get super healthy plants that look fake. The soft velvety texture of the leaves is back just need the shine. Humidity is ranging from 55 to 65 percent. Daytime temps in tent range from 76 to 81 depending on whether the morning sun is warming the garage. Once the sun moves over head it cools down to the lower daytime temps. The lights come on in the tent at 6:45pm when the garage is cooler. Like its morning. They stay on overnight. They turn off at 11:45 am. Which is the warmer time in the garage since the sun is shining on the garage doors creating a warmer evening temps like a normal day outside. Cool tent mornings and warm evening temps. Replicating real life like environment. When it's lights out in tent it's 72 to 73. Midday outside. How often do you guys water while in ten gallon plastic containers? It's been eight days since I watered. They are getting light but, plants aren't showing any dry signs yet. How much water do you give when you do water? Since I have one seven gallon of like to the same answers please. How often and how much. I only gave them all one gallon each eight days ago. Been debating turning up the lights about ten percent to fifty percent. I might wait til I flip to flower. Have a safe night all.
Your plants are about as healthy as I've seen them. :bravo:

Beautiful color! And I see shine, too. I'd estimate that they're in the 14+ brix range - gorgeous!

What I especially like is the way the leaves are reaching up - nice progression in the photos - exactly what should happen after a foliar in good soil. One thing I noticed in my grow is that leaf posture. As I would wait for my pots to dry out, the plants would often reach higher and higher, pointing that new growth nearly straight up sometimes. Watch for that. 8 days in 10 gallon pots isn't odd at that stage of veg, but it'll probably be in the next few days. They're not in bloom yet, so it won't hurt if one goes saggy on you.

Nice work so far! :thumb:
Great morning to ya Beamer...looking good man! Everything Gray said....:thumb:
About your watering question...yes...whenever you water 'our' pots we should ALWAYS try and soak ALL the soil ..not just a bit of it OK. The exception would be , with very big pots (like mine) where it's best to get the roots moving and looking..know what i mean? Soak all the soil ...the roots will develop properly , providing all thru veg you have done the wet , dry cycle thing OK! great job so far Beamer...oh , and don't be concerned with the "fake" look OK . It doesn't ALWAYS happen OK! As long as you are following a schedule and the directions you will be 'golden' matter about the 'sheen'. Cheers Beamer...have an awesome Sat. bud!:high-five:
I have noticed quite a few times that the plants anticipate lights on and lights off. For example, I just took this picture thirty minutes before lights off(evening). Leaves are drooping like plants in the dark.

Verses plants right at lights on.(morning)

I will get a picture of the plants just before lights on. If the plants are droopy because they need water, I will know for sure by 7:15 tonight by how they look then. If still droopy they want water. If pointing toward the lights they don't need water yet.
For sure once they get use to the schedule they adjust and get in sink
with the schedule, its very cool how they can adapt so easily
Howdy all subbers,
Its time to think a little. :blushsmile:
The reason I titled this journal "Journeying into the Unknown with Doc Bud's Kit" was because I had collected about twenty seeds of "unknown" origins. To the best of my knowledge, the first hi brix grow journaled without knowing the strain. I would happily take links to journals in reply someone may know about. That also means we get to guess or speculate the possibilities. There are obvious traits visable but, i would like everyone to chime in with their thoughts cause that's the fun part. :thumb: I quoted the most recent pictures to use. Obviously we will know more during flower. Kind of like guessing Duggan's harvest weight.

48 hours after first Brix update.
First picture is directly after spraying 48 hours ago.

24 hours later from a different angle.

48 hours later, today.

I'm sorry but, this is a sexy shot. Even thought the pots vary some they are are at the same height over all. Nice and level. That's the training.

Just a shot of the new growth.

This happens to be the plant that I cut the tops off. Can't even tell.
Very much appreciated triplebeam. It feels like I've grown alot bt I still consider myself a rookie because ive only been growing for a year and a half bt going perpetual has allowed me to try a bunch of different strains and breeders so I can focus on using the best genetics possible. I've been admiring your journal for a while now and it's always good to see a good comeback. Your plants look very healthy and I'm tryna soak all the info in that I can. I started off growing bagseeds and did pretty good. I realized that If I was gonna put all this hard work and time into this grow then the genetics I grow should be top notch. Growing different strains that are from different parts of the world and have totally different effects is amazing and it's this 420 mag forum that gave me most of the information I've gathered so far so keep up the great gardening and journal I'll definitely be looking forward to your girls flowering pretty soon!
I've thought about it seeing how great the high brix crew is bt I like the simplicity of my grow and it's giving me the chance to start my own soil which has been pretty cheap so far using ffof soil and additives. If my yields or quality dip for any reason I'll probably look for a change.

Sounds good. Do you have a guess on the plants? Dominant traits, sex, or a strain it reminds you of?
Do you have any clue at all TB?

They look a little Blueberry-ish, with the wide full leaves and the tight internodes ... definitely an indica-leaning strain ... :hmmmm:

But it could be anything. :laugh: Not a Chem, not an OG ... not sativa-leaning ... something on the indica side ...
Do you have any clue at all TB?

They look a little Blueberry-ish, with the wide full leaves and the tight internodes ...
definitely an indica-leaning strain ... :hmmmm:

But it could be anything. :laugh: Not a Chem, not an OG ... not sativa-leaning ... something on the indica side ...

I was thinking the same, still early so ? but I like it
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