Lady Cannafan Indoor Garden Sponsored By ViparSpectra KS5000 LED - Multiple Strains

Dang girl you really do have a jungle rockin and rollin don't you!? 😊 I can just imagine how the combo of all the different plants would smell!! Happy Friday!! You're killin it. 😎✌️
Well, the Phatt Frutty that I put back into the grow thinking it was female, not male, because I found pistils.....I was right on both counts. It's a damned he/she. One look even from a distance yesterday, you can see the little balls stacking on every branch. Soooo.......

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I hope you all had a safe and happy New Years' Eve!

Couple of updates here this morning. The 2nd Phatt Frutty stunt twin turned out male. I decided to cut it from the pot it was in with the sister. I am leary of trying to get a male pollen plant due to the constant moving air here with that furnace running. Pollen travels far and wide, so I'm not going to put the whole grow at risk.
In the spring I can get them going outside where I can control things more.

I'm having fun this morning pressing up some flower pucks to make Rosin. This is going to be interesting. LOL


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I went through his thread. It was quite helpful, :thanks:

I did my first serious Rosin this morning with the press and I am very happy with how it turned out. :cheer:
You're welcome. West Hippie dd a real nice tutorial with lots of great pictures. He has a few others I believe
What's your plans for it now?
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