Lady Cannafan Indoor Garden Sponsored By ViparSpectra KS5000 LED - Multiple Strains

Update: 12-14-23
These kids are doing very well under that Vipar Spectra light.

I will be checking for sex again over the weekend, and I think I will be switching to 12/12 next week.

In preparation for that, the younger plants have been moved to a different room to remain in veg until they're ready for flower. I have them under the old lights.

And I don't know what the hell to do with that scraggly girl. I am going to get some training done over the weekend, and see what I can do with that one. She drinks like crazy, almost daily.

I tested the temperature of my seedling mat this morning, and it stays between 86-87 degrees F.
Some say 86 degrees is fine, however I think that is too hot as I've seen my seedlings and seed sprouting go bad when I've had them on that mat. Yeah, I can put something else on the mat and set the kids on that to elevate them.....but I want temperature control without having to modify.
I am currently testing the Midwest Grow Kits systems for mushroom growing and one of the kits came with a graphite heat mat that has an adjustable temperature control. It ranges from 70-86 degrees. I love this heating mat! I just place a towel over it and away I go. Set it, forget it.

If you're interested here's the item:
Yeah I think those seedling mats are way too hot also, my main mat for germinating is a waterbed heater with heat control
These heat controllers are cheap$7 can. & work great for heating or cooling
Wire on a plug & socket, you have one that you can use on anything or wire in between plug & device



I tested the temperature of my seedling mat this morning, and it stays between 86-87 degrees F.
Some say 86 degrees is fine, however I think that is too hot as I've seen my seedlings and seed sprouting go bad when I've had them on that mat. Yeah, I can put something else on the mat and set the kids on that to elevate them.....but I want temperature control without having to modify.
I am currently testing the Midwest Grow Kits systems for mushroom growing and one of the kits came with a graphite heat mat that has an adjustable temperature control. It ranges from 70-86 degrees. I love this heating mat! I just place a towel over it and away I go. Set it, forget it.

If you're interested here's the item:
I like the "no hot spots" part of that mat! Set it and forget it too! Congrats on the new little ladies!
I like the "no hot spots" part of that mat! Set it and forget it too! Congrats on the new little ladies!
Thank ya kindly!

I tried out my heating pad that is used for sore muscles etc., because it has a temperature control, but that thing is not flat at all and was a pain to set things on. They come with warnings about covering them up, so I opted out of that one. I'll just keep it for sciatica when needed.
I tested the temperature of my seedling mat this morning, and it stays between 86-87 degrees F.
Some say 86 degrees is fine, however I think that is too hot as I've seen my seedlings and seed sprouting go bad when I've had them on that mat. Yeah, I can put something else on the mat and set the kids on that to elevate them.....but I want temperature control without having to modify.
I am currently testing the Midwest Grow Kits systems for mushroom growing and one of the kits came with a graphite heat mat that has an adjustable temperature control. It ranges from 70-86 degrees. I love this heating mat! I just place a towel over it and away I go. Set it, forget it.
I agree with your assertion that the 86-87*F is too high for seeds. In nature seeds don't generally sprout in the heat of summer but in the gradually warming days of spring.

I have a couple of the mats with the dials as well as one with a probe that keeps the temps consistent, but you can't beat the dial ones for simplicity and it's an effective way to get the job done!
Update: 12-14-23
These kids are doing very well under that Vipar Spectra light.

I will be checking for sex again over the weekend, and I think I will be switching to 12/12 next week.

In preparation for that, the younger plants have been moved to a different room to remain in veg until they're ready for flower. I have them under the old lights.

And I don't know what the hell to do with that scraggly girl. I am going to get some training done over the weekend, and see what I can do with that one. She drinks like crazy, almost daily.

Beautiful looking plants you have there :welldone:
Thank ya kindly!

I tried out my heating pad that is used for sore muscles etc., because it has a temperature control, but that thing is not flat at all and was a pain to set things on. They come with warnings about covering them up, so I opted out of that one. I'll just keep it for sciatica when needed.
I shopped the lowest price mats last time and I got mats that were not that flat and had hot spots. That one is nice and worth the 2 bucks more than I spent! 80f seems to work for me.
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