Let's Find a Mother! Hiking Through a Field of Mary Jane

Hey guys.

Seems like I'm always apologizing for being absent. I'm gonna stop doing that and just accept that I won't be around as much when the weather is nice. If the Sun is up, and I'm not working, I'm outside! Work is super busy too as we're heading into the busy period of our season business and there are some HUGE changes we're having to make to our code. To get what I need done for that job, and my second job, I've had a few all nighters and a lot of go to bed at 4AM and back up at 6AM!

Anyway, I'm still going to try and post an update on Wednesday, so here it is.

The outdoor ladies are doing fine. I have no pics. Not because I haven't taken any, but because they don't look all that special. They aren't the typical monster outdoor plants due to being planted pretty late in the season. So far they have been mostly unmolested (a couple leaves on a couple plants were eaten, but that's it). I already used up all the SNS nutes from the MoTM prizes. I don't think they are strong enough. The plants stayed pale. The directions say to feed everyday! I bought some Osmocote ferts last weekend and they are now getting that. It's been hot, but I'm delivering water 5-6 days a week.

The flowering room is doing great. I got the defol finished after returning from Seattle over the 4th. It took awhile as I could only get a few hours in each night and it takes me a LONG time (30 mins maybe?) to do each plant, and there are 35 of them. The environment is holding right where I want: ~78 F, 45-50% rh, CO2 800-1200 ppm. I've lowered the peak CO2 target from 1500 and will probably lower it a little more soon. I think too much can make the buds airy.

So without further ado... here is the picture!

This was taken wih the HPS off, so you can see the color better, but it's blurry. Sorry. I put new batteries in my old P&S, but it hasn't found it's way into the basement yet. :blalol:

The pic does show the latest upgrade/change. I mounted 2 oscillating fans to the mover. I've also been adding more holes into my air floor. I wasn't happy with the amount of air moving. I'm happy now. :) I now have the mover running 24/7.

Anyway, that's the only pic this week. I'm probably not gonna catch up on everyone's journals each week for awhile, but I will pick several to catch up on each week. If I haven't been by your journal, I'll get there eventually! Watch for reps as I don't always post when I catch up. If you want me to look at something more urgently, post here. I try to check my journal every other day at least. :)

Happy hiking everyone :) oh ya and fruitful growing! :winkyface:
good weed Hiker!:)
when ever you can post is fine with me my friend. it keeps the updates more exciting:)
OH! we want outdoor pics to and we will be the judge if they are update worthy! Dangit
your inddors looks stellar BTW
hey hiker i believe were in the same general area, but things are different from town to town,here growers get 10$ a gram easy if the quality, i have 2 patients that grow but need help from time to time, they are cfl and salt based soil cheap soil growers despite my best efforts they wont change methods, both say what i have and do is to much for them to deal with, both are in their 70s so im not gonna push it, but when they need me they insist on donating 10$ a gram because as one lady puts it i make the god herb, as she believes herb is from god as a sacrament & medicine, she has tried giving me more donations, but its not my thing to try making $ they are helping me stay in my limits, and the donations go into the grow supplies directly, if i ever make $ on it, i want it to be for my genetics, down the road after i have mastered my craft,thru legit channels, and have something really special and unique, anyway here the market is decent i hear ppl are still paying 60 a qtr for mexi brick and 100 for mids,150 for top-175 for 100% organic name brand tippy top shelf, almost tempts me, but im way to much of a paranoid hermit lol, i sure hope you find that nitch and clientel to give you what your work is worth, i had a feeling the market would crash afyer the law passed, but not that far damn

Brick weed is 100$ a pound in phoenix if you buy ten! There are no legal options in az. for a grower to move product through a dispensary. If you aren't employed by the dispensary, growing at their facilities..........no legal work...period........I hate the weed law in az., it looks like ca. is the best bet for growing laws, but as soon as the laws get right the market will shit on itself. I will throw my weed in the trash before I let it go for a hundred a zip, you all can thank me later for supporting a market and not destroying it like they are in cali.!
Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate all the support. :Namaste:

While I wish the mmj market was stronger, it's not like it's a surprise. The high costs were compensation for the high risk. As the political climate has changed in the last decade, that risk has reduced a little. Hell, my garden is legal under WA law! I still can't quite wrap my head around that one. :blalol:

I really didn't intend to start a big discussion on donation amounts. I was merely venting my displeasure about how little I got in donations, but it was my own fault! Sorry McL, but I helped to make it worse during my trip to the market. Keep in mind, the $100/oz was a wholesale rate I gave another vendor at the end of the day for what I had left. I only sold one oz to a patient for that rate, and it was only because I wanted to help him. I could tell he needed the meds and did not have a lot of money. He was polite the way he asked too, so I did him a favor. It was an ounce of my bottoms, so it wasn't top shelf buds. I am certain I will do better next time because I will request larger donations. I went into the market with less than 100% confidence in the quality of my product. While that quickly went away, I had already posted lower requested donation amounts in an effort to be more competitive. There are a lot of people with nice buds there, and I needed a way to differentiate myself on the market place. Really all I had to work with was price. My "booth" was sad, so I couldn't present my product as well as the other guys. My strains are good, but so are all the others there. Everyone is selling dank. Trust the over analytical number geek when he says he's working on the issue. When I go back the first week of September, my product will have something special to differentiate itself in the marketplace.

This round, I'm going to be washing my entire crop, except for a couple buds from each plant. I'm working on my booth/table setup to demonstrate this difference. In front of each large jar of buds, there will be 2 little stainless steel cups (called condiment cups at wallyworld). One will have clean bud, the other will have unwashed bud. I've got a flyer I'm working on to promote the fact that my product is purer than the others. I'll be including pictures of the flowering room to show that it's a sealed environment and I also filter the air inside already. Then I'll show how much dirt is still on the buds when I cleaned them. I'll take a couple pictures of the cleaning process too. Then the patient will be encouraged to sample the clean bud, or even better, both. I think the timing is gonna work out well. Based on when this crop should finish, the timing should work out well too. I should be there right before the first of this year's outdoor crop starts appearing. I think the cleanliness of indoor vs outdoor is already pretty well acknowledged. I'll be selling cleaner indoor! Granted, I've not yet experienced washed buds, but based on comments from those that have, such as "I no longer want to smoke unwashed bud," I'm optimistic that the difference should be significant. Hopefully, this will make patients recognize it as a higher quality product and be willing to donate accordingly. In the meantime I have to keep gagging the internal cynic that says patients only care about price, and stay positive! :)

I just hope the other growers are slow to respond if this catches on in the market place. It would be nice to have that competitive advantage as long as possible. That actually made me think of something. I wonder if anyone reading my journal visits the farmer's market?
Happy Friedday Hiker:)
Hey man just thought I would drop in and say you have some nice looking ladies down there! :goodjob: Sweet that you got unlimited plants! Thats crazy! Im only allowed 15 plants and up to 1.5lbs of dried product through my recommendation =(

I didn't know there was another type of recommendation until I read through the website of the clinic my Dr works out of. If you want to do any breeding or make concentrates, I think 15 plants is not enough. My Dr totally understood that. It wasn't about the 1.5lb vs 3lb, although it will be nice to know I can drive with 3lbs in the car legally. :)

Thanks for checking out my journal! Us hiking types gotta stick together! :winkyface:

Happy Friedday Hiker:)

Thank you Mr Fishoriscious Cakington (starting to get more difficult to come up with those :blalol: )
And a fantastic Friedday to you as well! Have a great Weedend too! :)
the az law & system is totaly screwed up,as a cardholder patient,its become clear its setup to make ppl rich,theres nothing truely compassionate about it, the sales point is also the supplier,9 out of 10 cardholder already live within a dispensary 25 mile radius so the vast majority of ppl that need mmj are forced to either pay the insane disp prices,or go to the black market making the whole point of the law moot, you cant afford to buy it and not allowed to grow your own unless like me live way out in the middle of nowhere, patients are not allowed to recieve a donation from another patient for sharing meds! unless you are a caregiver and thats expensive,(you pay for your card and its more for a caregiver card and again for each patient you grow for) and at this point you have not even purchased any equipment yet!, and growing outside is a joke you have to have a 10foot tall wall that nobody can see thru and have a locking gate made of at least 1 inch thick metal,and some counties and cities have restrictions on grow space one county restricts the area to a maximum of 50 square feet, so its a very small area that wont allow plants to get sun for the full day! this is why i have not bothered to even try to recoup any expenses when i share with other patients,,as much as az mmj patients want to comply with the rules its more or less impossible to do much beyond grow for yourself, if your not inside the as the crow flys 25 mile rule, its designed so the disp controls it from seed to sale,setting the prices however they wish because theres no competition,its a monopoly! and the sick patient in need of affordable meds are still out in the cold,though im grateful for the law it needs some serious reform to be of any real use to anyone but ppl with plenty of cash, i could go on but i think thats quite enough of my lil' rant,oh and i hear the cheapest you can get a gram is 20$, unless its bunk bottom shelf donated moldy garbage thats a thrifty 10 $ a gram!
I didn't know there was another type of recommendation until I read through the website of the clinic my Dr works out of. If you want to do any breeding or make concentrates, I think 15 plants is not enough. My Dr totally understood that. It wasn't about the 1.5lb vs 3lb, although it will be nice to know I can drive with 3lbs in the car legally. :)

Thanks for checking out my journal! Us hiking types gotta stick together! :winkyface:

Thank you Mr Fishoriscious Cakington (starting to get more difficult to come up with those :blalol: )
And a fantastic Friedday to you as well! Have a great Weedend too! :)
you could just call me fish cake if you want.
your responce is special enough for me Hikester allovertheplacesoussesss:)
I'm already done on the computer for the day, but I had to share...

I smoked a bong hit of my TGA Apollo13 x Vortex ~30 mins ago @4:20. I'm not sure which of my three phenos it is, but wow is that some nice herb. I like all three of this strain, but there is one in there that is special I think. Tastes sooo good. I'm looking forward to figuring out which one she is. Gonna grow a LOT of her. :morenutes:

They were my most expensive seeds, by far, but I think I'm gonna try to get a hold of some more of their stuff. Don't they have something mixed with Jack Herer (my all time fav)?
yep what Sensei said bro, I just picked up a pack of timewreck Sub's fav strain his wifes Miss Jill too, suposedly(sp) it yields twice as much bubble as most strains, theres a few tga strains that Sub uses Jack Herer for, Jack the Ripper(Pluton x Purple Haze x Lambsbread x NL x Jack Herer x Romulan x Cindy99BCGA), Jack Cleaner 2(Pluton x Purple Haze x Lambsbread x NL x Jack Herer x Jack The Ripper Male),theres a few others I cant remember right now, DR Who one of his newest trains is consistently testing at a round 27% thc now:)
i havent seen weed for a 100 a zip in 25 yrs. Even the brick weed here 140 a zip.
But its also illegal here in the back wood hick south lol.
yep, if a zip represents an oz then thats even expensive for here. If brick means reg (regular weed) the going rate is anywhere between $60 & $85
Hiker, will you please post a link or picture to the lava rock you use? I found this on ebay, and wondering if this is it. Search ebay for "Lava Volcanic Rock Red Growing Medium Aquarium Terra Substrate Orchids Plants"

Hiker, will you please post a link or picture to the lava rock you use? I found this on ebay, and wondering if this is it. Search ebay for "Lava Volcanic Rock Red Growing Medium Aquarium Terra Substrate Orchids Plants"


I'm using this Capn
Hydrocorn | Gold Label
Can't get good 'ol Hydroton anymore, but this stuff seems to be the same thing AFAICT. Works the same.

That stuff you mentioned looks expensive. It's more then $2/lb. I pay ~$35 for one of those giant bags of the Gold Label at my hydro store.
ah ok, I misunderstood. In my thread you kept saying "rock", so I assumed you meant lava rock. I went back to the beginning of your journal and see the hydroton. My bad! Well, now you have me doing on this research on lava rock, and I'm thinking about trying it out anyway :) The thing I don't like about it is the sharp edges will cut roots... so that's what I'm afraid of.
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