Let's Find a Mother! Hiking Through a Field of Mary Jane

No worries AK1. I understand busy. See the time? Ya... I'm just finishing some daytime job stuff. I did spend a couple hours at the night job earlier though. Got a few more ladies naked! :winkyface:

It was selling pretty cheap. Most folks had theirs priced from $6 up. I'm not really complaining I guess. I might have been able to push it a bit, but I was only there one day and needed to unload. $100/oz is low. I suspect the average was ~$140, but I may be a poor judge. I didn't really analyze to determine that. I was looking for the bottom of the market, and priced down there. I realize I probably made the situation worse a little, but next time I'll be asking for larger donations. It's not worth it to me at $100.

Can I ask how much you go through on an average day? Seems like a pound a day, maybe 2, is about the most I could hope to donate in a single day. I guess I'll just have to start heading out there more often. I'll let you know when so you can plan for nice weather.

I've been to Seattle twice now. Both times it's been sunny and hot. :blalol:
good weed Hiker:) Very cool that the Doc thinks she can rid you from your asthma troubles and awesome getting the stamp of approval too!
Dang if Mj got that cheap here it wouldn't hardly be worth growing it... NOT!!!!:) still like to know where my stuff came from.
I am glad you folks got your foot in the door to legalize MJ and can only hope the virus spreads :)
good weed Hiker:) Very cool that the Doc thinks she can rid you from your asthma troubles and awesome getting the stamp of approval too!
Dang if Mj got that cheap here it wouldn't hardly be worth growing it... NOT!!!!:) still like to know where my stuff came from.
I am glad you folks got your foot in the door to legalize MJ and can only hope the virus spreads :)

I don't grow for $$$. I'll always grow. I love it too much. :) I may just scale down a little if I decide trying to get meds to patients is not worth the effort. $$$ isn't my only reward though. The best part of hanging out at the market last weekend was getting to interact with the patients and hear their stories! I'm not even a people person, and I had a blast. :) The reality is, I think $100 an ounce is barely covering my costs to operate and transport. I'm going to have to sit down and crunch some numbers.

Thanks for swimming through Mr Fishlastic
100!!! That is not worth the time and effort you put in. I know its not about the money but to break even and have a little to spare for future projects 100 will not cut the cake.

The market sounds like a blast. would love to visit one day and say whats up
100!!! That is not worth the time and effort you put in. I know its not about the money but to break even and have a little to spare for future projects 100 will not cut the cake.

The market sounds like a blast. would love to visit one day and say whats up

Thanks Shotta. Glad to know I'm not the only one that felt that way. While it was certainly a positive experience in so many ways, I am disappointed by the the prices I saw. Granted, that is the very very low end, and I pretty much dumped my buds because I have been sitting on them.

Next time I think I will be able to differentiate myself a little better in the marketplace and ask for larger donations. I plan to wash almost my entire crop. I am going to intentionally NOT wash one branch of each strain. Then I will offer samples of clean and non-clean buds. I wonder how long I can do this before the other growers there start doing it? :skeptical:
I met several patients who were concerned about cleanliness. While they were happy with the measures I take (sealed room with a carbon scrubber), this will certainly give me an added value to offer. :)
sorry i never got back to you before you left for seattle hiker but it's been jack ass crazy around here. I had two harvests this weekend and was busy getting ready for all of that.
At the farmers market you should have been able to get $10 donations a gram easy. What was it going for there?
are you trying to tell me that you can get weed legally out there at a farmers market? In nyc if a cop feels like your giving him a hard time you better not have a seed on you.
are you trying to tell me that you can get weed legally out there at a farmers market? In nyc if a cop feels like your giving him a hard time you better not have a seed on you.

There are 3 Cannabis Farmers' Markets in WA that I am aware of. There is one in Tacoma that I think is the one AK1 goes to. There are also 2 more in Seattle. It's not a regular farmers' market with some cannabis added. This is ALL cannabis.

They check your medical recommendation at the door. You can't go in without one. They wouldn't even let my wife go in with me to observe because she didn't have a recommendation yet.
If I were to attempt to offer a oz for $100 donation the street people would hunt me down and turn me in .
but this is what the few "patients" I have can offer and it only takes 2 to pay for a 4 plant grow :peace:

I don't think anyone is saying that $100/ounce doesn't cover basic costs. It might, but I suspect it's close. My issue is whether or not it's worthwhile for me. I'm not looking to "come up" financially by doing this. I already have a decent job. My motivation to grow was lack of access to quality cannabis where I live, so I took matters into my own hands. I just figured, if I'm gonna do it, why not maximize my space? I would like to cover my costs though, and at $100/oz I'm not sure I'm doing that. Even IF that covers direct costs, I'm not really being compensated fairly for my time :)

Like I said, I have some ideas for ways to differentiate myself in the marketplace, so next time I will try for larger donations.
[I don't think anyone is saying that $100/ounce doesn't cover basic costs. It might, but I suspect it's close. My issue is whether or not it's worthwhile for me. I'm not looking to "come up" financially by doing this. I already have a decent job. My motivation to grow was lack of access to quality cannabis where I live, so I took matters into my own hands. I just figured, if I'm gonna do it, why not maximize my space? I would like to cover my costs though, and at $100/oz I'm not sure I'm doing that. Even IF that covers direct costs, I'm not really being compensated fairly for my time :)

Like I said, I have some ideas for ways to differentiate myself in the marketplace, so next time I will try for larger donations./QUOTE] SMART MAN
Quality and piece of mind! that's all I got to say about that in my Forrest Gump voice:)
[I don't think anyone is saying that $100/ounce doesn't cover basic costs. It might, but I suspect it's close. My issue is whether or not it's worthwhile for me. I'm not looking to "come up" financially by doing this. I already have a decent job. My motivation to grow was lack of access to quality cannabis where I live, so I took matters into my own hands. I just figured, if I'm gonna do it, why not maximize my space? I would like to cover my costs though, and at $100/oz I'm not sure I'm doing that. Even IF that covers direct costs, I'm not really being compensated fairly for my time :)

Like I said, I have some ideas for ways to differentiate myself in the marketplace, so next time I will try for larger donations./QUOTE] SMART MAN
Good Weed Hiker and to you Broke ass :)
Sounds like a good plan mate. First ones always free or cheap.. if the quality is there... they'll come crawling back to pay double with a grin.. at least that's how it was in high-school, haven't sold anything since back then so maybe not a good authority on this lol
certainly sounds like a pain Hiker.

$100 when it costs ya prob 80-90 each to cover. Well thats just weaksauce. Hope you find the right spot and the right $ you need to do what you love and have it be worth your time.
Happy Friedday Hiker:)
hey hiker i believe were in the same general area, but things are different from town to town,here growers get 10$ a gram easy if the quality, i have 2 patients that grow but need help from time to time, they are cfl and salt based soil cheap soil growers despite my best efforts they wont change methods, both say what i have and do is to much for them to deal with, both are in their 70s so im not gonna push it, but when they need me they insist on donating 10$ a gram because as one lady puts it i make the god herb, as she believes herb is from god as a sacrament & medicine, she has tried giving me more donations, but its not my thing to try making $ they are helping me stay in my limits, and the donations go into the grow supplies directly, if i ever make $ on it, i want it to be for my genetics, down the road after i have mastered my craft,thru legit channels, and have something really special and unique, anyway here the market is decent i hear ppl are still paying 60 a qtr for mexi brick and 100 for mids,150 for top-175 for 100% organic name brand tippy top shelf, almost tempts me, but im way to much of a paranoid hermit lol, i sure hope you find that nitch and clientel to give you what your work is worth, i had a feeling the market would crash afyer the law passed, but not that far damn
Just driving thru Hiker, er maybe hiking thru. Seen you talking about your herbs. I sell abit there myself. Least my extras anyways. 175 to me is a good price for top shelf herbs. Isn't the 450$ per I use to get when I started get rid of my extras back in Cali but it pays my bills, puts acouple bucks in pocket and I don't feel I'm doing anyone wrong. The stores here are 10 per gram, yet they only offered me 100$ per wholesale. F them. I'd give it away first. Not sure what state your in, but 175 is bottom dollar for any decent herbs. I woodn't go a dime lower. We know as growers, you'd have to smoke ALOT of weed to burn up a flip, so we always have some extra. And is no reason you shouldn't be compensated for your troubles. Keepem Green
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