Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

LA I am always just blown away by your pics of the flowering tent. That my friend is photo evidence of your mastery of the indoor grow. Well done. I hope to be able to imitate you in the future. Thanks for you be you and having such a great journal. :)
LA bro......awesssoommeee as always! Heyyy.....check this out......cannabis is being put on voter ballot Nov 3rd in my state! If that passes.....I may hafta start a journal! Hehe :volcano-smiley:
Keep up the great work!
Well I made the mistake to get one of my girls out and then spent an hour having to squeeze her back in! :)

Hey everyone :)

Ok were having some stupid issues lol. Two of my girls are almost there, trouble being they are a bit disappointing. The pair are now on my new nute the winter frost. This will turn them pretty colours etc. This in turn gives me more room for my big girl (She so needs it !!!) The other problem is the timeline. .... my big lass is so behind she wont be ready before Im off to Cannafest in Prague. So Im a little span out lol. Anyway Im sure ill work something out....
Hey everyone :)

Ok were having some stupid issues lol. Two of my girls are almost there, trouble being they are a bit disappointing. The pair are now on my new nute the winter frost. This will turn them pretty colours etc. This in turn gives me more room for my big girl (She so needs it !!!) The other problem is the timeline. .... my big lass is so behind she wont be ready before Im off to Cannafest in Prague. So Im a little span out lol. Anyway Im sure ill work something out....

I have an empty tent here with lights off, People might die of shock seeing something of that calibre in my journal though. I'll even write up the smoke report for you before you make it back ;)
Welcome Healthy :) thanks for the kind words :)

Well folks Im now checking trich colours on the high priority and the Granddaddy Con. Also the Loompafarms underdog! They are now on water for the last week or so and then its chop time for them.
This will leave me the big lass and the blue Haze and the Truth to finish off together :) My big girl sooooo needs to spread out, so I cant wait to drop the numbers and let her fill out for my attempt at over 20 oz off one girl :)
Thanks indeedie :) she is gonna easily take back 85-90% of my tent once spread more! Im gutted as these first few weeks she has been so crying out for more room so Ive lost some early low down generation. :( either way she's now a budding up nicely.

Mind you my dear missus unplugged my strip lights yesterday and then stuck em back in after buggering up the timer so last night they got dark with 2 5 min light hits!!! Im sure nothing bad will of happened but AHHHH!!!!!
Well, think of all the help she gives you during a grow and that will take any sting away from a mistake. And then place bear traps around the grow and capacitors set too stun on all of the electrical outlets! Inform her of the modifications to the grow site (she is your missus after all).
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