Tutankharmon - 400HPS - Soil Coco Mix - Grow

its a great site with a great abundance of knowledge in the art of growing mj, i just love the plants and every kind of possible way they are grown so ill be here watching even if i aint commenting much
Ok everyone, been having a chat with a friend of mine and were thinking of trying to produce our own LED grow lights.I just have to do some research on sourcing some parts etc and then trying to cobble something together for a big saving of cash. He is a wiring genius and Im good for the rest I think. Any input ideas or comments welcome. Many thanks for any aid In advance.
You're probably already aware of this, but there are some homemade LED light fixture's on you tube. Might give you an idea or two anyway.
with your plant be careful with any lights below soil level as this will slow down upwards growth as the plant struggles to find which direction the light is coming from, so keep lights above and down the sides of the plant but a few inches above soil level, any lighting below the plant can cause problems and slow growth,

don paul.p, is this a thing? I've been struggling with unexplained slow growth with my two seedlings, and I recall that I did have a 2 x 21" T12 fixture hanging to the side/below for a couple weeks due to a CFL shoplight fixture taking up the space directly over the plants.

Light Addict, sorry I shouldn't hijack your thread, say the word and I'll move this elsewhere.
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