VG's Prescription For Success With Atreum Lighting, Weed Seeds Express & Prescription Blend

Hi dear
I'd top. If you gave the epsom then she's almost back to perfect health only we can't see it yet. As soon as you can see, new growth should be perfect again. Your grow looks like all mine lately. I recently found I'm using the wrong lime and it lacs the amount of mag we need. That's the finding, we'll test it next. If it doesn't say dolomite, it isn't as mag powerful as I need.
Well...they don't look any better today. Maybe even a bit worse.
The foliar isn't working as well as I had hoped.
Yep, the Mg and S are in A. So it should be safe to add Epsom immediately after A. But you will probably want PB to confirm.
Hope they answer before I have to mix nutes in the morning.

I'm getting confused (what else is new).

What is this talk about what order to add the epsom salts? You can't add it between CoreA and CoreB right? All components of the nutrient blend need to be mixed in a certain order. It seems to be that the only option would be to add the epsom drench separately either before or after the nutrient feed.

Am I way off and misunderstanding the entire discussion?
I could do a drench but the problem with that is they aren't not getting any other nutes. With my Pro Mix I always feed. If I'm a little late or don't give nutes then the plant yellows pretty quickly.
If my plant does that it will be harder to fix it imo.
I'll defer to the experts on what order to mix in, and I have always done FFF in ProMix HP. I also tend to flush the salts out around the 4th week of flower.

If that's a stressed plant hardly anyone anywhere would ever get to top their plants. :)
I need to start flushing around that time as well. Think it would help.

We've been trying to do that, but they seem AWorWOL at the moment. So she ended up with us. :high-five:
Glad to have all y'all's input.

Was gonna post pics but I'm too tired.
I'll grab some early tomorrow morning.
Feed, feed, water is an option but not required for peat media and just depends on your system/strains/how you like to run things but continuous feed is just fine too if that’s what works for you. I recommend starting with feeding every time and alternating a watering in if the plants seem to want it. ( never get any runoff)

How to add Epsom: best method is to dissolve the Epsom in a little water and add it AFTER Bio-Si. (You can set the Epsom in water early to make mixing faster)

As long as you pre-dissolve your Epsom it does not matter if it is added before or after Core B. As many of you know, S04 and Ca are not comparable with each other however in the timeframe of mixing into a tank of water this is not an important factor since CaSO4 takes a lot longer to form then mixing you tank. (Reaction rate at 25C for formation of gypsum is going to leave negligible precipitation of CaSO4 during mixing ~5min or less) If you add solid Epsom then do it before Core B and give plenty of time for it to dissolve.

Consider that Bio-Si (or any brand of silica) should be added first and mixed thoroughly since silica does react quickly and should be diluted in plain water first. Adding silica to nutrient solutions after other things can give bad results.. (if you see cloudy water where you pour in silica then that’s bad news)

Looking back, the first sign (and I had to look hard) of this was in post #109 and then #115. These were a few days after moving to week 3 feed which is a higher concentration. This is certainly not a result of over feeding or nute burn so I am wondering if they should have gotten more nutrients sooner.

You asked about how long extra solution would last a few posts back but in this case I would recommend using any leftover on an outside area and mixing fresh solution either with or without Epsom but if you use a calmg with N watch for over feeding issues.
Feed, feed, water is an option but not required for peat media and just depends on your system/strains/how you like to run things but continuous feed is just fine too if that’s what works for you. I recommend starting with feeding every time and alternating a watering in if the plants seem to want it. ( never get any runoff)

How to add Epsom: best method is to dissolve the Epsom in a little water and add it AFTER Bio-Si. (You can set the Epsom in water early to make mixing faster)

As long as you pre-dissolve your Epsom it does not matter if it is added before or after Core B. As many of you know, S04 and Ca are not comparable with each other however in the timeframe of mixing into a tank of water this is not an important factor since CaSO4 takes a lot longer to form then mixing you tank. (Reaction rate at 25C for formation of gypsum is going to leave negligible precipitation of CaSO4 during mixing ~5min or less) If you add solid Epsom then do it before Core B and give plenty of time for it to dissolve.

Consider that Bio-Si (or any brand of silica) should be added first and mixed thoroughly since silica does react quickly and should be diluted in plain water first. Adding silica to nutrient solutions after other things can give bad results.. (if you see cloudy water where you pour in silica then that’s bad news)

Looking back, the first sign (and I had to look hard) of this was in post #109 and then #115. These were a few days after moving to week 3 feed which is a higher concentration. This is certainly not a result of over feeding or nute burn so I am wondering if they should have gotten more nutrients sooner.

You asked about how long extra solution would last a few posts back but in this case I would recommend using any leftover on an outside area and mixing fresh solution either with or without Epsom but if you use a calmg with N watch for over feeding issues.
Thanks for coming back and clarifying.
I looked at them this morning and the Bubba has rust spots developing now as well.

Here are pics from this morning.

I will be feeding them this evening.
I'd better decide between the cal-mag and epsom before then.
:nomo: I love 420! Such great info!
:nomo: I love 420! Such great info!
Great members.
Yup! Easy on the eyes too!
I hope I can get them easy to my eyes.
I have to see them up close.

Classic Mg def, and called early too. Epsom salts should take care of that pretty quickly without messing up a lot of other ratios.

Nice topping!
I was hoping the foliar would have helped a bit more.
Maybe they would have been worse off without it but it's hard to say that with any certainty.

Yeah, I like the epsom option for now too.
Tell me Sheddie..what dosage would you start off with?
As I recall from a wise one-cent coin, 1Tbs/gallon was the default for epsom salts*. And I've never even understood how foliar feeding works from an evolutionary standpoint. Which is not to say it hasn't been proven in the lab, just that I don't understand it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And it didn't work here!

*Put another way, for every gram of epsom salts in a gallon, you are adding 26ppm of Mg and 34ppm of sulfur.
As I recall from a wise one-cent coin, 1Tbs/gallon was the default for epsom salts*. And I've never even understood how foliar feeding works from an evolutionary standpoint. Which is not to say it hasn't been proven in the lab, just that I don't understand it. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And it didn't work here!

*Put another way, for every gram of epsom salts, you are adding 6.5ppm of Mg and 8.6g of sulfur.
Thanks dear.

I used less (2 tsp)for the foliar and maybe I shouldn't have held back?

I was afraid to over-do it I guess.

There was an article about foliar feeding. It said that different compounds are more easily absorbed through the stomata if they have the correct pH.
I wonder what the perfect pH for mag absorption is?
I only saw P and Ca listed in that article. The best pH for P absorption was the 5s iirc.
I have no idea if the pH scale for hydro is applicable (you are dissolving it in water!), but Mg seems to be available over 5.5pH with full absorption at 6.5:
Put another way, for every gram of epsom salts, you are adding 6.5ppm of Mg and 8.6ppm of sulfur
I’m going to show my work since my chemistry teacher may be on here.. :)

Epsom salt is MgSO4 + 7H2O

Mg mass = 24g/mol
S mass = 32
O = 16 (x4 = 64)
H = 1
H2O = 18 (2+16)
Total = 246

24/246 = 9.75%Mg
32/246 = 13% S

9.75% x 2.64 = 25.7ppm/g/gal

13% x 2.64 = 34.3ppm/g/gal

Edited because I smoked a big bowl before my first post - and I forgot that Epsom salt is hydrated magnesium sulfate (the 7 H2Os)!
Not in trouble with me, but let's hope your chem teacher isn't around today!

So what are the new numbers/g of epsom salts? How far off is Dr. Daniel Fernandez at 6.5 Mg and 8.5 S per gram?
Please see above.
6.56%? That's not what I find on the internets. It says 9.8% everywhere I look.

I just realized that I'm not calculating ppm/gram, I'm calculating ppm/g in a gallon of water. Even then I was wrong because I had mine set for 4 gallons! :oops:

Let me try again and see if you get what I get. 1 gram of epsom salt in 1 gallon of water will give you 26ppm of Mg and 34ppm of S. Is that right?
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