VG's Prescription For Success With Atreum Lighting, Weed Seeds Express & Prescription Blend

I don’t see any need for N as the color is a good shade but also this does not seem like a Ca issue as there are not random little spots. The even distribution of the discoloring between veins indicates it most likely Mg related.

I assume that you mix nutrients for all of the plants at the same time (so they get the same solution). So I would conclude the same thing that you and others have... and added some Epsom.

I think the foliar will show an impact. As for what calmg to use, I’d go with the option with the highest Mg/Ca ratio and low N if possible. However if you only need a little Mg for one of the plants you could just use a pinch of Epsom.

They just started the full strength week 3 veg feed recently right? They might not need extra Mg the whole grow but only for a min while they adjust.
Support like this is very much appreciated! @Prescription Blend
Thanks but honestly you all came to the same conclusions I did...

The only other thing I can add ( and I DO NOT think this is the case here) is that I considered if it might be a mixing imbalance between Core A and Core B. The reason I don’t think this is a mixing related issue is that only one plant is showing an sign of discoloring and I assume they got the same nutrient solution.

Since Core A supplies Mg and Core B supplies Ca, if someone were to accidentally use too much B and not enough A then one of the first signs can be a Mg issue.
I’m always late to the party but this looks like a good place to learn something. I’ll tag along if that’s alright…
Happy to have you join in.

Yep, that’s what I meant - the foliar you gave might be helpful.
Nothing so far. The Bubba looks about the same.
I would definitely take advice from Rx Blend before I turned to Buttercup. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'll tell him you said that! ;)

Lmao. Nah, I wouldn't wish his ego on anyone.
Highya VG,

Would the 4-0-0 calmag help with the yellow veining on the bubba Kush? Happy Smokin'
I think it has too much N. The plants look like they have enough to me already.
They are bordering on too dark.

Hmm, I thought Mg def too, but it's top only. Interesting to hear from PB first.
It's mid plant. I took some more pics to follow...
Changed my answer.
From what?
And the TPS is mostly calcium at 4.5% and only 1.1% magnesium. Epsom salts would be a better solution pending Rx Blend's answer.
I have them at the ready. Just need to figure out how much I want to add.
I don’t see any need for N as the color is a good shade but also this does not seem like a Ca issue as there are not random little spots. The even distribution of the discoloring between veins indicates it most likely Mg related.

I assume that you mix nutrients for all of the plants at the same time (so they get the same solution). So I would conclude the same thing that you and others have... and added some Epsom.

I think the foliar will show an impact. As for what calmg to use, I’d go with the option with the highest Mg/Ca ratio and low N if possible. However if you only need a little Mg for one of the plants you could just use a pinch of Epsom.

They just started the full strength week 3 veg feed recently right? They might not need extra Mg the whole grow but only for a min while they adjust.
I mixed a double batch for both girls in a pail and split it between them.

They are both showing signs this morning. I plan on the epsom route for now.

Yes, they are on week three feed. They should be ready for week four in a day or so. As far as the cal-mag, the supplements that I have are these...

So.. order of mixing should be the Si and then epsom with the rest to follow?
Thanks but honestly you all came to the same conclusions I did...

The only other thing I can add ( and I DO NOT think this is the case here) is that I considered if it might be a mixing imbalance between Core A and Core B. The reason I don’t think this is a mixing related issue is that only one plant is showing an sign of discoloring and I assume they got the same nutrient solution.

Since Core A supplies Mg and Core B supplies Ca, if someone were to accidentally use too much B and not enough A then one of the first signs can be a Mg issue.
As far as I know, I mixed them correctly. Followed the suggested nute order and amounts.

Sorry I didn't get back to y'all sooner.
I've had some nagging headaches over the past week or two.
I couldn't look at a screen without discomfort so I slept the day away.

Hope y'all are doing well. :green_heart:
Those plants are looking mighty fine, VG!
That "issue" sure isn't slowing anything down....
I had that issue on my GG, so I started adding .5g/gallon of BPN Cal-Mag Pro, and the issue cleared up in about a week.
I tried the calmag because I knew the plant needed something, and that was the only additive I had that isn't a bloom nute... so it's not like I knew what I was doing, it's just all I had, and I got lucky when the problem cleared up...
From what?
A Mg def
It's mid plant. I took some more pics to follow...
Today's answer is: It appears to be lacking Mg. Looking at the labels, it's hard to increase the Mg without increasing the amount of Ca. I would go with the SensiCal if you are going to give any at all. But I would still wait for PB's input. They're far from dead. ;)
Those plants are looking mighty fine, VG!
That "issue" sure isn't slowing anything down....
I had that issue on my GG, so I started adding .5g/gallon of BPN Cal-Mag Pro, and the issue cleared up in about a week.
I tried the calmag because I knew the plant needed something, and that was the only additive I had that isn't a bloom nute... so it's not like I knew what I was doing, it's just all I had, and I got lucky when the problem cleared up...
You're right about them not slowing down. They look bigger this morning.

They should be ready to feed either this evening or tomorrow morning.
Just need to know what order to add my Epsom in. Hopefully @Prescription Blend will chime in.
Seems like it should be the second addition after the Si.
Today's answer is: It appears to be lacking Mg. Looking at the labels, it's hard to increase the Mg without increasing the amount of Ca. I would go with the SensiCal if you are going to give any at all. But I would still wait for PB's input. They're far from dead. ;)
I'm giving another foliar feed today.
I'll add epsom to the mix tomorrow. If and cal def shows up I'll switch to the Sensi-cal.
Unless you think that's foolhardy?

Here are some shots of the chickies this morning.

They are obviously ready to top. Have been for a bit. I don't usually top a stressed plant. I was going to wait but they are getting pretty big and I don't want to put it off for much longer.
There would be less plant to support if I topped and the plant would slow for a little bit ......until the secondary shoots go into rapid growth.
Would it help or make matters worse? What do y'all think?
Wait it out and look for signs of improvement or go for it?
Unless you think that's foolhardy?
Nothing you do is foolhardy, and your plan seems rock solid to me.
Would it help or make matters worse? What do y'all think?
It's not going to affect the plant. It's a minor nutrient issue, and might simply be fixed by reducing the watering time between feeds. If they are ready for topping, then I say do it!
I picked up this tidbit from a post that PB had made.

We had a DM exchange but I'm going to post it here as well in case other readers are using the same media.. With FFOF or other peat based mixes you can use a FEED, FEED, WATER rotation if desired but keep track of the plants and you can also feed every time if you want to. For coco coir you should absolutely feed every time.

I'm not sure what category you'll fall under with AP Promix. What type of schedule are you on?
Except for the minor Mg def, they are all looking very strong! I would top now if that’s what you had planned for them.

In the Jack’s 321 formula, the epsom is mixed in after the part with K and before the part with Ca.
I'm not sure what category you'll fall under with AP Promix. What type of schedule are you on?

hp is a f/f/w approach usually.
Nothing you do is foolhardy, and your plan seems rock solid to me.

It's not going to affect the plant. It's a minor nutrient issue, and might simply be fixed by reducing the watering time between feeds. If they are ready for topping, then I say do it!
Topping it is!
I'll do it tonight or tomorrow morning after coffee. That seems safer.

I could try giving smaller amounts, more frequently when feeding.
I picked up this tidbit from a post that PB had made.

We had a DM exchange but I'm going to post it here as well in case other readers are using the same media.. With FFOF or other peat based mixes you can use a FEED, FEED, WATER rotation if desired but keep track of the plants and you can also feed every time if you want to. For coco coir you should absolutely feed every time.

I'm not sure what category you'll fall under with AP Promix. What type of schedule are you on?
I'm on a f,f,f schedule.

I've tried to give plain water feedings while using the all-purpose Pro Mix but always come away with damage to the plant.
Except for the minor Mg def, they are all looking very strong! I would top now if that’s what you had planned for them.

In the Jack’s 321 formula, the epsom is mixed in after the part with K and before the part with Ca.
They look great from far...

Prescription Blend Ca is in the Core B solution. Core A has Mag....unless I got those two mixed up?
I though that I should add it immediately before these.

hp is a f/f/w approach usually.
I think that @InTheShed is using HP and feeds with every watering??

I use the much cheaper all-purpose. I feed with every watering as well.
Hi dear
I'd top. If you gave the epsom then she's almost back to perfect health only we can't see it yet. As soon as you can see, new growth should be perfect again. Your grow looks like all mine lately. I recently found I'm using the wrong lime and it lacs the amount of mag we need. That's the finding, we'll test it next. If it doesn't say dolomite, it isn't as mag powerful as I need.
I'm getting confused (what else is new).

What is this talk about what order to add the epsom salts? You can't add it between CoreA and CoreB right? All components of the nutrient blend need to be mixed in a certain order. It seems to be that the only option would be to add the epsom drench separately either before or after the nutrient feed.

Am I way off and misunderstanding the entire discussion?
I'll defer to the experts on what order to mix in, and I have always done FFF in ProMix HP. I also tend to flush the salts out around the 4th week of flower.
We've been trying to do that, but they seem AWorWOL at the moment. So she ended up with us. :high-five:
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