Shottafire Getting All Brix With It - Featuring Doc's Kit!

Doc should think about that. The kit delivers and is a great way to take the complications out of growing.

The last photo was for reference mainly since it was not in kit soil just in my own recycled soil to compare with the kit version of the same plant.

Frostkit. Stay frosty my friends.
MERRY CHRISTMAS . . . . Shottafire
Hempy Holidaze and Merry Crispnugs to you Shottafire!!!!!
Thanks everyone for the good holiday support. I plan on getting a update posted tonight.

Been really busy since thanksgiving. Its weird today feels like a new day and I have no scheduled plans in my near future, except for a little part time job I am starting in the new year.

The plants are looking really nice. The orange is enjoying the bigger pot, went ahead and super cropped the four mains instead of topping again. Neet to get a few stakes or cages in the pots soon.

Blackberry is in a 7 as well and it is due for some water tonight.

The 4 bubbas are taking off after I thought they were not going to go. lol They are still in the two gallon pots and will move up when some space opens up.

Cheers everyone.
So here is my overdue update.

Things are going well, and I am having fun with the kit more and more. The orange will move to flower this weekend and the blackberry as well. The four bubba will be transplanted and flipped sometime next weekend or later.

As far as feeds go I am following the directions but I do not feed each one the same. These plants are getting the extra special treatment right now.
One of the four Bubba Og



The six-pack

Have a great day everyone.
Looking good bro! You might want to beef up the Transplant for those Bubba's.....maybe give them 1/4 oz per feeding each and every time.

Yeah I was thinking that same thing. After transplanting the orange and blackberry there follow up water a week later was the 1/4 transplant and tea and they seemed very happy an hour later. The bubbas should get some fresh kit soil soon. Im trying to go slow with this run and really connect to the plants. I ask them what they want everyday.

Thanks for dropping in doc. Always reassuring to know your here to help when needed.
your plants look very healthy and have many tops

Thanks B!!! The kit is easy peasy growing, easier than anything i have ever tried and the results of others is what convinced me to try it out brix style.
Looks great Shottafire! I am a new grower and will be excited to follow and see how the kits end up treating you. :nicethread:

Hey my friend looking real nice :) glad your loving the kit! Just wanted to stop by and say hey. Also you might want to check my fluxing thread (finally gone into flower), as I reckon you'd love the simplicity of the style and the potential for big production. Best of buds to ya!
Fluxing is a great training tecnique for very large outdoor plants, I have tested that style out myself indoors and out along with many others and it takes at least a month longer than say UBT to get to the same size plant so its not a good style for indoor perpetual growing imho, you would need twice as many zones in the veg room than the flower room to keep up with the perpetual. so more space and more lights, its just not practical indoors.
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