VG's Prescription For Success With Atreum Lighting, Weed Seeds Express & Prescription Blend

The most certainly do look good, @Virgin Ground! They're getting a little giddy up to them. (Another member has got me on this music thing today. :Rasta:)

I come here with notepad in hand! :peace:
Y'all started me on my own musical journey. I listened to some stuff I haven't heard in years.
Most notably the song I was in love with when I was about 13.
What a rush of memories.

And doing an excellent job of it- they look just about perfect to me!
They look even better after their beauty sleep.
I really roughed up those roots. I must have taken a third of the Pro Mix off of them.
Didn't skip a beat.


How happy do you think Sheddie will be when I have to supercrop? Those plants are pretty big already and I still have to flip them.
I can hope that they won't stretch much but that's some wishful thinking on my part.

I'll give them a few days to recover...or will I? They just keep on growin every darn day.
Congrats on the big secret flip! What? You thought we couldnt be trusted with that info when it happened? Or were you just waiting for me to get back here. :hug:
Yes. That.

I've been in my own little world lately.
Hey y'all.
It's day #64 since sprout and day #5 since flip for the @Weed Seeds Express ladies.

They are continuing to grow rapidly. It doesn't look like they have begun to stretch just yet. I expect that will happen in a few days from now.

This is just a feeling at this point but I think the Chemdawg is going to be hard to contain in that space. I fully expect her to fall out of the tent when it's opened later on in flower.
The Bubba looks more well behaved to me.
Looking lovely, VG! :ganjamon:
They both look great, VG!- and I think you're right about the Chemdawg, she may want a little more than just half the tent...
Your Chemmy is off the hook! And everything else looks like fine art V! Smelling flowers soon!
Highya Stone
I saw some pistils starting yesterday. Yay!
Didn't get to see the plants this morning. My sleep schedule is off right now so I missed it by five minutes. Usually I wake up around 4:30-5 but this morning I got up at 9:05.
Just missed it.

They look happy, healthy and ready to flower!
They are growing well.
They have a nice lift to the leaves,look pretty happy.
I have a question for you about a few leaf issues but I'll insert it in the next update post.

Looking lovely, VG! :ganjamon:
Thanks GDB.
The equipment, genetics and nutes are doing the heavy lifting here. I just mix up some food every few days.
Let them do their thing.
They both look great, VG!- and I think you're right about the Chemdawg, she may want a little more than just half the tent...
That tent is already full ,front to back and side to side. I need to move the circulation fan to the floor or possibly above the light.
I'm still trying to spread them a little as they stretch. I'm going slow to prevent major breaks. The four corners of each plant look like they will be the ones that I have to address with some supercropping.

I'll have an update post up shortly.
Ok. It's day #68 since sprout and day #9 since flip for the @Weed Seeds Express gals.

@Prescription Blend.
Here is where I need to consult with you.
They look really nice for the most part but I am still having the same interveinal chlorosis issue with some of the leaves, while others are washed out at the tips and moving inward towards the stems.

I look closely at my leaves daily to pick up early on any issues hoping to get them resolved ASAP.

They just got their first flowering feed yesterday (Week 5) where Big Data is added in with the other components.
They seem dark enough so if I end up adding more cal-mag I'll probably stay with the same amount I've been using (4-0-0) but I could also switch to the 0-0-0 option.

My gut tells me to see what the addition of the Big Data does first and then go from there.

Thanks for looking, y'all.
Our grows are very different so I have to ask why aren't you using epsom salts?
I did for three feedings but decided to try the Sensi cal-mag since the epsom wasn't working as well as I had hoped.
It was a bit of a toss up between adding more epsom or trying the Sensi cal.
I can always go back and change things around.
I was using 1.5 TBL /gallon epsom. Maybe I just needed to up that and forget the cal-mag all together.
This is one of those times where I feel like noob still. Can't decide what would be better.
I could have also used epsom and given an epsom foliar as well....
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