Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures & Photos From The Garden - 2012

Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012


As far as the Flo N Gro, I run a sterile system, so that means I never have beneficials. I've found it easier to try to run sterile in hydro vs. cultivating beneficials (so far). Beneficials tend to overmultiply and clog pumps and things up in a hydro system, unfortunately. However, I think I figured out how to perk up my Flo N Gro plants (see upcoming post).

I wanted to reply to this in a different post.
If what you are using "over multiplies" then why not back off the amount you use?
I have used the Hygrozyme and Orca (liquid great white) at the same time and yes, I have seen the beneficial matter but never to the point of clogging my pumps. Then again, I don't use the reccomended amounts but still saw the benefits.
I also run pump filter bags when using the beneficials and that seems to help. I also clean all my pumps and filters every time I change the res once a week.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I can see the oil n water being an issue. I'm not sure since I've not had a need to use that stuff, but seems like it should be used sparingly or in short bursts to solve issues. Hopefully you got it handled.

I had a pump clog on me yesterday when I was res changing. In the process I also broke the pump in my rdwc. Fortunately I had a spare pump!:thumb: Guess I need to make sure and get another pump just in case it happens again.

I also need to set up next rdwc grow with a filter trap.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Your plants will come around X, give them some time to recover. I am glad to see your "vote of confidence" in organic growing. You could try an AACT to push some love down to the roots to help them rebound. A good tea will also help repel the bugs, those electric green leaves you talked about are not tasty to bugs.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

X you're pluggin away in style per your usual....I have complete faith in your ability. Sorry I haven't been around so much lately, but think about you and everyone often!
Your grow looks fine Brother. Although, I know what it is to feel it could be better. Funny, how even with your skill, you're still learning. I think "mastery" is relative, to each grower. I'll probably never feel I've mastered more than a style or two, but never growing in general....
I hope you're not over extending yourself too much, be healthy first my friend...:Namaste:
Hi all -

I have a bunch of PM's and catching up to do, but I'm reeling from a lot of bad news right now on several fronts. Financially, personally, physically (nothing life threatening at least), and... Well, that's the tip of the iceberg anyway.

I feel like I've managed to deal with so much and still remain mostly positive. I've knocked myself out trying to be a rock and a positive influence to those around me, here, and in my "real" life. I guess I actually thought I was able to stay above it all, but sadly I'm not.

I'm realizing that this convergence of negative news has thrown me into a real, significant, funk. Shoot, let's call it what it is -- I'm depressed. Sigh.

I'm sharing this because I sincerely care about so many people here, and I don't want anybody to think otherwise. I've got lots to process and figure out, and it might make things spotty for me here. Please don't think I'm ignoring you if I haven't responded to a message or popped into your journals lately. I was trying to get caught up, but I'm just really struggling with a lot at the moment and feeling really overwhelmed.

I'm sure I'll get through this all somehow, but I need to figure out the "how" part.

Much love, and thanks to you all for the continued love and support.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

i hate to quote a movie but like joe dirt said
"keep on keepin on"
youll get through it
im sure alot of us here believe in you and youll get through it
thinking positive at points in life like this is hard i know but theres always a bright side to everything
i know its hard to see it now but youll get through it and youll see
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hi all -

I have a bunch of PM's and catching up to do, but I'm reeling from a lot of bad news right now on several fronts. Financially, personally, physically (nothing life threatening at least), and... Well, that's the tip of the iceberg anyway.

I feel like I've managed to deal with so much and still remain mostly positive. I've knocked myself out trying to be a rock and a positive influence to those around me, here, and in my "real" life. I guess I actually thought I was able to stay above it all, but sadly I'm not.

I'm realizing that this convergence of negative news has thrown me into a real, significant, funk. Shoot, let's call it what it is -- I'm depressed. Sigh.

I'm sharing this because I sincerely care about so many people here, and I don't want anybody to think otherwise. I've got lots to process and figure out, and it might make things spotty for me here. Please don't think I'm ignoring you if I haven't responded to a message or popped into your journals lately. I was trying to get caught up, but I'm just really struggling with a lot at the moment and feeling really overwhelmed.

I'm sure I'll get through this all somehow, but I need to figure out the "how" part.

Much love, and thanks to you all for the continued love and support.

What ever your facing I wish you the strength to over come and work things out. Need a shoulder...I'm always here brother. :love:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Don't worry about us, we'll keep on while you sort your other life out. Please take care and we'll see you back here when you have time. I echo the other Hawaii boyz above.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I am praying for you too. Please continue to think possitive and get better. You really have a lot of friends. Everyone loves you here.:circle-of-love:
:thanks: for all the love guys. I'm feeling a little better today mentally, though not really physically. I promise to respond to you all personally when I can. Sorry for being a downer and letting things get the best of me. Sometimes you just get hit from all directions at once.

On the positive side, all plants looking slightly better with much healthier new leaves and aggressive growth in general. Will try to get some pics up soon too.

I just can't thank you all enough for the positivity, love and support - definitely appreciated! :thanks:
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Sending you some "rasta mon vibrations"
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Man X, I know depressed. First of the year I was looking at pending eviction (I've never been evicted in my 50+ yrs on this planet), worry about where the hell do I put my elderly mom with Alzheimer's and shitty SSI. Feeling like a total failure in taking care of her and pissed because nobody in the family gives a shit.

I was fortunate to get work literally withing 24-48 hrs of total eviction and got a break from the landlord as a result. Took 3 months plus to catch up. I'm not tons better off now, but the rent is paid, work is ok, growing these meds for mom seems to help some, and the light at the end of the tunnel may not be a train.

I too received many thoughts and prayers from folks right here at 420mag. Thanks for the support from you and others.

I can only share that I know the feeling of impending doom. It doesnt always mean impending doom, even though it feels like it. And most certainly overwhelming. Take one step at a time, with whatever needs to be priority. I know I speak for others here too when I say our thoughts are with you.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hi all -

I have a bunch of PM's and catching up to do, but I'm reeling from a lot of bad news right now on several fronts. Financially, personally, physically (nothing life threatening at least), and... Well, that's the tip of the iceberg anyway.

I feel like I've managed to deal with so much and still remain mostly positive. I've knocked myself out trying to be a rock and a positive influence to those around me, here, and in my "real" life. I guess I actually thought I was able to stay above it all, but sadly I'm not.

I'm realizing that this convergence of negative news has thrown me into a real, significant, funk. Shoot, let's call it what it is -- I'm depressed. Sigh.

I'm sharing this because I sincerely care about so many people here, and I don't want anybody to think otherwise. I've got lots to process and figure out, and it might make things spotty for me here. Please don't think I'm ignoring you if I haven't responded to a message or popped into your journals lately. I was trying to get caught up, but I'm just really struggling with a lot at the moment and feeling really overwhelmed.

I'm sure I'll get through this all somehow, but I need to figure out the "how" part.

Much love, and thanks to you all for the continued love and support.
X, we love you, man. As I said before you started this "SLOW" journal... Take time for you, brother. We're not going anywhere if you leave to get things right at home. We know life sucks sometimes and you have to just take time off to deal with it. Once you get things straight, I'm sure you'll pick right back up.

All the best to you, my friend.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Glad you were able to revive some of them X!

Hey X have you used GLR lighting for veg? If so, your thoughts?

Hi Surfbuddy! Thank you.

Sorry for taking so long on the reply. Yes I have - it works great. I saw nice veg development and had no issues. I've gone back to vegging 24/0 lighting, because of the convenience involved. I prefer 12-1 (GLR) or even 18/6 slightly to 24/0, but it depends on your priority. For me, the priority is convenience due to the way my space is laid out. If you wanted to save a little money or get more vigorous growth in veg, then GLR/12-1 is fine.

I've not used the bloom version of this, which is essentially a diminishing light schedule. However, I did bloom under 11/13 my last grow and liked the results fine, though I may have left yield on the table. After reading up on some DJ Short stuff, I saw that he has a theory regarding 11/13 (vs. 12/12) will coax more sativa tendencies, and that was my goal. I do feel like there may be something to it, too. I saw a lot of sativa traits in my plants, the buds, and the "high" from them - the big question is would I have under 12/12 too?
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I wanted to reply to this in a different post.
If what you are using "over multiplies" then why not back off the amount you use?
I have used the Hygrozyme and Orca (liquid great white) at the same time and yes, I have seen the beneficial matter but never to the point of clogging my pumps. Then again, I don't use the reccomended amounts but still saw the benefits.
I also run pump filter bags when using the beneficials and that seems to help. I also clean all my pumps and filters every time I change the res once a week.

Hey A1!

I appreciate the suggestions. In short, I'm really happy with the results I've been able to get in the Flo N Gro with a sterile reservoir. Bug problem aside, I've had some very vigorous healthy plants in the first couple of runs with it, and I'm not ready to mess with that too much yet (if it ain't broke don't fix it?).

What I have discovered, is that my res temps have gone up just a smidge due to the warmer weather outside. It's amazing what a couple of degrees can do. I'm finding that, when the temps get borderline, unplugging my circulation pump is just enough to keep it where I want. In the past, I was running cool enough that I didn't notice any temp issues by running that pump. But, the slight increase due to the warmer ambient temps caused the pump to push it from 66-67, to 68-70.

As an experiment, I stopped running the pump that kept the nutes recirculated in the reservoir, and the temps are staying at 66-67 degrees. Most importantly, the nutes are staying fresh longer and the plants are looking happier. If they keep looking as good as they are and I continue to not have any issues, I'll just ditch the pump for good. This is the first time I've had any issues with it as far as temps, but I haven't grown with the Flo N Gro in summer until now, either. I liked the idea that the pump would keep the nutrients from settling, but it doesn't appear that's happening anyway... Most importantly, since discontinuing it, my reservoir is also running much cleaner. The added aeration from the pump was causing a lot of issues with sludgy build-up that has completely disappeared since discontinuing it.
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

I can see the oil n water being an issue. I'm not sure since I've not had a need to use that stuff, but seems like it should be used sparingly or in short bursts to solve issues. Hopefully you got it handled.

I had a pump clog on me yesterday when I was res changing. In the process I also broke the pump in my rdwc. Fortunately I had a spare pump!:thumb: Guess I need to make sure and get another pump just in case it happens again.

I also need to set up next rdwc grow with a filter trap.

Hey Bass!

Yes, and I think that was it. A flush, reset, and discontinuation of bug stuff has made them really bounce back. It's amazing how quickly they can take off again once things are back in line a bit. I'm so relieved they are thriving again!

Even though it almost killed my plants, I'm seeing no evidence of continuing bug presence or pressure, now. Given how difficult it can be to eliminate these things, I'm really crossing my fingers. I've heard of people moving in an attempt to get rid of them, only to have them "move with them". This was all worth it if they are gone for good, so to speak. Clearly I'll have to remain viglilant and continue some precautionary measures. :wood:

There are filter bags you can get to put your pump in that might work for you. I have one I haven't tried yet, but might eventually... I see them at the hydro stores all the time - might be worth checking into for you?
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Your plants will come around X, give them some time to recover. I am glad to see your "vote of confidence" in organic growing. You could try an AACT to push some love down to the roots to help them rebound. A good tea will also help repel the bugs, those electric green leaves you talked about are not tasty to bugs.

I actually did try a tea like that, and it really was perking them up, but I then messed things up by leaving too much azamax on the roots. I won't use it like I did in the future, as it really seemed to be suffocating the plants at the root level. I'll use it primarily as a foliar in the future if needed. But, I liked the tea - especially on the moms. Thanks for the suggestion!
Re: Xlr8's Hydroponic Adventures and Photos from the Garden - 2012

Hey there X! Great to hear that you got it figured out! Sounds like the pump was causing more harm than good!
When I ran that similar unit I used a water cooler. I just kept the water at 68 degrees at all times. If you could use it you could give me a PM and we could work something out.

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