Flower Child Puts Seeds In The Soil Again 2013

So it was the escapee liberty that got the chop bet she already had a few ounces of outstanding weed and only a week untill main event :) cant wait too see those babies walk the green line :bong:
Congrats on your harvest Flo.
:high-five::circle-of-love:Hi Flower that liberty haze is some nice smoke and it does get better with age I've got some been curing for 8 months now and it is some damn good smoke! I am gonna be growin it as well as some G13 haze, GDP , Lucy, and Thai Stick on my next grow coming soon to :420:.:peace::thumb::goodjob:
Hi Harley! My Liberty will be lucky to get a two month cure before she is gone-LOL. But we sure are enjoying it while we have it! I can't wait to try the Lucy-only seven weeks to go!

So it was the escapee liberty that got the chop bet she already had a few ounces of outstanding weed and only a week untill main event :) cant wait too see those babies walk the green line :bong:
Hi Scottish! harvest is done pictures will be loaded shortly- a bit less than normal- but still a good harvest.

Congrats on your harvest Flo.
Thanks BAR!
Whew! It's been a busy couple weeks with harvest and helping move a relative! But now I finally have time to do a bit of an update.
Harvest went well, although we did get a couple ounces less than usual. But I think that was strain related.

This picture is from the first half of the harvest. We got about 12 ounces all total.

And now we can focus on the newest generation.
Here they are the day they were put in the flower tent.

In an attempt to avoid harvest during an upcoming vacation we vegged these girls seven weeks which may have been a huge mistake. They are going to be monsters this time as the Fruit Punch have stretched 12 inches in four days. The good news is they are also showing signs of flowering already.

Well that's about it for now-I'm off to catch up on journals!
Happy growing!
Hi Flower I just cracked some seeds and I have three seedlings and I'm waiting on 3 more to break ground. This grow I'm doing Liberty Haze, Lucy, G13 Haze (2) Thai Stick, and GDP I'll be updating my journal soon:peace::circle-of-love:

Oh I love Liberty Haze- such a nice high and really helps with pain.
I can't wait to see pictures of the new babies in your new grow space!
Hey thanks everyone! Now that harvest and the move are done we are concentrating on the remaining girls. They are now two weeks into flower and they are still stretching 3 plus inches a day. I find them too close to the light all the time but they are handling the heat well.

The buds are tiny yet at 2 weeks.

This weekend we will be starting seeds again- eight strains this time and all but one will be new to us.
They are:

Mazar/white rhino
Strawberry cheesecake
Black Russian
Purple train wreck
Desert diesel
Vanilla kush
Love cheese
The doctor

Can't wait to start!
Have a great weekend all!
:) congrats on your harvest and the move :) I will be watching that purple trainwreck normal trainwreck is such a potent strain the smell and taste are great but couple of tokes and you feel like a trainwreck unable to move I wonder what this cross will be like for you :bong:
Looking forward to the new beans Flo.
:) congrats on your harvest and the move :) I will be watching that purple trainwreck normal trainwreck is such a potent strain the smell and taste are great but couple of tokes and you feel like a trainwreck unable to move I wonder what this cross will be like for you :bong:
Thanks Scottish! I can't wait to try the purple train wreck. For some reason I've been fascinated with the purple strains - I can't wait to make purple hash I guess! And yeah I've had regular train wreck-it's really stony weed. Can't wait!

Looking forward to the new beans Flo.
Thanks BAR! Me too! I got a big order of seeds a few months ago and we were trying to decide what order to plant in. Ultimately we decided to grow one of everything so we will be doing eight strain grows for the foreseeable future!
Happy growing!
Just wanted to let everyone know we won't be around much for a while. "Mr flower child" had a massive stroke that was reversed by a wonder drug called T P A. He still has a lot of physical therapy ahead of him to regain full use of his extremities- so we will be rather busy for a while.

Grow wise the flowering girls survived several days of neglect- the seedlings did not.
We will start over in a few weeks when things slow down a bit.

Take care and happy growing!
:thedoubletake: Tell me it aint so...
Oh no Flo I'm soo sorry to here this hope mr Flo makes a good speedy recovery I'll include you all in my prayers a few plants don't matter they can be regrown mr f needs your attention alot more just hope you have enough meds help you through :green_heart:
I'm very sorry :(
Pass my wishes of quick recovery.
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