Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

Yep, yep I remember, I remember, sorry...ok...I forgot about the 'recently' ammended memo in my brain...I'd had the idea of stripping imprinted in my head for a while, and it was only a recent relevation about not stripping...haven't fully changed the image in my head yet...

Ooose Sensai.
Hey LA,ive read every page of this thread I gotta say I love your style. Havent had time too talk much because of sever medical isues with wife and myself.Ill live but wife is doomed with the big C. Anyway im going to flux on next grow so, how do you think this will work with gas lantern tech & diminishing light tech.?? Your thoughts???
I just had some new seeds pop make it above ground (2 reg Jack Herers, 1 fem Critical Hog and another fem Carmel Ice.) I was hoping to get a boy outa the two Jacks so I'm considering giving your style a shot with one of the other two in conjunction with the Cap'ns style of simple hydro...can't deny your success with it, that's for sure.
Hey LA, I am a big fan of your work, been reading through your journals. You are a master!!! I am in the process of my first ever grow and doing a scrog but I am so keen to do your flux method for my next run. I am also using gas lantern mainly due to heat in the room, it's much easier to control the temps this way. Like Buddy I am keen to hear your thoughts on GLR for flux. In the meantime I am reading everything I can about your techniques so that I can be fully prepared. Made some silly mistakes this time round but still been rewarded with a beautiful plant so it seems it is forgiving when it comes to torture as you well know. Seriously man you have me sold on one plant and make it a biggie from now on. Can't tell you how much I have learned from you and how much I appreciate your efforts. I laughed when I read about Gert, not because it was funny in any way but because I felt dead inside and reacted (in a strange way in shock). I was so invested in that plant's life story, I can only imagine how you felt. I thought to myself that was a once off and yet you have produced another beauty which shows how effective you are.

Buddy, so sorry to hear about you and your wife. Best wishes to both of you but make sure you get her to ingest as much oil as possible. I personally know of someone who has significantly reduced a cancerous tumor in size just by ingesting hash oil (as large a dose as possible a day) and every scan it keeps getting smaller. There was a risk of it being terminal but looks like he is on track to kill it off. It does mean he is trashed all day everyday but hey...:)
Wow !!! Buddybud, your words today caught me a little off guard. My thoughts are with you and your wife!!
Now as far as fluxing with GLR etc. Ive not used the schedule myself to be honest, but I dont see any problems with GLR or diminishing light schedule.
The only point I would make is that as fluxing pushes the flower period a little longer. You would want to start the diminishing later than normal to fit around this!

Ill ask some other peeps that read this to jump in with all thoughts on this subject please :) :) we shall get you plenty more info! :)

Jamthe3, my friend, that is the perfect way to get the biggest damn monster 420 has seen :) I will most definitely be all over your thread on that one! :)

Jack dabs, many thanks for your kind words :) fluxing is so damn simple lol. You will have great fun, also one big girl at a time in flower is great. You get a real close feel for your plants working like this. Although if a timer fails on ya lol, your eggs are all cooked.
Anyway, ill be here to help you all if required at any point. Anybody doing my styles of training gets my help if ever required! :)
I wish I could flux tomorrow! I'm going to forget all of the information before it's time for me to start fluxing!
I'm dreaming about pulling arms down and watching new arms appear

LOL, thanks for sharing that Hkoncept, I have found that re-reading is most helpful for retaining what I read. LA, any update on your mention on a new guide, was it MASTERFLUX 101? I've been sitting in the front row since I heard about it. It gets cold in here at night, I had to burn all your chairs to keep warm at night.
Here's FLUXY MOMMA. There's some new branches coming from the north on her that I plan on bringing up to the pot edge Professor Flux but what should I do with the south arms & the main east and west arms that are already at the rim while I'm waiting for the north arms to reach the rim of the pot? I know it's a little crazy looking right now from all the early be-headings but I'm sure you see what I'm trying to do.

Do u guys ever let it go:adore::blunt::hookah::hookah::cheesygrinsmiley: surely a plant(sorry miss) needs told wot 2 do.sorry,a women,needing told,wot 2 do???? And this guy got females 2 FLUX.their branches,tits an all,its a guy thing,but those buds showing,thats a girl getting her tits out,very crude,any chance of talking 2 my females,they dont mind getting the titts out,wot they do mind is me making a right titt off them,as if:party:
Trichster my friend the fluxing masterclass is starting already on my sponsored thread. Ill be opening an all business thread soon that will run alongside my current one. This will be a real fine detailed show and tell! :) this means we can chat freely on my current which ill keep updating and have as a relaxed thread then have a business one for reference! :)

BAR my friend I get your ideas and like them. If Im right your leaving the nodal growth on as your going for a girl more like my double flux waffle than my standard flux. This is a good choice for adapting!
Id top the ends as they reach you limits, then split the new and train away.
I would be going for the many shoots woven carpet now after so many beheadings. So dont strip just train a good network filling out your space as evenly as you can before letting build some vert before flip! :)

Hope that make sense as my eyes are failing me on my damn phone. Ill post back on this tomoz and get into some real detail. :) we have some work to but we will get you a fat ass girl! :)
Trichster my friend the fluxing masterclass is starting already on my sponsored thread. Ill be opening an all business thread soon that will run alongside my current one. This will be a real fine detailed show and tell! :) this means we can chat freely on my current which ill keep updating and have as a relaxed thread then have a business one for reference! :)
That means no monkey business on the business thread Trichster; Excluding Chimp. LOL

BAR my friend I get your ideas and like them. If Im right your leaving the nodal growth on as your going for a girl more like my double flux waffle than my standard flux. This is a good choice for adapting!
Id top the ends as they reach you limits, then split the new and train away.
I would be going for the many shoots woven carpet now after so many beheadings. So dont strip just train a good network filling out your space as evenly as you can before letting build some vert before flip! :)

Hope that make sense
Makes perfect sense. I was already there but didn't want to make a move without conferring with you first. What's funny is I just used those same words (adapt) over on my thread explaining my abstract flux to guess who. Thanxx again Professor Flux.

did i hear u say u manage all this from your smartphone?

thats something i tried, once, never to be tried again, u never cease to amaze:thumb::circle-of-love:
As did I once Trichs & wont be trying it again unless I'm stranded with just my phone in the middle of no-where in need of a 420 fix.
New pics LA. How am I looking? What should I do next and any other assistance on my Fluxes.

Hey buddy nice job, yet Id get some across pot restraints in. Have em going each way on both sides. This will give you easy control over a level canopy. Get them as close to edge of pot, as you want them set and building vertically now. Let em build into bushes for a while now! :)
This is the bit where you just open up the tops a few times a day to promote close nodal spacing! :)) just let them be happy and grow! :)

Thanks for the advise LA. Big reps for your promotion and teaching the flux tech.:thumb:
Thanx for your input LA and god bless, may your buds be strong and healthy. I think ill give them a couple of extra weeks before I start reducing light cycle. Thanx again!!!
@jack dobs, Thank you for your concern, I have been feeding her as much oil as she can take for several mo. but unfortunately she is getting much worse. Guess that's life. I too have about 1 mo. left in a scrog. Popping some fresh seeds in a week for the flux. Again thanx for your concern!!
Hey man,

ive got a question if you dont mind.

Is your fluxing technique also okay with a clone, because its not symmetrical?
And then ive seen your technique done with not 2 main branches but 4.
Is there any disadvantage and if not, could you explain me, why it is okay?

Sorry for my bad bad english

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