Highya Krissi,

There's some amazing trichome production!! Ladies are gorgeous! It's getting difficult to comment. I've used all the superlatives and can only reiterate old comments. But they're looking bigger, better, more mature, and gorgeous all at the same time!! Happy Smokin'
Whats that? Finding a love for another pheno or cheating on my Indicas? Juuust kidding, it is a very nice fresh high. I enjoyed it very much so, indeed. Surprise myself every day!

Oh thank you thank you! Me loves me some of them!

You know, I'm 3 minutes from the beach but it's NJ and we build on top of places we've built and for the Garden State, we are running out of garden which means running out of homes for the stinking badgers. He's friendly, I think. I guess. As friendly as an opossum...used to feed those guys cat food....the babies are super cute...

You know, I haven't...I'm not getting it lol I'll look it up when I wake up!

Baha! Mini koi...so that's how you spell it, huh? I think I knew that somewhere in the back of my brain. I blame the Sativa. So I blame you Clover! Hahaha!

Hurray! I win! I win!! :slide::yahoo::woohoo:

The longest one? Naaaah. That was long but I've had longer. You know before I used to be on the forums every day everywhere and I had smaller entries each time though but I wasn't providing so much. I've found that I try to make my time here worthwhile when I can hit my threads. Plus, the pics let me practice my photography and the things I look up, elevate my knowledge on certain topics. I've always been a rambler....see all this and all you said was this was the longest post ever.


So another Plant of the Day Focus in our older Zombie Death, Gizmo. As I type this in the garage, a mouse is apparently in TKs tool bench.

Anyway.. Gizmo is at Day 97 today which brings her to DAY 39 Flower. Approaching Week 6, we are seeing lots of trichome production and her buds are very dense.

Just from looking at the two Zombie Death girls together, Gizmo is going to be the one to finish earlier-mark my words!

Quite different looking than her sister, we will touch base with her tomorrow. Gizmo has not as long cone shaped buds as Spike does and also her color scheme is slightly different as well.

Gizmo seems to be the most frosty of the two.

She is exactly the same height as her sister and both have many many colas.

They were defoliated probably a good 6 times from me to get them where they are now.

Gizmo's fan leaves are not quite as large as her Zombie Death sister, also.

She has some leaf curling but nothing I am concerned about.

She smells tantalizing! A little different than her sister in this regard, too. Gizmo seems a little more on the sorbet side of smells, a little sweeter and a little less minty.

I'm really excited to have a bunch of these seeds left as they have been an intriguing grow. I love the twisted leaves they have.

They got fed a few hours ago, all drank again, close to 2gl each.

Droughting is coming soon, as well! 2 weeks I gather that I will begin Falkor's drought. We shall see!!

I grabbed some trichome shots which show the difference in color between Spike and Gizmo even more so. Lots of rainbow colors coming in now on the older Zombie Death.

I also added in another fan today to the tent as we are getting pretty jam packed in here midway through flower.

Thanks for coming by and I'll have something interesting to talk about tomorrow when we do our continuation of the Zombie Death focus plants.

Salute friends!
Loving them frosty ☃️ colas! Your always a winner in my book 📖 Jersey! Getting really good @ those tri-shots to. Happy growing robe buddy. CL🍀
Highya Krissi,

There's some amazing trichome production!! Ladies are gorgeous! It's getting difficult to comment. I've used all the superlatives and can only reiterate old comments. But they're looking bigger, better, more mature, and gorgeous all at the same time!! Happy Smokin'
Oh Bode! You're always the one with the superlatives! I just appreciate that you take the time to love on my girls! No need to go crazy looking for something to say! The girls thrive off your guys' love for them and it shows!
Loving them frosty ☃️ colas!
Me too robe buddy!!!
Your always a winner in my book 📖 Jersey!
aww gee you guys are sweet to me today! You are always a winner in mine, Clover!
Getting really good @ those tri-shots to. Happy growing robe buddy. CL🍀
Trying man, really am....
Five and a half weeks with that much frost . Are they 7-8 weeks for harvest ?
The Zombie Death specs say 11 weeks for these Sativas! I could maybe see it on Spike but Gizmo, she looks to be finishing much sooner. Took these pics the other day of Spike and then Gizmo yesterday, totally offsetting eachother in terms of production.

Absolutely gorgeous like the grower :love:
Awwww West :love: :hug:
Fine looking ladies you got there. Next grow is already planned but thanks to you, i think i will try the Sirius and ZDF afterwards. You mentioned defoliation, when you do that, do you remove a bunch of fan leaves to open up the canopy? Are you going by looks or are you targeting a ballpark percentage of leaves removed?
Fine looking ladies you got there.
Thanks Gid, I appreciate you!
Next grow is already planned but thanks to you, i think i will try the Sirius and ZDF afterwards.
YES!!! My Sirius Black is @Weed Seeds Express and my ZDF are from i49 seeds.
You mentioned defoliation, when you do that, do you remove a bunch of fan leaves to open up the canopy? Are you going by looks or are you targeting a ballpark percentage of leaves removed?
I do a center line defol, open up as much as I can in the middle for both light and air. I don't have a certain percentage and it needs to be done multiple times cause they just keep on making more leaves. How I gage it is pretty simple, I start defoliation from the bottom up, always looking up the main stalk of the plant.
Once I am able to see light hitting the bottom of the canopy, I stop. 7 times out of 10, the leaves that can go usually have a reddish hued petioles to them, they almost call for you to take those ones specifically.

I start defol a few days before flip, it is a light defol as the girls will climb up and out. Then around a week after flip, as they stretch, you will be able to see where you need to go next with the trimmers. Come week 3 in flower, do it again. And then after that, just continue to maintain with smaller snips.

This Big Bull is an extreme example because I kind of shaped her like a bonsai, but for purposes of showing you how I get the middle opened up, this is a prime example. And I dropped one of Sirius Black, you can see how that midline is completely free and clear, as well. If I had lights on, I'd grab one of my Gelato-K for you, as she is just colas with nothing in between.

I hope that helps. Next time I go into flower, I'll be sure to do some special time focusing on defoliation how tos and before and after pictures

Here is one before and after of a final prune on the Big Bull I shaped.




Thank you so much! You should know, your post is my very first bookmark. Lots of tips and the proof is in your consistent grows.
Aww man you guys are killing me today with the positive feedback. That's awesome to hear and you know, I'm a very laissez-faire grower, I just have a system that I found to work for me and I run with it and like we said, saves me time and energy with all that unnecessary training, pinning down, spreading out, etc etc. That's too much work for me :rofl: I knew there were other ways, I just had to find them is all. Now I can just continue to be a happy, easy peasy grower picking up things along the way that spike my interest to try; glad you may be headed in that direction, too!
True definition in innovation, get same or better outputs while improving or simplifying inputs. In other words, make things easy peasy!
100% Gid :high-five:
Thanks Gid, I appreciate you!

YES!!! My Sirius Black is @Weed Seeds Express and my ZDF are from i49 seeds.

I do a center line defol, open up as much as I can in the middle for both light and air. I don't have a certain percentage and it needs to be done multiple times cause they just keep on making more leaves. How I gage it is pretty simple, I start defoliation from the bottom up, always looking up the main stalk of the plant.
Once I am able to see light hitting the bottom of the canopy, I stop. 7 times out of 10, the leaves that can go usually have a reddish hued petioles to them, they almost call for you to take those ones specifically.

I start defol a few days before flip, it is a light defol as the girls will climb up and out. Then around a week after flip, as they stretch, you will be able to see where you need to go next with the trimmers. Come week 3 in flower, do it again. And then after that, just continue to maintain with smaller snips.

This Big Bull is an extreme example because I kind of shaped her like a bonsai, but for purposes of showing you how I get the middle opened up, this is a prime example. And I dropped one of Sirius Black, you can see how that midline is completely free and clear, as well. If I had lights on, I'd grab one of my Gelato-K for you, as she is just colas with nothing in between.

I hope that helps. Next time I go into flower, I'll be sure to do some special time focusing on defoliation how tos and before and after pictures

Here is one before and after of a final prune on the Big Bull I shaped.




Great tutorial on defoliation Jersey, concise and informative 👍. CL🍀
Great tutorial on defoliation Jersey, concise and informative 👍. CL🍀
Anytime. First time I think I've ever been so concise in an explanation :rofl: I'll ramble a lot later I reckon when I'm back on here. Off to ShopRite. Ugh. Germ central.
Thanks Gid, I appreciate you!

YES!!! My Sirius Black is @Weed Seeds Express and my ZDF are from i49 seeds.

I do a center line defol, open up as much as I can in the middle for both light and air. I don't have a certain percentage and it needs to be done multiple times cause they just keep on making more leaves. How I gage it is pretty simple, I start defoliation from the bottom up, always looking up the main stalk of the plant.
Once I am able to see light hitting the bottom of the canopy, I stop. 7 times out of 10, the leaves that can go usually have a reddish hued petioles to them, they almost call for you to take those ones specifically.

I start defol a few days before flip, it is a light defol as the girls will climb up and out. Then around a week after flip, as they stretch, you will be able to see where you need to go next with the trimmers. Come week 3 in flower, do it again. And then after that, just continue to maintain with smaller snips.

This Big Bull is an extreme example because I kind of shaped her like a bonsai, but for purposes of showing you how I get the middle opened up, this is a prime example. And I dropped one of Sirius Black, you can see how that midline is completely free and clear, as well. If I had lights on, I'd grab one of my Gelato-K for you, as she is just colas with nothing in between.

I hope that helps. Next time I go into flower, I'll be sure to do some special time focusing on defoliation how tos and before and after pictures

Here is one before and after of a final prune on the Big Bull I shaped.




Krissi are you saving the fans for salve ? The guys down at the hood made some out of buds that was canna cream from @HashGirl . You know what think I’ll take a ride and get me some , the weather is nice enough 72 degrees from 36 this morning. I should be back by dark 30 .
Krissi are you saving the fans for salve ? The guys down at the hood made some out of buds that was canna cream from @HashGirl
I save my sugar leaves but I absolutelyfall short of harnessing the good that's in those fan leaves. I've been saving them in a photo book for my sister, she wants to use them to make resin art and stuff like cutting boards and all that jazz so I guess I'm not wasting it wasting it...
. You know what think I’ll take a ride and get me some , the weather is nice enough 72 degrees from 36 this morning. I should be back by dark 30 .
Did you go did you go??!!
Today is Day 97/98 Day 40 Flower

3 part entry today!!

First part I'll touch on back building buds as we attempted this with several colas now a week ago on our Gorilla Glue Super Lemon Haze.

It is clearly evident the difference that is made in the transition of energy to different parts of the cola. I snipped most colas but left a couple as is to try ro see if we could physically see a difference with our eyes over time. And we can-so much, I'm not even gonna bother pointing out which ones were back builded and which weren't.

I did a little more snipping to what I assume is the main cola out of the bunch as I had already burnt the top of her one morning when she stretched into the light.

I didn't pull her out of the tent, as I should have to get some pics where there wasn't an extreme light reflection being she is so tall, but I took a few and it's something that I'll embellish on closer to her coming to harvest time.

So a few friends mentioned Back Building Buds when I was discussing the height issue I was having with Spicoli. I had never heard of back building buds but luckily for us Azi was able to post a link and in doing so, I read it and said, hey why not-let's do this!

I'm always up for trying new things being a new grower. I have an open mind when it comes to cultivation and the practices involved and I'm always looking for ways yo make my grows healthier and happier.

One thing that doesn't make our plants happy is growing into the lights lol they also don't like being too close to them, either, I don't blame them, must be hot as heck up there in the lights.

So here's the deal with Back Building Buds:

Also known as bud pinching, it is a technique that is used around Week 4/5 Flower. This method of growing marijuana is typically used to increase the cola size, as it doesn’t seem to change the overall production of a cannabis plant.

It is performed by pinching or cutting 1/8-1/16th of an inch off the tops of the colas. The goal is to remove excess growth to force the plant to focus on swelling the buds that are left behind, rather than making the ones that already exist longer.

This helps with plants that are growing too tall for your space and is an alternate to Super cropping your buds to make them fit.

For this method to be successful, it must be done slowly over a period of a few weeks one bud at a time, so that the marijuana plant doesn’t experience too much stress or shock from the damage.

It is said to start small, like a haircut, you can always cut more off but once it's gone, it's gone.

I did 1/16 of an inch the first day and then I went back 4 days later and snipped another 1/16 of an inch, bring me to 1/8 of an inch total removed.

The benefit: Larger and more swelled bud colas that can more easily fit into your grow area

The risk: Too much pruning will stunt a cannabis plant’s growth

It's a really easy process, just make sure you have clean sheers to use.

I'll leave you with some bottom up shots of the legs of this tent. The @Cultiuana CT-720 is able to reach through thick forest and supply all the light and then some, that these 5 plants need!

I'm going to gather the stuff for my next entry and I need to upload photos I took last night for my other journal so I'll be back in a little bit with Part II and III of today which will be the continuation of our Zombie Death Focus.

We will have an assortment of both MACRO and regular photos so I can show you guys the difference between all these kinds of shots I'm trying to take and more importantly, why I make the effort to take the multiple kinds of shots.

Catch you all when I come back here later on, hope everyone's Saturday has been relaxing thus far!

And hey, I got a new bowl last night!

Today is Day 97/98 Day 40 Flower

2 part entry today. First part I'll touch on back building buds as we attempted this with several colas now a week ago on our Gorilla Glue Super Lemon Haze.

It is clearly evident the difference that is made in the transition of energy to different parts of the cola. I snipped most colas but left a couple as is to try ro see if we could physically see a difference with our eyes over time. And we can-so much, I'm not even gonna bother pointing out which ones were back builded and which weren't.

I did a little more snipping to what I assume is the main cola out of the bunch as I had already burnt the top of her one morning when she stretched into the light.

I didn't pull her out of the tent, as I should have to get some pics where there wasn't an extreme light reflection being she is so tall, but I took a few and it's something that I'll embellish on closer to her coming to harvest time.

So a few friends mentioned Back Building Buds when I was discussing the height issue I was having with Spicoli. I had never heard of back building buds but luckily for us Azi was able to post a link and in doing so, I read it and said, hey why not-let's do this!

I'm always up for trying new things being a new grower. I have an open mind when it comes to cultivation and the practices involved and I'm always looking for ways yo make my grows healthier and happier.

One thing that doesn't make our plants happy is growing into the lights lol they also don't like being too close to them, either, I don't blame them, must be hot as heck up there in the lights.

So here's the deal with Back Building Buds:

Also known as bud pinching, it is a technique that is used around Week 4/5 Flower. This method of growing marijuana is typically used to increase the cola size, as it doesn’t seem to change the overall production of a cannabis plant.

It is performed by pinching or cutting 1/8-1/16th of an inch off the tops of the colas. The goal is to remove excess growth to force the plant to focus on swelling the buds that are left behind, rather than making the ones that already exist longer.

This helps with plants that are growing too tall for your space and is an alternate to Super cropping your buds to make them fit.

For this method to be successful, it must be done slowly over a period of a few weeks one bud at a time, so that the marijuana plant doesn’t experience too much stress or shock from the damage.

It is said to start small, like a haircut, you can always cut more off but once it's gone, it's gone.

I did 1/16 of an inch the first day and then I went back 4 days later and snipped another 1/16 of an inch, bring me to 1/8 of an inch total removed.

The benefit: Larger and more swelled bud colas that can more easily fit into your grow area

The risk: Too much pruning will stunt a cannabis plant’s growth

It's a really easy process, just make sure you have clean sheers to use.

I'll leave you with some bottom up shots of the legs of this tent. The @Cultiuana CT-720 is able to reach through thick forest and supply all the light and then some, that these 5 plants need!

I'm going to gather the stuff for my next entry and I need to upload photos I took last night for my other journal so I'll be back in a little bit with Part II of today which will be the continuation of our Zombie Death Focus.

We will have an assortment of both MACRO and regular photos so I can show you guys the difference between all these kinds of shots I'm trying to take and more importantly, why I make the effort to take the multiple kinds of shots.

Catch you all when I come back here later on, hope everyone's Saturday has been relaxing thus far!

And hey, I got a new bowl last night!

Looks like a green forest 🌳 in there! Really nice looking grow Jersey 🤩👍. Cool bowl too. CL🍀
Enjoy Krissi, some of the best flower ive seen online.
Thanks GG. I hadn't seen you on a lot and I've seen you more lately, that makes me happy! Just like seeing that GG pop up everywhere, always so positive with everyone!
I need to get your snow machine..lol
I'll send it over....so long as you promise when you bring it back we can build a snowman together!

So back to Part II. Continuation of our:
Zombie Death Focus Plant of the Day

Today we are looking up, over and at our younger Zombie Death sister in Spike.

This girl is cone shaped to the max, I'd say she made herself her own breed of nugs:Foxtail Cones. Not quite foxtails, not quite cones. She's got something different going on. They are so heavy and dense and so awkwardly stacked that she leans over, they almost look like purple fingers curling. Very interesting thing to see.

I can honestly say not one of my plants has buds growing in the same form. I have fat kind of fisted buds (Sirius Black), cone buds, these foxtail cone buds (ZDF), foxtail buds (GGSLH is genetically bred to have fox tails on her dense buds) and I have your regular old mill run of the line buds in my Gelato-K. Even in my 3x3, my 2 Big Bulls, have all sorts of interestingly shaped buds between them.

The one thing I really like about the ZDF is this rainbow coloring I'm seeing. It's evident through trichome pics, mainly which is funny cause Sirius Black, who has a real rainbow color scheme, is showing mostly her deep purple side at this juncture.

Now I want to point out that these trichome shots were done free hand WITHOUT the use of my scope holder. You can obviously tell, these aren't as crisp as the ones taken where the scope is steady. You may think your hand is steady when you take pics, but that slight vibration sent when you move your hand or finger just slightly to snap that photo, is all it takes for a photo to become less clear.

Can you guys see what I'm throwing out here?? Just that little bit of an uneasy hand leads to good, but not great pics! I didn't think it was necessary to have all the things I do now for picture taking but I see that this is such an art, it takes both tools and lots of practice to be even halfway good at it.

This Zombie Death is pretty stellar from her bottom nugs up. The sugar production on these sisters is profound. Spike seems to have hers coming up from the bottom while Gizmo seems to have fairies come overnight and sprinkle a little more on top.

It makes me so anxious for harvest when I see this kind of trichome production from way down under, this early on. I am like a little kid in a candy shop, beaming with excitement!

The following shots are regular phone camera photos. I use my flash to negate the glare that comes in from the top with the light. The phone has to be angled a certain way as well or the photos come out with a little yellow hue on them.

It's harder to manage this the more the plants develop as the snow resin they've made, reflects even more light.

I just want to preface this by saying, when you look at these photos, you can tell they aren't MACROS as they aren't clear when you zoom into smaller areas. The trichomes seem washed out or faded and the pistils are not nearly as clear as in the MACROS.

I took a bunch of these peculiar buds she has. It's not just one or two either, it's every single bud!

I'll follow this entry with Part III, which will be a MACRO photo entry of both of the Zombie Death girls buds. It'll be so fun to see side by side, the extreme differences in what were seemingly identical plants just several weeks ago.

What these plants do and what each strain is capable of doing, blows my mind-every single growing day. They are all so unique and so amazing, it's a wonder how people can have an opportunity to grow and don't take it.
It's not until you are a part of this process and see what big things come from some of the smallest things around, that you fall in love.

I mean maybe you need to have green in your blood. Maybe you need to be a special kind of person, like some people are able to work in restaurants and some will never be able to, in order to feel the love these plants give.

Constantly making the most out of your environment, consistently pushing yourself and your grows to be better. I think that's the athlete in me. Thinking of growing as I would a sport, a place to make friends, learn, grow (literally), better myself.

That's all for this entry....
MACRO Photo Comparative Entry to come on the 2 Zombie Death sisters, Gizmo and Spike.
Thanks GG. I hadn't seen you on a lot and I've seen you more lately, that makes me happy! Just like seeing that GG pop up everywhere, always so positive with everyone!

I'll send it over....so long as you promise when you bring it back we can build a snowman together!

So back to Part II. Continuation of our:
Zombie Death Focus Plant of the Day

Today we are looking up, over and at our younger Zombie Death sister in Spike.

This girl is cone shaped to the max, I'd say she made herself her own breed of nugs:Foxtail Cones. Not quite foxtails, not quite cones. She's got something different going on. They are so heavy and dense and so awkwardly stacked that she leans over, they almost look like purple fingers curling. Very interesting thing to see.

I can honestly say not one of my plants has buds growing in the same form. I have fat kind of fisted buds (Sirius Black), cone buds, these foxtail cone buds (ZDF), foxtail buds (GGSLH is genetically bred to have fox tails on her dense buds) and I have your regular old mill run of the line buds in my Gelato-K. Even in my 3x3, my 2 Big Bulls, have all sorts of interestingly shaped buds between them.

The one thing I really like about the ZDF is this rainbow coloring I'm seeing. It's evident through trichome pics, mainly which is funny cause Sirius Black, who has a real rainbow color scheme, is showing mostly her deep purple side at this juncture.

Now I want to point out that these trichome shots were done free hand WITHOUT the use of my scope holder. You can obviously tell, these aren't as crisp as the ones taken where the scope is steady. You may think your hand is steady when you take pics, but that slight vibration sent when you move your hand or finger just slightly to snap that photo, is all it takes for a photo to become less clear.

Can you guys see what I'm throwing out here?? Just that little bit of an uneasy hand leads to good, but not great pics! I didn't think it was necessary to have all the things I do now for picture taking but I see that this is such an art, it takes both tools and lots of practice to be even halfway good at it.

This Zombie Death is pretty stellar from her bottom nugs up. The sugar production on these sisters is profound. Spike seems to have hers coming up from the bottom while Gizmo seems to have fairies come overnight and sprinkle a little more on top.

It makes me so anxious for harvest when I see this kind of trichome production from way down under, this early on. I am like a little kid in a candy shop, beaming with excitement!

The following shots are regular phone camera photos. I use my flash to negate the glare that comes in from the top with the light. The phone has to be angled a certain way as well or the photos come out with a little yellow hue on them.

It's harder to manage this the more the plants develop as the snow resin they've made, reflects even more light.

I just want to preface this by saying, when you look at these photos, you can tell they aren't MACROS as they aren't clear when you zoom into smaller areas. The trichomes seem washed out or faded and the pistils are not nearly as clear as in the MACROS.

I took a bunch of these peculiar buds she has. It's not just one or two either, it's every single bud!

I'll follow this entry with Part III, which will be a MACRO photo entry of both of the Zombie Death girls buds. It'll be so fun to see side by side, the extreme differences in what were seemingly identical plants just several weeks ago.

What these plants do and what each strain is capable of doing, blows my mind-every single growing day. They are all so unique and so amazing, it's a wonder how people can have an opportunity to grow and don't take it.
It's not until you are a part of this process and see what big things come from some of the smallest things around, that you fall in love.

I mean maybe you need to have green in your blood. Maybe you need to be a special kind of person, like some people are able to work in restaurants and some will never be able to, in order to feel the love these plants give.

Constantly making the most out of your environment, consistently pushing yourself and your grows to be better. I think that's the athlete in me. Thinking of growing as I would a sport, a place to make friends, learn, grow (literally), better myself.

That's all for this entry....
MACRO Photo Comparative Entry to come on the 2 Zombie Death sisters, Gizmo and Spike.
Been taking care of my Dad lately that moved in with us recently. So, we just been chillin out. Im kinda retired and my other two brothers are busy. So, im just growing tree and hanging out with pops..lol..you probably can tell ive been consuming too much cannabis lately..lol
Cheers Krissi, always great seeing you too.
how that blueberry? Insane thich production
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