Duggan - DBHBB With Two Pots - One Kit - Four Plants

I'm not sure now, if i'l run all five KK, or only take the strongest looking four! I kinda only want two at the most in the 26ers.I'm thinken 3 in one pot will be one too many! These KK are supposed to be a medium yielder with a good stretch at flip , so , i'l be topping them twice with the usual LST and SCing! From all the grows of this strain I've seen , I'm really gonna have to train them properly to get the high yield I'm after....that's where topping them twice will help big time! Cheers Gang....so nice to see we're all having sooo much fun!! :blunt:
Good Sunday evening gang!! just a few pics tonight. They got ....back pot, 6 gal's water, that's it , nothing else....front pot got another 4 gal's of also, just water. Just going by original instructions. The back pot only got the one CD cuz they didn't like it, next drink and both pots go back on GE for the finish in a couple , few weeks.Cheers gang , oh ya btw, i'm trying a different setting on the camera for these, it's a work in progress...:tokin:

duggan, good evening! beautiful girls and vapir!! works great I assume? :)

Mornin Ziggs, ya....the VapirRise 2.0 is working great and just last night I smoked my first J in over two weeks on the way to my hockey game! TBH it doesn't taste that good compared to vaping....just taste's burnt and not as fresh or clean! It's all what one gets used to , I suppose. Cheers Ziggs and have a great day brotha!
Very cool new vape!
Sorry your girl didn't like the CD, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. 50% of my current crop liked it just fine. The other half...not so much.
Very cool new vape!
Sorry your girl didn't like the CD, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. 50% of my current crop liked it just fine. The other half...not so much.

Hey Major, thanks brotha, ya the new vape is awesome . About the CD....me too Major , the MLI's didn't like it and neither did the MK-Ultra. The Zamal Hash is OK with it but the other three have burnt tips and leaf edges now....fu...k sakes.They all got plain water ....the front pot has gotten just water twice and the back pot just once so far. After it gets another just water drink , i'm switching back to GE for the finish. Should be in two to three weeks. Cheers Major!
Duggs do you perform a later cat drench than most? What day was it?

Shiggs, waz goin on brotha! Yes , i give the CD later than most .Around the middle of week four....but there's more, the CD as you know is very tricky to understand and takes a bunch of crops to have it figured out. It's very strong and purposeful. Doc's instructions say " If in doubt, ...leave it out" He put that in there for a reason. I believe the absolute best time to give it , is just before the "turbo" time , ya know , when they explode with new clusters every day for about a week, really taking off, so to speak. That's when i try to time it. That's the perfect time IMO. That means you have to have some strain experience as well as experience with the Kit. I've also found over time, that CD should only be given to healthy , vigorous plants and not ones that have any issues.
With these Kosher Kush's comin up for me, i may omit the CD in favour of GE and the OG Drench. Anyhow, have an awesome night Shiggs and Gang! :circle-of-love:
Shiggs, waz goin on brotha! Yes , i give the CD later than most .Around the middle of week four....but there's more, the CD as you know is very tricky to understand and takes a bunch of crops to have it figured out. It's very strong and purposeful. Doc's instructions say " If in doubt, ...leave it out" He put that in there for a reason. I believe the absolute best time to give it , is just before the "turbo" time , ya know , when they explode with new clusters every day for about a week, really taking off, so to speak. That's when i try to time it. That's the perfect time IMO. That means you have to have some strain experience as well as experience with the Kit. I've also found over time, that CD should only be given to healthy , vigorous plants and not ones that have any issues.
With these Kosher Kush's comin up for me, i may omit the CD in favour of GE and the OG Drench. Anyhow, have an awesome night Shiggs and Gang! :circle-of-love:

I love it when you go into teacher mode. :kisstwo: :love:

I learned something new and valuable.
A very good evening to ya's. I'm throwin a few more pics up ....if they bore you's let me know ok.
This is such a cool time for me now....this only happens three times a yr. unlike most of the gang that's doing the perpetual harvest thing and having new, different buds every few weeks. It was fun doing three different strains at once, it's bin quite a while since i did this . Had more space back then, big farmhouse. Anyhow , i'm already thinking of the next crop of Kosher Kush. Bin wanting to try it for some time now, so...only gonna do one strain. Have a great night everyone....we're getting a storm right now....yay! :yikes:

sent from my DeLorean...in the future!
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