Fun, Friendly But Still Serious Outdoor Guerrilla Grow Show 2018

Awesome! Let us know how it goes:)

Ok so guna eat one nw ive been kinda sleepy 2day im nt sure if thts from licking the spoon n bowl :drool:clean or not:rofl: but either way ima go get a brownie ill post back ina little while to let u no how it goes wish me luck. Dont they take about 90 min to kick in or sumthn like tht?
Yep just eat more


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Sorry for the lack of updates guys! Life has been extremely busy with work and family visiting this summer, also a leaking gas tank in the boat! Major project to replace it, so far the engine is out but long way to go! Right in the middle of this never-ending heat wave too. It's been over 30 pretty much every day for a few weeks now with about 25 percent of normal rainfall.
The bloody skunk was dry a few days back but when I went to cut it up I noticed it was covered with hundreds or thousands of aphids! They were all thru the buds and everything, I was so disgusted I took the whole thing straight to the woods so never even got to try it! No idea where they came from none of the other plants have a single one so it seems like they got onboard in the tent where it was drying. Guess it's serious disinfectant time in there.
Harvested the Jack47 on the 25th, just jarred it tonight, nice and stinky and samples well! Small yield though, didn't weigh it but only one jar so I am going to guess 20g. Also chopped the Cream Mandarine XL yesterday, she was a bit underfed I think but looks and smells great! Might be an ounce from her.
Buddy's Moby Dicks are starting to flower and looking pretty good!
Back row from left, 2x Cream Mandarine and the 3 best Moby Dicks
The two runt Jack47 and a couple of sickly Mobys in the front.
Moby D's
Cream Mandarines
Cream Mandarine hanging
So these will be all for outdoor this season. Hoping to get a couple of Blueberrys popped around mid Sept to scrog under the qb's! Stay tuned. Love seeing what you guys have going on, I'll be around! Cheers!
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