ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatter

Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

There is a big hype and also a lots of myths about the Girl Scout Cookies. Many people think the strain is a hybrid of the Cherry Pie (Cherry Kush) and also have some GDP in the lineage - but probably GSC have nothing to do with this strains and it's simply a South Florida OG Kush x F1 Durban hybrid. It's not a big yielder, but strong and tasty. Flowering around 9 - 10 weeks.
i would go for the original....
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Probably a smart idea, professor P probably has some in the process of seeding right now and can let you know the anticipated time of arrival. And check out Bluniverse, it doesnt have a GSC parent but it is blueberry and kali mist/desstar based.

And of all the strains I am most excited about Pineapple fields. If you look around the interwebs you will see nothing but praise.

Mom : Snowbud/Pineapple x Kali Mist
Dad: DessTar(Starship x KaliMist)

With both mom and dad expressing kali mist genes that is one heck of a recipe for greatness!
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

It's a terrible shock when you look in your Twister pots and see some 1mm jellybeans walking freak and set them aside. Then you look at your other pots including the Chem nute and high Brix plants in the ten gallons ready to flower and see them too. Hundreds of them... :thedoubletake:

Pics soon. Praying they aren't root aphids!!!! Please let them not be root aphids they are in every pot I have! :yikes: I have seen some fungus gnats here and there but only one or two and that has been for the last several weeks. These little guys are definitely not thrips,springtails,or fungus gnat larvae. They are light in color and rounded like a jellybean with longish mouth parts and antennae.
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

It's a terrible shock when you look in your Twister pots and see some 1mm jellybeans walking freak and set them aside. Then you look at your other pots including the Chem nute and high Brix plants in the ten gallons ready to flower and see them too. Hundreds of them... :thedoubletake:

Pics soon. Praying they aren't root aphids!!!! Please let them not be root aphids they are in every pot I have! :yikes: I have seen some fungus gnats here and there but only one or two and that has been for the last several weeks. These little guys are definitely not thrips,springtails,or fungus gnat larvae. They are light in color and rounded like a jellybean with longish mouth parts and antennae.

Shiggs, say it aint so brotha!! Get a pic up , if ya can, i've delt with the lil bastards, and let me tell ya , the whole batch of soil wound up going outside in the middle of winter after i harvested , just to get it out of my house. Lots of trouble....NOT GOOD! Wanna know what they do , and how! If your using standard nursery pots, the roots naturally circle them , round and round and round. When the root aphids chew thru the beginning of that particular root string....everything beyond dies, and the plant goes down hill very rapidly. One plant i had was so bad , when i finally put her out of her misery, i just pulled it out of the pot with very LITTLE effort.There was literally no more roots left. I was so pissed cuz i tried least i thought i did anyhow. Let me see them if you can, i'l tell ya if that's what they are. I think you may be ok however cuz the ones i had were very , very maybe 3/4 mil.and no tentacles, just little whitish, clear , light brown little egg shaped fuckers. Anyhow gotta go, son wants on my PC! I'l check back in a while Shiggs.
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Hey Shiggity! Wow those harvested buds look absolutely amazing!!! :thumb:

I also really like the format you used for describing each type of strain with all the pheno data, awesome!

Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Ok so it's really hard to get a decent pic even with a macro as these guys move super fast. I think I know what they are and am hoping it is what I think it is. Here is a pic. It's the best I can muster with my panicking hands and iPhone with macro. Will try to get better. Hopefully someone chimes in with the same thing I think it is!
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Ok so it's really hard to get a decent pic even with a macro as these guys move super fast. I think I know what they are and am hoping it is what I think it is. Here is a pic. It's the best I can muster with my panicking hands and iPhone with macro. Will try to get better. Hopefully someone chimes in with the same thing I think it is!

Those look like hypoaspis mites... if they are then they are beneficial as they are predetory mites and feed on fungus gnat larvae and other bad pests. I had them once, tons of them and usually I only would see them when I watered, they would all come out to play..LOL, but then as the soil dried they all would disappear. I had them for about 2 months and then they just clue where they went?? anyhow look it up and see if they compare. The ones I had were very fast runners/crawlers..
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

That could be a root aphid. I had them on my first grow and they are insidious. They change a lot over their life cycle and can be any number of colors. Then they grow wings. You can find them under the soil, on the soil, on the leaves, and in the air. Hate 'em. Azamax/Azatrol as a foliar and a drench can keep them in check. Nothing else I tried worked, but I did not try Spinosad. Best of luck bro. I hope it is something (anything) else.
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Those look like hypoaspis mites... if they are then they are beneficial as they are predetory mites and feed on fungus gnat larvae and other bad pests. I had them once, tons of them and usually I only would see them when I watered, they would all come out to play..LOL, but then as the soil dried they all would disappear. I had them for about 2 months and then they just clue where they went?? anyhow look it up and see if they compare. The ones I had were very fast runners/crawlers..
Yes! I think it is a hypoaspis mite! I think I see the triangular brown area on the back and the feelers look right. My theory is that I would have a huge fungus gnat issue but the mites keep eating the gnat larvae so I only see a few gnats flying. I am praying they are hypoaspis mites. Here is a pic for reference from the internet.see how the mouth and front legs look the same? Icemud I am so happy you think it is too!!!!!
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Yes! I think it is a hypoaspis mite! I think I see the triangular brown area on the back and the feelers look right. My theory is that I would have a huge fungus gnat issue but the mites keep eating the gnat larvae so I only see a few gnats flying. I am praying they are hypoaspis mites. Here is a pic for reference from the internet.see how the mouth and front legs look the same? Icemud I am so happy you think it is too!!!!!

I think so :) I looked at the photos on the net for both, and the photo you posted looks more like the hypoaspis mite :) they are actually sold for biological control. The root aphids had a more stribed/ribbed back with no antannae where the photo you posted had a smoother back with large antennae. The ones I had were like a cloudy/smokey grey/tan color, but looked kind of clear, just like the one in your pic :)

When I first saw them I freaked out, and then when I looked online and found they were the good guys, I turned that frown upside down :) LOL
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Yeah my heart was going crazy until I found the hypoaspis pics. I didn't want to post it because I was hoping someone would say the same thing without me influencing them with a picture. So when you commented you had them and there were lots of them I jumped off my couch and yelled "YES!!!!!!!" My girlfriend gave me the "you are such a nob" look.
Re: ShiggityFlip Starts The Hunger Games - Huckleberry Kush - Agent Orange & Mad Hatt

Thanks to Icemud, Shigg and this thread I know know there are good mites :) Congratulations on winning the insect lottery, Shiggs!

All the best to you and your garden ...

Thanks Glimmer! I have definitely been on the losing end of that insect lottery so it is more than awesome to win for once. May we all be cursed with an infestation of hypoaspis mites in our soil grows!
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