Cajuncelt's Spring 2015 Grow - Blue Dream - Bubba Kush - Critical Cure - Etc

It's a stellar facility. The led claims in thc uptake is speculation Imo. Especially since results are all jacked right now. As for electricity that's spot on for sure.

I don't know much about it other than the article I read. They're at least happy with their results. I thought the commercial use of LED was interesting.
Things are indeed about to jump forward to another level in the LED market. Hopefully within the next 2 months I'll be unveiling some new tech that should totally put HID lighting into the distant past as it were. I cant say what its going to be obviously, yet I can say that compared to the excitement I had before getting my GOD light. This next wave of tech has me a billion times more excited! :)
I've already seen charts with wavelength outputs and the general plans for this tech. NO other light source barring the sun even gets close to the perfection of the targeted bandwidths of these lights! :)
2016 or maybe 2017 I'll switch to led the new tech is real nice I want to let the bugs to get worked out first. Your right it will for the most part past hid. Some aspects well majority of them. I know for a fact lumatek and hortilux are getting into the led game.
I am so happy to have put away the HID lighting, the electricity is one thing... then the heat, and then the cost of the danged bulbs is outrageous. My old unit was so heavy and cumbersome that I procrastinated every time I needed to move it. LOL
You got me sitting on pins-n-needles waiting to see what's in the forefront LA!
I agree Canna. Last year, most know, was my 1st LED grow(s). You have to add the fans & ballasts with the lights.
Bulbs are crazy $, & the heat...
And..the noise of it all.
No I don't miss HID.
What Canna said, are my hero, bro....
What's been previously said :)
Big congrats on the MOTM nomination Cajun! My vote is in! :yahoo:


What Canna said, are my hero, bro....

What's been previously said :)

Congratz bro you have been nominated:thumb:

Thanx everyone. I appreciate it. I really do.

I have to say that I wish we could decline. It's almost embarrassing really.
I'll get 3 votes while Joe-Flavor-of-the-Month gets 30 & in stuck out there again.
Just getting nominated once was good enough for me. I appreciated it.
Now, I'm like the dark horse every month. No bueno.
I saw a guy take cuttings & do them in aloe vera juice. They rooted in 7 days. No root hormones, nothing but aloe.
I'm going to try it in shifting over to organics.
Hey Cajun congrats on the popularity pool you should of won already. Any who I use only water now in my turbo kloner and out of 83 well 83 made it. I think more stubborn genetics hormones are helpful. Hey I might try a p1200
Hey Cajun congrats on the popularity pool you should of won already. Any who I use only water now in my turbo kloner and out of 83 well 83 made it. I think more stubborn genetics hormones are helpful. Hey I might try a p1200

I noticed that with my bucket cloner I didn't need any hormones.

Whew, a P1200. Now that's a light. I'll tell ya a thought of mine.
The Platinums are rectangular, not square. So the light from the fixture is not square.
The point is that I bet (2) P600's would work better than one P1200. Just a thought.
High Cajun. So you guys are saying with a cloner bucket there's no need for hormones? I just got my bucket.
Hello cajun I was thinking to myself when you met with jorge cervantes what was the biggest tip you took from him ,,,I was just wondering ,,, I really enjoy his videos ,,, and you met him :ganjamon:
Growing along nicely here :green_heart:

Oh wow. There was so much...
I'm switching to organics due to him is probably the biggest thing.
I learned allot about salts that I never bothered to learn. Now, I don't want to use them.

They shut off all lights for 48 hours when they flip. He gets more ratio of females & a faster bloom this way.

I know more about what issues are caused by high stress training like super cropping/topping. Way more negative issues than I previously thought.

The scale of the grow was also a big learning curve. I knew a lot of how's/why's so it was the feeding/watering systems that fascinated me.
10 more days & I'll get this grow up n running. Got a place finally, movers are hooked up.

I might not use tents this grow as I'll have way more room. I'm going to have to paint the walls flat white & year up some carpeting.
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