Amy Gardner’s High Brix Dreams

@nobodyhere Oh! Yup got it then. Sorry my bad :)

I’m still in the first 48hrs of abstinence! So tomorrow I find the minimum dose for some effect... and stay at that dose 3 times a day I think...
I’m hanging in there. Sleep was a long time coming but some herbal painkillers of a differnt kind helped a bit and some soothing guided sleep mediatation helped a bit more. I got there eventually. I’m pretty super speedy without it tho - which is as strange and paradoxical as it sounds for someone with a health issue involving extreme fatigue... “tired and wired” is the phrase which comes to mind. o_O Usually cannabis helps with this ‘wired’ feeling - it will again. I’m doing well! :thumb:

Ooh - just remembered I’m ‘allowed’, encouraged even, to smell the aroma of my herb... reaching for the jar now
Yes the routine of it, that’s a thing eh. The enjoyment of grinding the herb, and smelling it :) The hardest time of day for me when abstaining though is about now actually, the after lunch time. It’s teh time i most often like to have some dry herb, bout 2-3 in the afternoon. I’f i only toke once a day, that’s the time of day it’ll happen.

Tonight I might grind some up in preparation for tomorrow... enjoy the aromas and some of the ritual.

I didn’t make my oil(s) yet either...:hmmmm: better do something about that...
Yes the routine of it, that’s a thing eh. The enjoyment of grinding the herb, and smelling it :) The hardest time of day for me when abstaining though is about now actually, the after lunch time. It’s teh time i most often like to have some dry herb, bout 2-3 in the afternoon. I’f i only toke once a day, that’s the time of day it’ll happen.

Tonight I might grind some up in preparation for tomorrow... enjoy the aromas and some of the ritual.

I didn’t make my oil(s) yet either...:hmmmm: better do something about that...

I really like the way you talk about the herb, Amy. Someday we smoke, eh?

FWIW, I think gaining discipline and maintaining mastery over food, drink and smoke are lifelong struggles for many of us, myself included. Good job on your "reset." The mental discipline is even more healthy than the physical benefits.

Cannabis lifestyle should = Healthy lifestyle.
What strains particularly if you don’t mind my asking? And do you dose for the pain, or use topicals? Or both?
Everyone is different I know so what works for you might not be so for me (and some of the pain I get is like arthritis, but I don’t have arthritis) , but I also have a friend with RA and I’d love to make some for her too.

Hi Amy,
I truly understand the mental help that Cannabis has provided you, I too benefit from the improved state of mind. I was down hard for almost two years, even leaving the house was a major physical, and thus mental effort. I went with traditional modern American medicine once I was diagnosed, and those damn drugs are toxic. Big Pharma and Drs. half killed my liver and kidneys with a nonstop merry-go-round of infusions, injections and pills. I finally decided to just quit all of the "modern" western medicine insanity, and visited a nutritionist that specialized in immune system diseases. While I went through the strict diet, hydration, yoga, meditation and eventually exercise, I vaped and smoked as much bud as I could get into my body. After 4 or so years, I was back in the game, albeit it is still a struggle sometimes. SLOWLY but surely I have restored my quality of life. As you know too well, it's depressing as hell to be in bad pain and on the sidelines after being in the game.

I have a decent variety of strains at my disposal and have made small batches of Oil with almost all of them. Micro batches mind you, only a few grams of bud and proportional amounts of infused Oil. CCO via alcohol extraction requires a lot of produce, so I generally have fallen in love with direct Oil infusion. My RA seems to respond best to Sativa and Sativa dominant strains,and I've had good results with Durban Poison, Panama Red and Acapulco Gold (AG are some old seeds that I have kept going since the 70s by back crossing). Don't discount regular Hemp seeds either, their CBD values can be very good. It's odd though, I like and prefer Indica type strains for recreational use, especially as I have aged. I grew up with almost pure landrace Sativas and didn't even know about Indicas the first 4 or 5 years. After I did encounter Afghani and Blueberry, I was enamored!

So that's not a medical recommendation by any means, I am surely not qualified for such things. I'm just a consumer and patient with some personal experience. Sativa Oils seem to give me a better lift emotionally, and allow me to interact with other humans without the major pain interruptions and distractions. I'm certainly not free of pain, but the Oils have definable benefits for my body, mind and life. I still struggle with sleep (lifelong insomnia, not RA causation) and I've yet to find anything Cannabis that puts me to sleep, but I haven't come close to ending that quest via Cannabis!

Topicals ... SweetSue is right, there is the future of Cannabis for the masses. I don't find any relief from deep joint pain, but do find the soft tissue pain is often reduced with a topical.

I hope your desensitization is going well, you are almost done with zero Cannabinoids, now on to the low and slow dosing. My wife has done it for decades on and off, she just goes cold turkey for two weeks and then starts partaking again with less bud. She loves her some weed though! :laugh:

I love me some weed too K!

Thansk for that response. It’s all really helpful. I’m just slowly finding my way with using it in these ways, as well as purely enjoying it the way I always have.

Sativa Oils seem to give me a better lift emotionally, and allow me to interact with other humans without the major pain interruptions and distractions.
That’s the second time in the last 2hours someone has mentioned sativa oils in that context. I’ve always been a sativa leaning toker (although mostly we never knew what we had when I was younger - I found that out while raving with an inner city grower I used to hang out with. I described the kind of smoke I liked best and he told me I was a sativa girl :) ). That said I’ve recently appreciated the heavily indica leaning crosses I grew from freebie seeds, so that surprised me.
What you say there about the sativa oils sounds exactly what I need so I’ll be curious to see if the same effects play out for me :thumb:

I’m glad to hear you’re through a possibly similar journey. I can’t do yoga yet - it triggers bad episodes and more pain. So I do savassana - about 6tkmes a day for 20-30minutes (when I’m being diligent, and about 0-3 times a day when I’m slacking off ;) ). It’s like the standing pose, just lying down! :rofl: Actually a yogi told me once that standing pose is just savassana standing up! I figure eventually I’ll sliwly be able to make my way up ‘off the mat’ so to speak. Hearing of journeys like yours help keep me strong - and stay slow - like Sue says... cellular healing takes time, and every health practitioner has said to me it could be years (I’m 2 years into this severe relapse) and I should think about improvement not recovery. My latest motto?

Rest is radical :cool:

Interesting your wife does 2 weeks to reset. That was always my go to - 2 weeks to clear it out and start fresh. Imagine my delight to discuver that 2 days could do it! And I like how the protocol primes your system to be more receptive to cannabinoids. I’m experimenting this time to see the effects of just vaping herb on the pain, with out anything else in the picture. It’s alreday ramped up a lot after 2days without and maybe that’s the lack of oil. Last night was pretty bad :confused: - so if the vape isn’t doing it today I might have to break and get the oil thing going.

And yeah I used to use Elixinol (pure CBD from hemp) and it helped a lot, and that was part of what led me here to 420. The CBDCC is better though and Elixinol was super expensive here and has since become unavailable anyway (they made it illegal again to pave the way for big business methinks). I’m looking forward to growing this Candida I have planned for summer - then I can make a straight CBD oil and blend with a variety of THC sources to experiment with amounts.

Geez I can get manic without ganja! Rambling...

What a delightful page to read through! :circle-of-love:

The CBD CC is an incredibly valuable medicinal chemovar. I’ll be working up what replacement I can for the daughter because neither I have will make it to flower. There’s something about the terpenes mix in CBDCC that does it all.

Amy, the biggest hangup in deliberate manifestation is that you know what you desire, and you’re focusing your attention on the fact that it’s not here yet. You desire health and wholeness and it’s challenging to go there and ignore the way it feels right here and now.

Do you take time every day to remind your cells what it feels like to be healthy and whole? Even a brief flash is enough to make the path back easier to follow. I know all of us out here probably do that with you. Lol!

@KeifKeith, once I get moved I’ll start the thread on individual regiments and another on personal oil recipes you don’t see yourself living without. I’d appreciate it if you’d share more about your micro measured batches for us then.
Congratulations on your Photo of the month,:thumb: you have an eye for it:yahoo::slide::slide::bongrip::Namaste:

Oh yeah.....this too you talented lady. :yahoo:

You keep racking up those titles girl. Lol! :hug:
What a delightful page to read through! :circle-of-love:

The CBD CC is an incredibly valuable medicinal chemovar. I’ll be working up what replacement I can for the daughter because neither I have will make it to flower. There’s something about the terpenes mix in CBDCC that does it all.

Amy, the biggest hangup in deliberate manifestation is that you know what you desire, and you’re focusing your attention on the fact that it’s not here yet. You desire health and wholeness and it’s challenging to go there and ignore the way it feels right here and now.

Do you take time every day to remind your cells what it feels like to be healthy and whole? Even a brief flash is enough to make the path back easier to follow. I know all of us out here probably do that with you. Lol!

@KeifKeith, once I get moved I’ll start the thread on individual regiments and another on personal oil recipes you don’t see yourself living without. I’d appreciate it if you’d share more about your micro measured batches for us then.
Sue. With the CC CBD does yours have a light fragrant orange scent? The one I grew out is similar to my cut of Cannatonic in that they both have the same orange smell and flavor. I'm not noticing much else beyond that. The CC does have an Indica hit in the buzz that the Cannatonic is missing.

To much CC and I start getting a buzz behind the eyes like I had to much caffeine. It doesn't knock me out in large doses like my early bubba hash does, which is my go to high CBD strain.
Congratulations on your Photo of the month,:thumb: you have an eye for it:yahoo::slide::slide::bongrip::Namaste:

Yippee! Thanks dynamo :yahoo: I’m so thrilled. Both the winning shots so far have been candid snaps while harvesting (with iPhone) and I really like that.

Do you take time every day to remind your cells what it feels like to be healthy and whole? Even a brief flash is enough to make the path back easier to follow. I know all of us out here probably do that with you. Lol!

More than you can know. It’s an important part of my daily meditation practice.

Trust me if you’d been this sick for 2 years you’d be thinking about wellness! But actually I don’t donso as much as it must seem to you.

focusing your attention on the fact that it’s not here yet

See, actually I’m not - it may seem that way but, and this is something the partner and I have noticed, that has been the focus of most conversations... that’s what people want to know, why I’m ‘sick’ and when I’m going to be better, and why do I think I’m not better yet... so over 2 years it’s become part of the tone of talking about it with a world that, for the most part, has a hard time with illnesses that move extremely slowly and don’t follow tha ‘usual’ courses. It’s a bad habit I guess, but responding to that paradigm has often made my real world conversations (with sometimes hostile people) much less taxing.

For me focusing on improvement is really important because it helps to remove that perspective of full’ wellness’ not being here yet. It better enables me to be in the moment with the situation and do what I need to do to look after my body and soul within this challenging journey.

Recently my main focus has been on simply feeling better - regardless of how ‘ill’ I am at any particular time... enter cannabis :)

And your daily doses of joyfulness are a big part of why I’m doing quite well too you know :battingeyelashes:

You know, If I wasn’t in this circumstance I would likely not yet be a 420er, or a grower - so you know, silver linings. Plus, my manifestations are going pretty ok too - I’ll never have to buy a seed again at this rate!

When I look at where I am now compared to a year ago, I can see my powers of manifestation are coming along quite well. And on that... I think, thanks to my iPhone camera skills, that there might just be some Carnival in my garden this summer :slide: my last win I had to get the Candida - it was a priority. Now I’m into the ‘purely for joy’ zone, so, I think Carnival. I do have a draw towards Panama, but the Carnival flowering time is better for my outdoor season - and I just can’t pass up a 420 iconic chemovar now, can I?

I’m actually awake in the middle of the night here, and just thought I’d pop in for a quick visit... got drawn in.

I have been working on the environmental tweaking to get it to stabilise. Will share and ask for advice tomorrow - I have pics of my recycled parts extraction unit to share... built with gaffer tape! But not tonight... it’s 1 am so I’m cruising he forums for a bit before I aim to get some more sleep.


Oh highlarious! I made that whole post last night and didn’t hit ‘post’
- I’m not even gonna checkit, just gonna post it ...
Sue. With the CC CBD does yours have a light fragrant orange scent? The one I grew out is similar to my cut of Cannatonic in that they both have the same orange smell and flavor. I'm not noticing much else beyond that. The CC does have an Indica hit in the buzz that the Cannatonic is missing.

To much CC and I start getting a buzz behind the eyes like I had to much caffeine. It doesn't knock me out in large doses like my early bubba hash does, which is my go to high CBD strain.

I’ll have to check out the early bubba hash!

Yes Morglie citrus of some kind is there for sure, but mine is currently more like slightly overripe citrus. I’ve been having trouble placing it, but orange might just fit the bill. It’s not a great smelling jar ;)
I’ll have to check out the early bubba hash!

Yes Morglie citrus of some kind is there for sure, but mine is currently more like slightly overripe citrus. I’ve been having trouble placing it, but orange might just fit the bill. It’s not a great smelling jar ;)

You know, citrus isn’t what I’d peg it at. Interesting that both of you did. Lol! I’ve grown so much of it now that it smells like CBD CC. Lol!

Amy, I understand, and eloquently expressed. Society shows the same hesitation in accepting those disabilities we can’t see. Conversations tend to start with queries about improvement, bringing you face to face with what you were ignoring. Lol!

The daughter tells me she strives for incremental improvement and delights to discover she’s made some milestone that she didn’t even notice at the time.
in accepting those disabilities we can’t see.
Exactly, this is a big one, and it affects those with the disabilities too (guilt, self shaming). Eg, I need a chair to travel long distances but I can walk a little bit - as soon as people see you get up from a wheelchair and walk a bit they assume you’re some kind of fraud (the looks I’ve had, and the stories I’ve heard...) - but if I didn’t use that chair, and walked all that way I would lose (and have) the use of my legs for days or weeks afterwards (and possibly permanently if I kept on doing that). That’s just an example... so you’re spot-on to include that thought in the conversation.

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