Cajuncelt's Spring 2015 Grow - Blue Dream - Bubba Kush - Critical Cure - Etc

I'm the biggest fan of whimsy in the world. Tead's Trouble.... it grows to maturity in 3 days... bestest smoke ever!

I'll go digging for that industry reform thread. Sounds interesting... but probably impossible. Money talks and whimsical names might equal increased sales. Shame. Perhaps when the industry matures some the issue will be addressed. Perhaps they'll implement a dual naming system with each strain being technically named, but still maintaining the whimsical name possibilities... cause I do like me some whimsy.

2cents... maybe even 3.
Tead I'm with you a 100% :) we need to be distancing ourselves from such nonsense, 8 ball to me just screams other drugs! I thought the name for ML training name! I know fluxing is different in its workings, yet to me the definition of fluxing makes way more sense anyway even for the older ML technique! I just thought of my plants shape and thought of the flux capacitor, didn't think of its actual definition lol, just got lucky.
I just want the flavour/high explained, so lemon haze or such is good enough for me!
I'm the biggest fan of whimsy in the world. Tead's Trouble.... it grows to maturity in 3 days... bestest smoke ever!

I'll go digging for that industry reform thread. Sounds interesting... but probably impossible. Money talks and whimsical names might equal increased sales. Shame. Perhaps when the industry matures some the issue will be addressed. Perhaps they'll implement a dual naming system with each strain being technically named, but still maintaining the whimsical name possibilities... cause I do like me some whimsy.

2cents... maybe even 3.

Tead, here is the thread that was started on that:

Help Us Find 420-Friendly Names For Inappropriate Strains
To me, the problem starts with the general over breeding of cannabis, as well as it being an "underground" cash crop. Breeders put a name on a strain and it goes from there. Then some guy breeds with it and wants it to be his own. A flashy new name and variety sells product. Cannabis was also thought of as a drug and not medicine for years, so edgy names were used.

Hi Cajun :thumb:
I kind of get the name Chemo for a high CBD strain as maybe an alternative to chemo.
High All!
Gonna be a little sporadic & brief on here for awhile. Job has me at our outdoor grow in Pueblo & I got like 1/2 bar on the reception for the phone.
I've got 30 plants & 3 strains that I started indoors that are going to be part (a small one) of our outdoor grows.
Not a biggy, but a 1st for me. I'm really have an excitement about it, but I've been assured that will wear off very quickly. Lol.

Happy Trees----
Good to hear from you mon ami. Like a kid in a candy store, huh? :laughtwo: it's gotta be freezing there.
High All!
Gonna be a little sporadic & brief on here for awhile. Job has me at our outdoor grow in Pueblo & I got like 1/2 bar on the reception for the phone.
I've got 30 plants & 3 strains that I started indoors that are going to be part (a small one) of our outdoor grows.
Not a biggy, but a 1st for me. I'm really have an excitement about it, but I've been assured that will wear off very quickly. Lol.

Happy Trees----

Thanks for checking in! Don't work too hard and enjoy the smells. :circle-of-love:
Hard graft can sometimes rob you of your passion. Don't to stop and smell the ro... dank!
Happy Valentines Day mon ami. :kisstwo: :love:
Some quick shots.
These are the Tangie a few others.


Another 3 weeks or so.
I'll either start a new journal or keep this perpetual.
Happy Trees
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