Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal

I'll take that. Have to take some pain meds, as per Sues advice I'm complimenting the opioids with a couple hits.

Need to get a vaporizor I think. Was looking today and am curious what you guys think would be good? Vape users, I challenge you to try using your vaporizor, from start to finish, and maybe a cleaning too, using one hand. I don't care which hand you choose, but in my case it would be right. I need to find a new method to medicate that doesn't involve a flame next to my head, or someone doing everything for me.


I think with a little ingenuity, any vaporizer would work, obviously some better then others. I have a Pax hand held that I like. I think it would be easy enough to use with one hand. The only tricky part would be cleaning. I think if you put it in a vice of some sort to act as your other hand, you would be fine. :circle-of-love::peace:
That's such a good idea super.. A light weight vice on a block (portable) would help with a lot of things.. I'll let you know how vape goes , I've got dbv and mflb.. Do you have an electric grinder?
Boys and their toys. :laughtwo: My smokinjs vape is easy enough to use one handed. It has a nice base, so it sits solidly while you load it. The snap-on top is a nice touch for use with one hand. Controls are easy enough to set and scroll through. Portable, lightweight, hits really nice too.
Have you considered a Dragon program for the computer? Your hand can use the activity, but there'll be times when it needs a break, but your mind won't. That program could bridge the gap for you and save you some frustration.
I'll take that. Have to take some pain meds, as per Sues advice I'm complimenting the opioids with a couple hits.

Need to get a vaporizor I think. Was looking today and am curious what you guys think would be good? Vape users, I challenge you to try using your vaporizor, from start to finish, and maybe a cleaning too, using one hand. I don't care which hand you choose, but in my case it would be right. I need to find a new method to medicate that doesn't involve a flame next to my head, or someone doing everything for me.


Heirloom I love the firefly. It is very easy for one hand and the lid is easy for me to pop off to refill or clean with just my right hand. The FF2 that Duggan has goes right into a charging cradle. Mine is the FF1 and changing batteries is doable but not as easy as the new cradle. Check it out. The new firefly 2 is not the cheapest but it is one of the coolest and tastiest.

I applaud you wanting to get to cultivating. It shows you focusing on something dynamic and achievable. I won't bore you with emotional speeches. Its going to require some cool DIY solutions and I think that is going to be a cool thing to follow. I think you are right with RDWC. It will allow a minimum of media and water changes can be centralized and pump friendly. a scrog may be a good idea as well because it will keep everything at a consistent level.

No pollen yet but it will come soon I am sure.
My favorite is the concentrates pen. The danger of the concentrates is they ramp up the tolerance levels. The beauty of concentrates is they're concentrated, so WOW!! :laughtwo: Loading one could be done if the concentrate was in a syringe. I have a VAPORBROTHERS pen, but that's because I won it, not because I researched. It's still my favorite among many devices.

I like the sound of that firefly model Shiggity. You and Ziggy have tempted me before with that. The one with the charging cradle would be great. I'll have to look into them.
I use the PAX II vape. Very discrete, battery power is good also charges quickly with provided USB charger. Chamber holds about .4g or so. Loading with one hand wouldn't be an issue since the bottom chamber door is only held in by magnets. As said before cleaning might be a bit of a challenge.
To the negatives and not sure if the other users of the PAX II agree or not but these are my thoughts. The temperature settings are not very accurate. There are 4 temp settings and I've never even come close to using setting 4 since its so hot and harsh. I use only on setting 1 and 2 which sometimes even 2 becomes a little too warm for my liking. Also there is no digital temp reading to know if you really are in your desired vaping zone.
One Vape I have been looking at is the K-vape Micro DX. Has great reviews and the temp settings are very precise so you can really tune it in for your flavor preference. Sorry I'm not sure how good it would be 1 handed since I haven't ever used it myself. There are videos of it being reviewed online and that might help you see it in action.
Hope this helps on your search.
I'll take that. Have to take some pain meds, as per Sues advice I'm complimenting the opioids with a couple hits.

Need to get a vaporizor I think. Was looking today and am curious what you guys think would be good? Vape users, I challenge you to try using your vaporizor, from start to finish, and maybe a cleaning too, using one hand. I don't care which hand you choose, but in my case it would be right. I need to find a new method to medicate that doesn't involve a flame next to my head, or someone doing everything for me.


On the cleaning dilema, maybe one of those spring clamps that you use for tarps and such would work? Clamp it to the edge of a table or something. Just a thought. If it's not feasible, just throw it in the circular file. :laugh:

Good morning to you. :)
Good morning/day - Thank you everyone. I like the idea of a charge cradle. Not messing with batteries sounds great. Using a vice/clamp for cleaning is doable.

Having a bad day. Slept poor and pain is high. Will be back later.

Hang in there my friend!!! Maybe someone can bake you some brownies. Longer lasting then smoking or vaping. A VG tincture might help too. :circle-of-love::peace:
Did I hear someone say brownies? :laughtwo: Just swinging through to drop off a morning hug. :hug: :love: Rest buckaroo. MUAH! :love:
Hey mate, no rain today, off to work.. Thought I'd drop this around before going :volcano-smiley: :volcano-smiley:
Stopping in to wish you good vibes and empathy on my end. I suffered for two years until just a week ago. Someone finally hired me. Amazing how much self worth is actually worth.
Things have changed. You have not. Stay strong and know things will be better again. How soon is totally up to you. Good vibes and great experiences to you. . .

------Best of big buds to you----
Hi all,

Pharma opiods and I don't get along well. I only get marginal pain relief at best, and to get that I have to take enough to make me loopy. Not in a good way, but in a GTF away from me, shut your face up you're annoying me way. IDK why it is, but I get no euphoria like others, instead I get agitated, hot and nauseous, like sea sick.

I have some papaver somniferum that are making seed heads right now. I'm going to ask my bro-in-law to score them today and collect this evening. Maybe cutting out the chalk and what ever else is in those pills and getting to the source will do me better.

Thank you all for coming by, each and every one of you. It does mean a lot.
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