Indoor Soil Grow 9 Different Breeds

What Mick said.
You & I both Princess DIY...
Let us Know how you're doing Pinky. You don't have to bother with your subscriptions, just make a quick post here so we know your OK.

We :green_heart: You...​
Mick45, B A R, cannafan, Jimmy6000, Princess DIY, shottafire, Light Addict, SweetLeef;

I can' thank you all enough! When you feel that bad, and you feel like you've dropped off of the face of earth, it's pretty lonely. Finally feeling better, and the antibiotics are starting work. Just checking on line now, and see all of your posts, and concern, is one of the most comforting feelings ever! I can't tell you how much all of you mean to me!

I have to rest for a couple more days (doc's orders), and then I will be back to catch up, and to post pic's of my growing family!

You know you are really sick, when you can't medicate properly! :-(

Love to all of you!

  • :circle-of-love::love::love::love::green_heart::love::love::love::circle-of-love:

Hip Hip Hooray!​
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