Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Search it here..."bud mold"...I just did...better to see lots of examples than just's not a loss as we use much of ours for salves...also just got my newly won MB machine so maybe put that to use.

I love/hate these moments because I kick myself but also learn a good lesson...I actually have a dehumidifier sitting idle at my farm from a previous project. I can easily incorporate that into the plan if I need to, but generally in Fall humidity here drops to acceptable levels for drying in my root cellar. I just checked the hygrometer in their new spot and it is 66%...which is much better.

Thanks, going to check it out.
Yeah that moldy bud is great for lotions, salves and creams. Never let it go to waste! Definitely cut the big colas down to individual bud sizes, I learned that the hard way!

Yup, will do.

I like these lessons on the auto harvest as opposed to the Stankzilla harvests!
Chopped the OG Kush Rolex this morning....too much humidity and I noticed the beginnings of bud rot on 2x buds. I have photos but for some reason the "add media" isn't allowing me to direct to my album, so I will wait till they sort that out.
Chopped the OG Kush Rolex this morning....too much humidity and I noticed the beginnings of bud rot on 2x buds. I have photos but for some reason the "add media" isn't allowing me to direct to my album, so I will wait till they sort that out.
My albums all disappeared yesterday too...
Yeah... I had the same issue with the add media too. Sorry to hear about the rot starting
All good lessons...will remember what autos aren't far the DDA with her naturally airy buds seems to be fine...
Forsure... my bro GH is now too full... got girls pushing up the plastic on the roof... worried about getting the mold when they start budding. he's debating transplanting outside for the rest of the season.
If they aren't flowering yet he should just prune the tops...I've done it 2x and they just keep growing....'

Because he is right....they will rot with the condensation on the poly.
I am glad to hear you boys got some rain , it has stopped for a little while here back to 90s so back outside we go... just put two C-4 autos and a Northern lights auto in th ground yesterday , the sour diesel kush back outside still in the solos . It has been some really messed up weather for growing outside this year , Hell if i get anything at this point i will be happy! Do i understand you that Autos want Mold ?? Hope everyone day is good !
I am glad to hear you boys got some rain , it has stopped for a little while here back to 90s so back outside we go... just put two C-4 autos and a Northern lights auto in th ground yesterday , the sour diesel kush back outside still in the solos . It has been some really messed up weather for growing outside this year , Hell if i get anything at this point i will be happy! Do i understand you that Autos want Mold ?? Hope everyone day is good !
Little late to be planting autos, isn't it? issue with rot was that it was 80%+ humidity for days and they were in flower and never got a chance to dry humidity is back down even though it is still 86F...we have tourists in our rental cottage and the wife looked at me and said "it's really hot" it was my fault....I agreed "yup, it's hot"....but reminded her it is cooler than in the shitty whence they came....
I’m loving the photos with the new camera there Blew! Very nice. You got some monsters in there. Just out of curiosity...what was your biggest harvest from one plant?
Newbie for cannabis and very glad to have found this online resource. We farm here @ 44'N in Maine so we have a lot of infrastructure already (insulated greenhouses and high tunnels) so we are going with what we know (and have) and not investing in lights etc. Maine just passed as law that residents can grow, at any time, twelve (12) mature plants, six (6) flowering plants, and unlimited seedlings. Which is awesome. Also, we are allowed to give away 2.5 oz at any time (and no limit to transactions) to any 21+ adult (without $ in return). Well, there is already a strong barter culture where I am so this, again, is awesome. We have a 12x24' passive solar greenhouse that we normally use for cucumbers and tomatoes but this year we are going to dedicate it to 8-10 cannabis plants and see how we do. As you can see from the attached photos we use aquaponics and, while we plan on using cloth bags this year, it is a nice resource for nitrogen rich watering! Have eight (8) beans which are four (4) of Northern Light Auto and four (4) White Widow Photo. I figured I would play with both and see how they responded to my particular circumstances. Got too excited and germinated one of each on Feb 28 and days late both popped (thanks CKS!). Since days are still lengthening here, I have a 100W CFL hood lamp (from the chicken coop) supplementing until 7pm (so 13 hours daylight). Hoping to transfer these into 2 gallon cloth bags and up-pot to 5 and then 10 gallons.
Gt sum of tht nl going to cant wait to see progress
I’m loving the photos with the new camera there Blew! Very nice. You got some monsters in there. Just out of curiosity...what was your biggest harvest from one plant?
Well, this is my second summer harvest and I made lots of mistakes the first time and I don't really weigh...I just harvest and I don't really have an answer for you except...more than I used since I still have jars curing from last summer. But I also don't use much so that's a misleading answer...I grow because I love the process and we use the harvest in some of the products we make...Maine law allows us to keep all we grow so our plan was grow at max from the beginning and fill our shelves.
I have no idea what your DDA strain is. But it looks amazing. And your monsters are getting huge!

Got it as a freebie from @SeedsMan (Sweet Seeds)...there is a thread for DDA here. She has handled the high humidity really well this summer...thinking I might run several next summer.

Yes, it is getting crowded in the GH....:rolleyes:
OOPS...just saw my root cellar was 75%...too high for those drying buds, and spotted a little mold on some buds...

Figured out this issue...I had left the vent open which allows the moist outside air in...closed it and back to where it should be 68%.
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