1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Technique

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

yes you can but you need enough of a stem to work with for rooting

Thanks! I'm very nervous about topping her. I need to do it soon, or I'll just waste this time in vegging a part that I'm ultimately going to cut off. I do want what will be her new two mains to grow a bit more, so I don't mind waiting a little longer.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Okay, lots going on. I'm breaking this up into 2 posts.

Post 1
I think Sprout is a male :straightface:

The photos aren't great because the pre-flowers are tiny, and I don't have a macro setting. Right between the growth tips and the stipules, there are tiny pre-flowers. Don't mind the color--the photo auto-enhanced and came out a weird green.


Another photo.


Look more in the upper left hand quadrant of this next photo.


Anyone disagree with the male diagnosis? I know they're small...I don't want to waste time on it anymore if it's male--after all, it is just bagseed...
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Post 2
Cloning Scarlett and the Beginning of the Manifold



Cloning Gel


Here Goes!

I decided to use the fourth node as my base for two reasons:

1. The growth tips were more developed at that node for some reason.
2. The third nodes fan leaves were splotched from a week of too high pH--even though I will eventually manicure the fourth leaves off, I need them for the time being until my new growth tips grow out more.

Before (Top)

Before (Side)


Into pH'd water

Trimming New Cutting for Cloning

Into pH'd Rockwool

Into the Cloning Tray

Dome On (Photo taken immediately after placing dome on. By the time I closed the cabinet door, the humidity was up to 85%)

Before Manicuring Below 4th Node

Post Manicuring

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Additional Info

Right before lights out for my new clone, I foliar fed it some Super B+ ("essential macro elements and Vitamin B1"). I made up a litre batch, put some in a spray bottle, and then added the rest to the reservoir. The ppm for that mixture alone was just over 100. When I checked on the plants today, there was a bit of wilting from the clone--which I expected. It is limited to the two lowest leaves, and I am still debating whether to remove them or not.

If Scarlett 2.0 survives and roots, I'll pop her into the separate hydro bucket (meant for a mother plant) with coco coir. If Scarlett's two sisters survive, (one is doing nothing up top, but keeps growing roots, and the other has no roots showing, but is still producing leaves) then I'll have those plants to send to flower next. If not, then i'll take cuttings from Scarlett 2.0, timed for enough root development and vegetation time for perpetual flowering.

Today, I topped off the reservoir with more nutrients with the addition of Plantacillin (1-0-0). It is, according to Future Harvest's website:

"100% natural fungicide, Plantacillin is a pure biological powerhouse that fights disease and goes beyond chemical fungicides.

"Plantacillin contains billions of beneficial rhizosphere bacteria that prevent and control damaging root and foliar diseases such as Anthracnose, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Xanthomonas, Botrytis, Alternaria, and Fusarium.

"Plantacillin quickly forms colonies on the root hairs, protecting them from soil borne pathogens. Plantacillin boosts a plant's natural immune system and produces auxin-like metabolites that promote root- and crop growth.

"Plantacillin's (bacillus subtilis) also produce a broad spectrum antibiotic that interferes with pathogen cell wall formation. It is non-toxic to beneficial insects.

"A valuable tool in a disease resistance management program.
In addition to protecting your plants against disease, you'll get other benefits that include superior rooting. The masses of white, healthy roots, better nutrient uptake, and shorter production times. Natural and organic. Repair pre-existing damage to roots.

"Plantacillen may be used in irrigation systems without clogging. Contains 5.5 x 1010 (55 trillion) colony forming units (CFU's) per gallon. Use Plantacillen as an additive to your existing nutrient solution."

With these two additions to the reservoir, (Super B+ and Plantacillin), I am deviating slightly from the "recipe" that comes with the Bloombox. From the start I have been using less then the posted amounts with no harm done. The manual suggests that the additives that I broke out last night and today be started in the first week of flowering. I feel comfortable, however, with adding a small amount now--especially since both the website and back of the bottles suggest that both these products are useful in the vegetation stage. I'm still well within the ppm and pH that I need to be.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Photo of Scarlett

She already looks like she is making a good recovery. She's growing two main colas, and when I top her again, she will have four, and then eight. I'm only going to eight colas this run. The next jump is 16, and from what I've read, the yields are only a fraction more than 8. (Think 8 really large ones or 16 mid-sized) My flowering space is smallish, so I think 8 will do for me. For my next run, I'll be trying out fluxing!


Veg Chamber


pH is 5.7, and ppm is at 400...I'll check again tonight and top it off with more nutrients. A lower ppm is a great indication that my plants are taking in nutrients at a faster rate than water. This means that on my next reservoir change, I can be comfortable with upping the nutrients a bit without fear of burning them.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Nice job! :popcorn:

Thank you, Cruizer! I'm so happy that I'm finally at this point in my grow...although I'll be even happier at harvest time...amirite?? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

I'm just finishing 2 bag seed plants I started forever ago! It is my first flowering plants and although they have been through a lot, it has been enjoyable and I've learned some things along the way to make my current grow better and exciting.

My respects to you in jumping into Hydro right out the gate. :thumb: Looks like you are understanding the feeding process and i like how clean you keep your grow space. Plus i get to watch a Manifold Technique in action. :thanks:
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

So far so good--Scarlett is recovering and growing again. I am having a slight issue with one side of her growing faster than the other which is problematic for me since the whole point of mainlining is to create an even distribution of nutrients to all colas...

I've begun the LST, and I removed the lower leaf from the side that is doing better...although I don't know if that means I'm doubling down on the issue. Maybe I should have kept that one on and removed the leaf on the other side. Anyone want to weigh in here?


I also did a little pinching on the side that is doing better. I don't know if my timid little pinches will work, or if I'm going to have to just go for it and pinch big.


I think I just convinced myself to remove the leaf on the other side as well.

Reservoir change last night

Week 5

Grow (1-2-5)-16mL
Common (2-0-0)-16mL
Veg Boom (1-1-2)-11mL
Super B+ (0-2-1)-20mL
Plantacillin (1-0-0)-2mL
Royal Gold (0-1-0)-20 mL

I feel very strongly about the Veg Boom and the Super B+. Those two products have given me phenomenal results so far...once I added the Veg Boom, I saw a dramatic increase in the health and roots of my plants. The Super B+ as a foliar spray has revived Willow enough that I now think she'll pull through.

Side note--I fixed the N-P-K values for Grow and Common. Not sure where I got the other ones, but Week 5 now accurate reflects what is on the actual bottles.

Scarlett 2.0 is still not showing roots, but it's early yet. She still looks healthy, aside from her drooping fan leaves. I foliar spray her every night before lights out with Super B+. I spray the clone dome at least twice daily to maintain good humidity and air exchange. The humidity hovers right around 80%.

From Future Harvest Website--Royal Gold, my newest addition to the mix, "may" help with this grow. :laughtwo:

Royal Gold

Royal Gold is a high quality water soluble liquid product.

Royal Gold is designed to mix readily with most leading brand name liquid fertilizers. Use Royal Gold as a foliar spray for outstanding results.

May help increase nutrient uptake.
May help increase drought tolerance.
May help initiate vigorous root development.
Compatible with all quality brand name nutrients.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Ohhhhhhhhh. I pinched too hard! I wanted to be sure that the right side would slow down a little to let the weaker side catch up. I tore the branch a little. It didn't seem too bad, so I just left it, but when I checked later, the leaf right near the tear was completely wilted and dying. I cut it off, and I put masking tape around the cut to support it while it heals.


View from above.


The good news is that the left side is definitely catching up now that I've removed the leaf. I'll be relieved to see Scarlett recover completely from this.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

it will heal just let the tape fall off on its own
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

yep doing very well Flower. good job.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Best of luck with ya cloning :) :)

Thanks, LA! I am about to post an update on everything. I was just reading through here, and I realized I never thanked you!! How rude of me. :;):
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

it will heal just let the tape fall off on its own

I'm glad you said that! I most likely would have tried to peel it off myself at some point.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

yep doing very well Flower. good job.

7Dust, Thank you! I'm not going to lie...it feels very good to be posting about progress instead of setbacks!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

I wouldn't worry too much about one side growing more than the other, especially at this stage. Once the mains get more developed it is easy to stunt growth without disrupting the overall health of the plant too much. When I fluxed I had a significantly weaker side. Now that side has the strongest growth.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Willow finally has some roots poking out of the 3 inch rockwool. Her coloring is better, and she seems to have stabilized. There is hope for her yet...


And she is looking better.


Scarlett is fine. All of my meddling has actually worked as I wanted (although, I probably could have managed the same results even without tearing the branch!) as her weaker side is now beefing up. Her two sides are now a bit more even. I rotated her 180°, so her stronger side is on the left in the photo now.


I finally buried Winifred. Her roots never developed into anything more, and above "ground" never changed. :rip:

My tomato plant is getting scary big in the veg chamber--I was going to finish her up hydroponically, but I think I'm going to move her outdoors and into soil. I'm afraid she's going to suck up all of the nutrients and leave none for Scarlett.


Scarlett 2.0 is still without visible roots. I had a vivid dream about losing her--so realistic that when I woke up I had a sinking feeling in my stomach and heart that I needed to start over with another clone. In my dream, I was checking to see if she had any roots. I didn't see any, so I decided to trim her drooping fan leaves off and leave the node above it intact. Somehow, I managed to lop off everything, and I was left with a sad stem sticking in rockwool. With nothing to lose, I tugged on the stem to see if she at least had a root or two going. Instead, she slipped right out and everything that was in the rockwool was slimy and rotten. Does anyone else have nightmares about their grow going badly?


As you can see, she's also turning a bit yellow. I've read that it means the rooting process is working, but please, please, please, if anyone has experience with this, chime in!!! The photo is a tad misleading--her yellowing is mostly concentrated with the lowest set of fan leaves. Her new growth that continued to grow even when she was cut, is coming in yellowish, but everything else looks the normal color.

I've sprayed Super B+ every night before lights out, and I mist the dome lid at least twice a day. Humidity is pretty steady--I'd like it to be near 100% all of the time, but it stays around 80%. I treated her rockwool with pH'd water only--not even Cal/Mag (could be the problem?), and I've only re-wet the cube once with more pH'd water. No sign of visible roots, and I am afraid to tug on her.

The red stem is a sign of phosphorus deficiency, and I think clones that are developing roots need it...I am going to treat her with a very mild flowering mix. Very mild. :Namaste:
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