Cajuncelt's Spring 2015 Grow - Blue Dream - Bubba Kush - Critical Cure - Etc

I'm sub'd to way too many journals. I'm not deleting any cause they're all friends, have great info, etc., but damn.

What a dilemma this presents though. I subbed because I genuinely cared. Now I'm stretched so thin I can't possibly do more than fly by and drop an occasional blurb. In case you hadn't noticed, I don't "blurb" well. LOL!

I've decided to get to where the spirit leads me and be as real as I can and that's the best I can do. One has to really trust that guiding spirit, and thankfully, I'm trained for that, so it works for me. :battingeyelashes: I simply can't be quiet, and this is where it got me. :laughtwo: I figure if I embrace it and laugh more it'll all work out in the end.

That's my plan, and I'm sticking with it. :laughtwo:

Sorry mon ami. I tend to treat all the yards like they're mine. :battingeyelashes: :hug:
They're opening up pretty nice.


Beautiful mon ami. Made me gasp! Haha! You're blooming! :yahoo: :yahoo: I love the way the new pistils fire up under the LED panels. Adds such flair to the shot.
I'm outta here for awhile. Gonna go play Jeremiah Johnson for a few.
I hope all of y'all have a very happy Thanksgiving.
Stay safe & don't forget to bring the plants in.
Just come home safely mon ami. Such a wild man. :laughtwo:
What's a Jeremiah Johnson? Movie? You going to hide out in the mountains and do what you have to survive? ... I feel like I'm in that Simpsons episode, "dad what's a Chachi?" Lol...
We'll be expecting several tall tales upon your return.

I grabbed a Kodiak bear & brought him home as a pet. His name is Winston.

What's a Jeremiah Johnson? Movie? You going to hide out in the mountains and do what you have to survive? ... I feel like I'm in that Simpsons episode, "dad what's a Chachi?" Lol...

Lol. Just hung out in the boonies. It wasn't quite like the movie.
Felt like if been gone 2 weeks when I went to the grow room. I definitely need another light. 4 tents & a nursery room, thought I'd be covered but the growth rate of these autos had thrown a wrench into my lighting scheme.
Time to start selling body parts.



The autos are trucking along still.
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