Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Groovy my friend, Its my first time going to anything like Spannabis!
I'm only going thanks to my hotel and flights being paid up for me and the missus (I'm very lucky) :)
I've had a look at the past years vids on the tube and it looks pretty cool. With actual buds on show for inspection at breeders stalls.
Then I looked up the legality of smoking etc and found they have like a club system instead of a cafe scene. So although not aloud at the venue, smoking seems to be tolerated as long as done in a responsible manner (not outside schools etc lol)
Plus I've been told just how stunning it is around that neck of the woods of Barcelona!
It would be great to see you there my friend. i'll be there the whole 3 days so if you do go, come find me! :)
Happy Shatterday Brotha LA I wish I could go to one of those weed contest/shows :thumb:
That would be nuts and Awesome but I think we need to get more people educated first
maybe an education on cannabis expo
hmm you got me thinking :thumb:
Chronic my man you say the word and I bet I can get you some backing, at least I could test the waters with some people at Spannabis! Im sure if handled and angled in the correct manner 420 would be proud to be affiliated with it all. Hell were all 420 through and through. !!!!! I'm for real, if you think its a good idea, just PM me and ill be able to drop some major hints to some people to get it all going.
Its not hard as our purpose is almost directly the same as the mission statement here! :)

Anyway if I'm talking out of term ill shut up. Yet I'm all for helping things move forward! (I just can't do it publicly) :)
Apologies for all the questions about those strips L.A.... are they flexible and are they waterproof? Kinda reminds me of the local curry house window :)

Welcome one and all :)
OK on the strips :) they are indeed water proof!
I had the same concern in the back of my head but never thought about asking. Sometimes I get water all over the Tents when feeding.
its a wonderful idea :thumb:
You twos should try to make something happen. Everything starts with an idea.
I'm going to back up BAR on this one.

The greatest ideas ever came up during the most relaxed times... It's just like when you're in the toilet or bath: you either remember something you were trying not to forget (but you did) or you come up with the most genius idea.

Don't just throw it out your back without first giving it some serious thought. It might not be as nuts as you have thought.
Just be careful.
I spent a weekend in some spanish cells many years ago.
It's not great.

Just like, turn up to the event, not baked, have a wander about, exercise British decorum (if not British, try to take someone who is or watch an episode of Dads Army, you'll be reet)

I'm about to acquire a bunch of new strains myself, and I plan to have them in batches of five except for the thing I'm trying to mainline, which i hope will be a monster.

Very interested in these LED strips; the new design of my grow area would really get a kick out of these things.
I'm guessing a look at the guts is off the table? :p
OK my friends :)
Groovy my friend, its a simple one, as lots of my friends in the industry are going to be at Barcelona. Just hit up either the HSO seed stall, the Budmaster stall, or the Alien Hydro guys stand and I'm sure we will find each other pretty quickly! :) :)

As for the strips and having a look at the guts :) This one I have as said was a prototype! I dont think my friends at BM would be very happy with me if I spilled things before they hit the market place!!! :)

Then for being careful in Spain! :) I'm a Brit so were all good on the decorum bit lol. Also I'm going to be with these guys that own these companies and have traveled extensively and been to many of these functions and even Spannabis before, so I'll be with people experienced in getting the best time, but in a careful manner. (They own huge companies so have a bit more to lose than me lol)

We actually have 5 nights booked for us so its going to be wonderful. (first time in 13 years me and missus have ever been anywhere together, never even had a weekend away lol)

QuestGate welcome to my loony little corner :)

Then as for not dismissing the convention for education idea, I'm not lol. Me and Chronic are chatting ! :)
Well I've been chasing up my expected deliveries from HSO and 710Genetics!!! I'm annoyed as I'm desperate to get a poppin :)
The bonus being my pal at Humboldt said "well I've requested a second lot to be shipped." So I could end up with double bubble beans from them!
710gentetics bundle of beans should be with me any time?? I'm just damn impatient as usual lol! :)

I hope you get double! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Welcome HomeGrownNLD :) were only just getting going in here! :) those other pics were just some past girls for example of the style of training ill be going for roughly this run of girls! :)
Anyway this is where were at with my girls at mo!
Plants look Great Brotha and looking forward to more chatting about educating the masses :thumb:
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