High Brix Hunger Games: Catching Fire With The Perfect Sun 1000

Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Holy crap, you sure you want to grow those strains? It reminds me of that movie Ted. And their talk about names of weed. Sounds very stoney.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Holy crap, you sure you want to grow those strains? It reminds me of that movie Ted. And their talk about names of weed. Sounds very stoney.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

Captains log 324.2 we have cleared the neutral zone and are headed straight into romulan territory. Trailing behind is the Borg and the entire Kinton fleet. Reiterating our mission we must bongly go where no man has gone before!

I have always been that guy. You know the idiot that wants the strongest most insanity producing strains. It's all Twister's fault. She is so strong not much else will do. She couchlocks you just by making your head so filled with light and energy that you just don't care to move. Lower doses provide happiness without befuddlement.
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Awesome Shiggs! Thanks for the pics. That light is obviously something different. The spot light effect is something I've never seen from LED lights. The biggest problem with all LEDs is footprint. This is why i'm so interested in your light mover. I'm trying to wrap my mind around putting my GOD 1200 on a mover. I'm not sure it's possible. I'll need to contact agramover and see what they say.

Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Awesome Shiggs! Thanks for the pics. That light is obviously something different. The spot light effect is something I've never seem from LED lights. The biggest problem with all LEDs is footprint. This is why i'm so interested in your light mover. I'm trying to wrap my mind around putting my GOD 1200 on a mover. I'm not sure it's possible. I'll need to contact agramover and see what they say.


Dr.C,....wait a minute....a GOD 1200...:drool:That is my dream light brotha. 40 pounds and 3500 bones worth of sunshine!! Yeepa...that's (was) Budmaster's flagship model. It's not available any more ....i don't think.They started naming the models according to how many and what type of modules they have in them. The biggest is called a GOD 9 now , with yup, nine modules. Ya eh, i think i would be very careful about installing it on a mover....they will prolly say...ya sure , go ahead....yikes brotha , be careful would ya...( his hands shake with fear). If i ever win the lotto, i'm gettin one of those baby's. Hey DrC, how high do you have it and could it be used with a normal 8' ceiling ?
Have an awesome night you guys...just had to ask about the light. Cheers.:high-five:
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Awesome Shiggs! Thanks for the pics. That light is obviously something different. The spot light effect is something I've never seem from LED lights. The biggest problem with all LEDs is footprint. This is why i'm so interested in your light mover. I'm trying to wrap my mind around putting my GOD 1200 on a mover. I'm not sure it's possible. I'll need to contact agramover and see what they say.


Agramover is beast in design. Time will tell on length of life. But I read very positive things. I wouldn't hesitate to mount pretty much any light to it.

I'm gonna try and get some pics and a video tonight. The "spotlight" is much less apparent in person. I can see the whole of foliage lit in about a 2' X 4' swath. I also did something cool last night and used bamboo stakes and zip ties to get my 4 Eshines the perfect distance from one another. They are like one adjustable unit now. I think using bam In an ideal world I would have everything on rails, 2 Eshines, then one Perfect sun, then two Eshines, one more Perfect Sun, and two Eshines at the end. I would have the central Eshines be fixed and two light movers each with two Eshines and one perfect sun.

One of the misconceptions about light movers is that they will let you ignore watts/sq ft. That is a misconception that will earn you more plants with smaller buds. The point of light movers to me is that you can illuminate the plant from several angles, producing more even full buds, and that you can put the light closer than you normally could. There is still a limit to the useable light but since all the leaves under the perfect sun are reaching up, I think I will stay at this distance a bit. I am somewhere in the 18" range. Seems like a nice mix of intensity and spread. It is said you can increase yield by 30%...I'm not sure about that. But it will be fun to see. I know OttowaGreen does pretty darn well with his light mover.
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

I think I put that for last update but this is correct lol.

Pineapple Fields "Linda"






THC Bomb


Shots of the garden

Under the Eshines is Pineapple Fields "Linda" to the far left, clockwise under the blurples are Twister, Tut2, and another Twister up front. You can see my bamboo stick light adjusting frame connecting the eshines. Keeps them all in perfect relation to one another.

No words in this video but you can see the Perfect Sun in motion. Under the perfect Sun 1000 is Twister in the back and HK11 in the front. To the right under the 600W HPS is Tut1 in the back and THC Bomb up front.

Under the Eshines is Pineapple Fields "Linda" to the far left, clockwise under the blurples are Twister, Tut2, and another Twister up front. You can see my bamboo stick light adjusting frame connecting the eshines. Keeps them all in perfect relation to one another.

High Brix gals got a Growth Energy Drench. Chem girls got enough water to tide them over until tomorrow's chem watering.

Planted the soaked seeds, about 20 new seedlings will come (I hope!) No words in this vid, I was a bit shy.

Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Wow. You have game. I see upgrades on journals all over this place but you are set brother. Your Tut and Bomb are coming along nicely. I see some issues on a few leafs but those strains are a challenge to keep happy. And your two look great. I'm sure your friends get to take lots on naps due to your plants potential.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Wow. You have game. I see upgrades on journals all over this place but you are set brother. Your Tut and Bomb are coming along nicely. I see some issues on a few leafs but those strains are a challenge to keep happy. And your two look great. I'm sure your friends get to take lots on naps due to your plants potential.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

You got some good eyes... I can't see a single bad leaf lol!
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Damned impressive Shiggity. I'm speechless. Let me post a ShiggityFlip in honor of that.
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Just catching up on all things Shiggity. I really like your set up mate. I've been dying to redesign my garage and setup tracks. But the engine never stops running long enough to do it. Hope you don't mind if I sit back and have a shiggity flip while watching your video mate :)
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

One of the misconceptions about light movers is that they will let you ignore watts/sq ft. That is a misconception that will earn you more plants with smaller buds. The point of light movers to me is that you can illuminate the plant from several angles, producing more even full buds, and that you can put the light closer than you normally could.

Not having any light mover experience, I kind of always wondered about that exact point. Thanks for explaining that one!
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Wow. You have game. I see upgrades on journals all over this place but you are set brother. Your Tut and Bomb are coming along nicely. I see some issues on a few leafs but those strains are a challenge to keep happy. And your two look great. I'm sure your friends get to take lots on naps due to your plants potential.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thanks millertm, you spotted those leaves well. The Tutankhamon 2 (shorter one) is pretty unhappy in the chem soil. The other tut is doing fine. THC bomb is not super happy in the chem soil. I bet all plants will do better high brix. Seems to make pesky plants happy. Next round will be all HB. The twister is showing a bit of yellowing here and there. Next round I will add a touch of bloodmeal and perhaps an OG drench. Just wanted a base grow in DBHBB soil for the Twister since I will be growing her forever.
You got some good eyes... I can't see a single bad leaf lol!
The Blurple is hiding a lot on that Tut2. She is very unhappy. Of course it is partially due to the fact that someone was tipsy in the grow room the other night and tripped and fell right on her lol. So she is duct taped in more than one place from severely split stems.

Damned impressive Shiggity. I'm speechless. Let me post a ShiggityFlip in honor of that.
Thank you Sue! I love having you come around and infect my grow with your positivity!
Just catching up on all things Shiggity. I really like your set up mate. I've been dying to redesign my garage and setup tracks. But the engine never stops running long enough to do it. Hope you don't mind if I sit back and have a shiggity flip while watching your video mate :)
I set up my light and mover in less than an hour. Just gotta spend the time to plan exactly and meticulously what you are going to do then throw the plans away because something you forgot. Lol. My rail got adjusted to the right because of a low hanging copper pipe. As a result I have all the Eshines to the left instead of flanking the Perfect Sun 1000 on both sides.

Not having any light mover experience, I kind of always wondered about that exact point. Thanks for explaining that one!
Take a trip over to OttowaGreen's chocolope thread it explains everything so well just by seeing his grow!
OG's Nine Strains Under LEDs In Hydro
Thanks for the super awesome update shigs!
I threw in the video just for you. Next time I will add text to explain what is going on!
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Thanks for that update Shiggs! Awesome setup you've got there. The video was very good too. Your ladies are looking fantastic except that one you fell on lol, and looks better than most.

Congrats again on your sponsorship!
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Dr.C,....wait a minute....a GOD 1200...:drool:That is my dream light brotha. 40 pounds and 3500 bones worth of sunshine!! Yeepa...that's (was) Budmaster's flagship model. It's not available any more ....i don't think.They started naming the models according to how many and what type of modules they have in them. The biggest is called a GOD 9 now , with yup, nine modules. Ya eh, i think i would be very careful about installing it on a mover....they will prolly say...ya sure , go ahead....yikes brotha , be careful would ya...( his hands shake with fear). If i ever win the lotto, i'm gettin one of those baby's. Hey DrC, how high do you have it and could it be used with a normal 8' ceiling ?
Have an awesome night you guys...just had to ask about the light. Cheers.:high-five:

Hi duggan!

Yes sir that's the one. It is discontinued. They kept getting damaged in shipping so now they recommend 2 GOD 8 panels instead of 1 GOD 1200.

Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Thanks for that update Shiggs! Awesome setup you've got there. The video was very good too. Your ladies are looking fantastic except that one you fell on lol, and looks better than most.

Congrats again on your sponsorship!
I didn't say it was me!!! Lol. But I do work alone. And gravity sometimes is very challenging after a few bourbons and Kush. And thank you, I wouldn't have tried for the sponsorship if I wasn't impressed by the numbers for this light. And the Twister and Huck Kush below it are really enjoying the new photons. You can just tell ya know?
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Nice. Thanks for the video. Once I get my big grow going again, I'm setting the perfect suns on light rails at 2 feet away. They get the best coverage that way. And at 2 feet away, you get over 1600 par in the middle and over 100,000 lux in the middle. At 18 inches the numbers go insane, but if they can handle it and if it reaches the edges well, then hell, I can't wait to see what happens.

I am also thinking about offering a Perfect Sun 1500, which would have 6 modules instead of 4 and use around 800 watts, or maybe one with 5 modules, which would use 675w. Because they would be longer, they would cover the edges of a 8x4 table with much more par.

A 675w version would only cost $100 more.
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

You got some good eyes... I can't see a single bad leaf lol!
I don't see much, just did not want to brown nose to much. Heh.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

From what I am seeing one more set of modules would be more than perfect for an overflowing 4x4. That's the route I would examine and it would make a fantastic light! This one is really impressing me so far. They are hitting trichome development stage so I am really interested to see how this light works for them! I've got a good feeling about it!
Re: Shiggityflip's High Brix Hunger Games - Catching Perpetual Fire With Docbud's Kit

Jeeez, talk about miss a day miss alot. Your like a mj plant, you get stressed out for a while then double down your efforts to catch up. Two pages at 50 posts, I see you've got a new rail to get installed... Probably is already I'm just way behind. Awesome ShiggityFlip! Is that a perfect sun led? Way cool!

KiG :green_heart:Cheers
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