PeeJay's Perpetual Porta-Scrog Party


This is stunning
All caught up, and glad I made you my first stop in the day while I sit in the stairwell and wait for yet another delivery.

PeeJay, you are my idol. No wonder you were my inspiration to journal. That was the most pleasant read, and good grief, the plants! I think my favorite is the Lemons. You just know looking at her those buds are going to be softball-sized before she's done. :laughtwo:

It hadn't occurred to me fully until,reading today that you had these screens so much closer to the soil level to promote more bud sites. One of my greatest faults, unfortunately, is to often overlook the obvious and sometimes important small details. When I consider how desperate my guardian angel must sometimes feel as I stumble through life..........

I like the efficient way this uses your space. My last grow I wasted that tent space so badly it drove me to distraction. I have one scrog coming in from my contest winnings and I'm hoping to use it during the first run if it gets here soon enough. I just need to figure out which plant to start in it.

I really appreciated your comments about monoculture. I've been thinking more and more about that. It's a matter of finding a strain you enjoy and that benefits you medicinally. Space is at a premium. Which is why I envision the same dream you do - a series of grow/shares where we coop the costs and labor and freely share information and strains. Before I die I'm determined to be an active member in just such a movement. One of my original goals was to show how just about anyone could grow better than you could afford to buy in a closet with little resources. I keep getting upgraded. :laughtwo:

I wasn't prepared for how addictive the cultivating part is. I think I'm still resisting that on some level. Huh! Hadn't thought of it like that before. :hmmmm:

Now I've caught up here I can go on to my own yard and catch up there. :laughtwo: Have a wonderful day PeeJay. Keep that bar high buckaroo. I'll be watching my own soil carefully this year. I expect it to match yours in performance. It deserves a year of my undivided attention to get the no-till plots firmly established. Last year was rough on all of us.

I've hung around you long enough PeeJay. I have to go. :circle-of-love:
This is pretty cool. I decided I'd go out and snip off a nice sample bud from wonky Chit to let dry and enjoy sometime this weekend. The whole plant looks a little more purple. What really suprised me was what it looks like from underneath. This stuff is going purps big time.


Nice upskirt shot! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Really gorgeous regardless of anything else.
It hadn't occurred to me fully until,reading today that you had these screens so much closer to the soil level to promote more bud sites. One of my greatest faults, unfortunately, is to often overlook the obvious and sometimes important small details. When I consider how desperate my guardian angel must sometimes feel as I stumble through life..........

I like the efficient way this uses your space. My last grow I wasted that tent space so badly it drove me to distraction. I have one scrog coming in from my contest winnings and I'm hoping to use it during the first run if it gets here soon enough. I just need to figure out which plant to start in it.

I have mixed feelings about the porta-SCRoGs. The Chitrals kinda let me down and I don't know how much of that has to do with them being chronically stuck in reveg mode, if the rather violent screen training was a factor in their being chronically stuck in reveg mode, or if the strain just don't like that shite.

Canna has two early flower clones going in a side by side; one with more traditional LST and one being trained in a low screen SCRoG like these plants. I haven't seen pictures of 'em in a bit but it looks like the one in the screen is lot's wonkier than the LST one. I haven't done this low screen thing that much but I think some strains basic structures are better suited to it than others. When your plants get about 4 nodes we should look at them and choose one to go under the screen based on what it's doing.
I'm with Mr A -- Wonky Chitral's mum was stunning. Too bad her clone turned out wonky ... is it because the clone was taken early in flower? Forgive me, my ignorance of cloning is total! Side effect of only having grown autos ...

When a plant goes into flower there are big hormonal and other cell signaling changes that take place. When a photo period plant is forced back into veg from flower it goes into biochemical signaling turmoil, Glimmer. Eventually it straightens itself out after a prolonged bout of erratic behavior. Both the Chitrals never really got it together.

What are you doing in Justin's basement? Are you there to spot him when he pulls his falling down the stairs gag?
This is pretty cool. I decided I'd go out and snip off a nice sample bud from wonky Chit to let dry and enjoy sometime this weekend. The whole plant looks a little more purple. What really suprised me was what it looks like from underneath. This stuff is going purps big time.



Remember that automotive paint job from the 90s where the paint was green and sparkly, then purple and sparkly, then green and sparkly again.

hmmmm :hmmmm: wonder why I thought of that :rofl:
Here's that test nug after trimming down and it has dried for a day. Not ready to burn yet by any means but this is going to be some fruitylicious goodness. :)

Yum - looks like it was rolled in sugar frosted fruit loops!
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