Is this plant ready for harvest? It stopped drinking a few days ago. The trichomes are too small to photograph with my camera lens and I have not mastered how to use a loupe. I am not seeing any amber trichomes but they look mostly cloudy to my eyes.
Not drinking anymore and/or less is a good sign !

I would say you are "in the window" ;)

Looking forward to hearing about the first taste/report :bongrip:

The best advice I have ever received about harvest is, when you think it's ready wait a week. Sometimes even when you think it's ready and you have waited a week, wait another week. I don't often go for the second week but as a rule, I will wait a week when I'm starting to get antsy. Been worth it every single time.
I'd say give it till the weekend but , I'm only looking at pictures. Looks tasty.
Have a great day
Thank you, and what a stunning day it has turned into. I hope you are having an awesome day too chom!
Not drinking anymore and/or less is a good sign !

I would say you are "in the window" ;)

Looking forward to hearing about the first taste/report :bongrip:

Thank you Chuckeye :passitleft:
What they said!
:hug: couldn't resist. I'm besides myself with happiness that you are embarking on an auto grow!
The best advice I have ever received about harvest is, when you think it's ready wait a week. Sometimes even when you think it's ready and you have waited a week, wait another week. I don't often go for the second week but as a rule, I will wait a week when I'm starting to get antsy. Been worth it every single time.
Hehehe, very good advice :passitleft:
Soil will buffer water pH, but as I have learned buying soil, it doesn't hurt to test it (correctly) if you can't figure what the heck is going wrong. I've bought bags of commercial soil with a pH in the high 7 and others in the mid 5s, so there's that.

Also, those graphs are great, but many folks think it's for the water pH of hydro and the water pH for soil. It's actually for the pH of the soil itself.
Here's another chart showing pH availability between soil and water media

PH Chart for Soil and Water.jpg
In Gee's thread we've been talking about banana peel tea for potassium. I made and used banana peel tea for my 2020 outdoor grow and coincidentally (or synchronistically) I have been wondering if I should give it a shot with the RR1 plant and its leaf issues, then it comes up in Gee's thread!

The upshot is that I am going to make some tea and see if it helps. It's a slow thing because it'll take a week to brew and I reckon I only have three or so weeks left on this plant. Anyway, let's see.

So I made a small batch, chopping the peels of 3 bananas and adding a teaspoon of EWC to the jar, with dechlorinated water and a couple of mls of microbes. I will soak that for a week and burp the jar regularly, as one would any fermenting liquid.

The dilution will be 5 parts water to 1 part banana peel tea for a stronger starting solution, or 10 parts water to one part banana peel tea for a weaker solution. I'm going to go with the stronger solution because I don't have time to muck about. If it's a potassium overload the leaves will show us and if the worst comes to the worst, I can flush.

What do you think Growmies?

I also wondered if it was SIP related and that maybe I was doing this because of my previous SWICK issues.

No, the people who sold me the soil are retailers and they didn't sell me the supplements. I bought those elsewhere.
My first SIP told me I'd be needing cal/mag with my LOS. The second grow I tried to keep ahead with it and did. Next grow I'm going to adjust my soil and try to go plain ro water. I know my soil is unbalanced with calcium so maybe this time I'll get it!
In Gee's thread we've been talking about banana peel tea for potassium. I made and used banana peel tea for my 2020 outdoor grow and coincidentally (or synchronistically) I have been wondering if I should give it a shot with the RR1 plant and its leaf issues, then it comes up in Gee's thread!

The upshot is that I am going to make some tea and see if it helps. It's a slow thing because it'll take a week to brew and I reckon I only have three or so weeks left on this plant. Anyway, let's see.

So I made a small batch, chopping the peels of 3 bananas and adding a teaspoon of EWC to the jar, with dechlorinated water and a couple of mls of microbes. I will soak that for a week and burp the jar regularly, as one would any fermenting liquid.

The dilution will be 5 parts water to 1 part banana peel tea for a stronger starting solution, or 10 parts water to one part banana peel tea for a weaker solution. I'm going to go with the stronger solution because I don't have time to muck about. If it's a potassium overload the leaves will show us and if the worst comes to the worst, I can flush.

What do you think Growmies?

Sweet! I'm all 👀 on this one❤️. 👊
My first SIP told me I'd be needing cal/mag with my LOS. The second grow I tried to keep ahead with it and did. Next grow I'm going to adjust my soil and try to go plain ro water. I know my soil is unbalanced with calcium so maybe this time I'll get it!
I read this before and implemented it myself, because I didn't read it properly :rolleyes: lol.
Sweet! I'm all 👀 on this one❤️. 👊
Yay! 👊:)
As I recall the only replacement for distilled in pH tests is deionized water but I won't swear to that, nor do I know where you'd get it. Not sure where you are but distilled water is really cheap here.

if you use distilled get it from a grocery store or pharmacy. some big box and automotive stores carry it for use in lead acid batteries. a chemical gets added to discourage human consumption which will throw your results off.

From what I know both distilled and RO generally have the same pH(7.0) and are demineralized.

both should have under 7.

when testing you should never use a bulb style ph tester in distilled water alone. it'll both mess with calibration and destroy the bulb.

most RO will have some mineral content though small. RO almost always starts under 7 but will pull quickly from the air to get to neutral. it's amazing how fast it can happen.

Most of the Jadam stuff is 1:20 at least and get stronger with age. I usually go 1:30 or 1:60 so 2 or 1 tablespoons per liter. If it's too strong you'll burn your plants so just be sure to watch for any negative reaction.
I hope Azi you don't mind me plonking this here for reference.

I have just fed my RR1 plant a dose of banana tea. It'll be a weak dose because the concoction has only been sitting overnight. I added 10 mls to a L of water and ended up with 40 mls in 4 L of water.

I decided to do this because the yellow in the leaves is spreading fast, as is the burn issue. I hope it's not going to have an opposite effect.

I was wondering, could I be seeing senescence starting too at this stage? The plant is 74 days old and 35 days into flower. The pistils are turning caramel coloured and they are turning in.
I was wondering, could I be seeing senescence starting too at this stage? The plant is 74 days old and 35 days into flower. The pistils are turning caramel coloured and they are turning in.
That has been my suspicion.
I hope Azi you don't mind me plonking this here for reference.

I have just fed my RR1 plant a dose of banana tea. It'll be a weak dose because the concoction has only been sitting overnight. I added 10 mls to a L of water and ended up with 40 mls in 4 L of water.

I decided to do this because the yellow in the leaves is spreading fast, as is the burn issue. I hope it's not going to have an opposite effect.

I was wondering, could I be seeing senescence starting too at this stage? The plant is 74 days old and 35 days into flower. The pistils are turning caramel coloured and they are turning in.
What are the trichomes saying? Are they getting milky yet?
What are the trichomes saying? Are they getting milky yet?
Interesting. I didn't expect this. They do look milky don't they? I didn't expect to see any amber this early. I thought they had a way to go still. I plan to take the outdoor RR2 down today and that plant has been flowering 12 days longer than the RR1. What do you think, Gee man?

Interesting. I didn't expect this. They do look milky don't they? I didn't expect to see any amber this early. I thought they had a way to go still. I plan to take the outdoor RR2 down today and that plant has been flowering 12 days longer than the RR1. What do you think, Gee man?

This is why looking at trichomes is not a very good indicator for maturity for new growers starting out. Trichomes may become amber on the sugar leaves two months before harvest. It's better to look at overall bud cluster formation and its maturity before looking at any thrichomes.

The latter (thrichomes maturity) should only be a confirmation on the first assessment, looking at flower clusters over shape, form and maturity. I see mostly clear thrichomes in the pictures.
I hope Azi you don't mind me plonking this here for reference.

I have just fed my RR1 plant a dose of banana tea. It'll be a weak dose because the concoction has only been sitting overnight. I added 10 mls to a L of water and ended up with 40 mls in 4 L of water.

I decided to do this because the yellow in the leaves is spreading fast, as is the burn issue. I hope it's not going to have an opposite effect.

I was wondering, could I be seeing senescence starting too at this stage? The plant is 74 days old and 35 days into flower. The pistils are turning caramel coloured and they are turning in.
No. Cannabis flowers for months naturally and effects of "senescence" are immobile by nature. Meaning it will not have a systemic effect like you see in your plant when all of its tissues are getting a lighter shade of green, senescence only affect certain leaves after months of flowering.

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