Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Don't think I've ever seen so many buds packed into one tent. Very impressive. That lemon garlic OG looks fantastic as well. Very crystalline and quite similar to the pic HSO uses to show her off. Loving the resin rails on her. Does she smell like her moniker?
Hey Blaze yep and then some! I'm, very impressed with her and don't have to wait long now! I mixed up when she was put into flower with my truth band so just a cpl or 3 weeks left on her! Good job really as I'm gonna need her for my trip to my frist UK expo, the product earth expo is coming up fast and Humboldt are gonna be there so I need some topflight bud to pass around to them! Wouldn't do to have subgrade product for them lol.
I'm getting excited to be honest now as were doing the posh camping bit or Glamping and there's a music festival at same time! So as long as the weather holds out we should have a blast! ;)
Oh and the DeathStar is coming along now and soon I'll have to bring in part of her training framework!
Well for a new training styles stay tuned! :)
I'm soon going to run a cpl of plants that will be like nothing seen before! I'm reworking the sea of green idea, yet mine needs mad airflow as I'm not building one colas and chopping the other limbs away, nope were leaving all branches on but binding them in a certain manner around the main stem for huge super single looking colas :) if it works I'll do a tent with 20 plants all done the same! ;)
Hey Blaze yep and then some! I'm, very impressed with her and don't have to wait long now! I mixed up when she was put into flower with my truth band so just a cpl or 3 weeks left on her! Good job really as I'm gonna need her for my trip to my frist UK expo, the product earth expo is coming up fast and Humboldt are gonna be there so I need some topflight bud to pass around to them! Wouldn't do to have subgrade product for them lol.
I'm getting excited to be honest now as were doing the posh camping bit or Glamping and there's a music festival at same time! So as long as the weather holds out we should have a blast! ;)

Sounds awesome bud, and I agree... you need to impress those boys with skills. Time to put up or shut up. LOL! If it's good enough for you to showcase with, then it is definitely good enough for me to want to grow it. Will place it on my wishlist. Thanks
Wow! That lemon garlic is lookin awesome! Very impressive LA! My hat goes off to you sir. Your growing style and training techniques have opened my eyes to so many more possibilities in my own garden(s). Thank you so much for putting in the numerous hours, and countless days of training, and preparing your plants during veg. Its not easy documenting, taking pictures, uploading, ect., ect...I know. Beleive me...its why I haven't done any journal's yet. Lol! But seriously..and from the bottom of heart...thank you. Im outta here...Sparks.
Some nice strains coming into the mix here. Quite a few that I have my eye on already. Like the Choc mint OG and the purple trainwreck.
Hey LA I'm looking forward in particular to your grow of the Bubba's Gift. I have one in veg at the minute so I'm looking forward to seeing yours catch up and take over mine so I can see what they look like when grown properly lol. All the best :thumb:
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