Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Hey Darkgrow, lol your asking the wrong chap :)

I know nothing much tech side, I'm a simple grower who just uses the kit. Obviously if anything is ever a miss, I'd shout about it with any of my products!
Im gonna look into this Emerson a touch though as its so unknown. My thinking may be wrong but I think I get the plants processes utilizing this light.

Now this is me and no source material has been read :)

So a plant in the real world gets a lovely fade of light giving a nice gradual transition from light to dark and vice versa. We just flip a switch! So the plant is just snapped into either state. This surely interferes with the natural order of the plants internal systems in my eyes. Now I think, and yes this is all out of my head lol, so don't count it as fact, but I think the IR used for half hour at lights on, with 15 mins each side of the flip. Then the same again at night. This to me makes sense so the plant can finish and start its wind down process, or wakeup process and follow through clearing the system and thus the plant gets everything where its needed each cycle.
I thinks the levels needed are yet to be properly established, though my cob seems to be ideal to cover my entire 140x140 tent, also these are banging topend diodes so I'm not worried on a lack of IR :)
Yup been using Remos line for a while now and I like it loads, very good for somebody who likes control. Its broken down into enough components, that when you know what your doing you can tailor your feed easily to plant or strain needs. So far I'm happy as hell and 'm lucky to know Remo yet he knows I don't pull my punches, if there is any fault it could be salts, yet to be fair its not caused me any adverse effects!
Its listed in my SIG that thread and is active still with a new round of DP autos going through! :)
I've still 2 other lines of nutes to run lined up so my current young wave and my deathstar will be my last remo nutes plants for a while :)
Well let's have some pics!
The back 3 are almost done so were on straight water and have been for a week or just over! Oh and new can and video coming soon! :)
Thanks JohnnyB :) I'm gonna go remind myself on the hso stock and get back to ya! :)

Oh and boundaries are just there to be broken and as regular as possible! :)

Well folks in other news, Im having a really good day today! I got written confirmation from somebody today on something that was discussed in Spain. So now it seems I may have my foot in the door for sure within the industry!! :)
Sorry to explain a touch, its just you hear lots of plans and promises at the expos, most turn out to be empty or simply forgotten in the smog of beer and tokin memories lol. So I'd learned after my first show to take everything with a pinch of salt. Well to get the email today just means I've a real shot now at getting stateside and living my dreams! :)

So yep not a bad morning before going to work :)
Well my day keeps getting better! :)

I'm getting a one off wiring system built for me and my Deathstar of bud build! Here's a crappy pic I drew up by hand to show what lighting rig I'll use. Not sure if I'll go with Just one cluster of the Budmaster HPS per corner, making 10 clusters total with 2 in the centre or double up and run 16 in the corners making 18?? I'll see what temps are gonna be like and if poss fit em all..... ;) I've got to live up to the name after all ;)
:ciao: LA
Well my day keeps getting better! :)

I'm getting a one off wiring system built for me and my Deathstar of bud build! Here's a crappy pic I drew up by hand to show what lighting rig I'll use. Not sure if I'll go with Just one cluster of the Budmaster HPS per corner, making 10 clusters total with 2 in the centre or double up and run 16 in the corners making 18?? I'll see what temps are gonna be like and if poss fit em all..... ;) I've got to live up to the name after all ;)

That's going to be a sun's worth of lighting. Perfect for a DeathStar to grow from. Hope you can control the temps LA
:passitleft: High Light... I've kinda been MIA for the last few days but I am finally back home and feeling almost normal again... well normal may be going a bit to far...:biglaugh::biglaugh: but I hope you don't mind but I need a bit of help from your followers... There is a light from Twilight that I really want and I need everyone to hit "like" and "thanks" on this post pleaseeeeeee .... Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual the link is also in my signature... I really really really want this light so all you guys please hit the link and like the post for me...:thanks:....:circle-of-love:
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